Customized vape setups


borosilicate fiend..
minnesnowta said:
Wait is your VG gonna finaly show up?? I swooped one of the heady pd stems from clear dome and haven't grabbed anything else glass related for a bit. I have an urge to get something on order just can't decide what I want yet.
Nah, not the VG... traded the stemline/AC for a 4-8. Dying to get my VG stuff already, he said my rig/dish is done... He also told me my toob is all setup, just needs to be assembled... I can't wait to see what everything is gonna look like.


SG inv4...
No fair :mad:

I'm chasing an SG sooo bad but I have no idea how to get one into Australia.

Those full size stemline/gridded 8 arms on CGC would be so awesome to hit with the Supreme :ninja:


Vaporist/Glass Head
Well atleast he's back workin again. You and stone monkey have been waiting for a grip. Should be amazing when you both get it. I think snowboarding is about done for me so now I'll have alot more free money. And I'm in need of something new.... I got bit by the glass bug bad


Well-Known Member
Wow that thing stacked bubbles!

I ended up ordering another Ehle diffy from EDIT to replace the broken one. I've started to get used to it but the non-diffused downstem is really leaving me wanting more...

I've noticed I have less control, with the diffy I could pull harder/softer for different milk speeds, that technique doesn't work with this downstem. Also I've noticed that I just can't get the same amount of milk from the non-diffused downstem as I could with the diffused, does that make sense? I've been vaping on the same set of strains and I'm pretty sure the only variable is the downstem, hoping that I'll be back to normal with the new diffy.


Serial vapist
actually it makes sense that the non diffused wouldnt give you the same thickness of vapor. I imagine you draw slower and more evenly when youre pulling the air through little tiny holes/slits instead of one huge hole. I know it's pretty hard to hit my non-diffused stemmed bong slow, it goes from stop to medium speed pretty much. Looking forward to getting a smaller piece w/ diffusion.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response steiner that makes sense. I think your definitely right about the slower, more even draw. I guess the diffy allows more 'bubble-control,' the non-diffused downstem pulls the same size bubbles all the time, just a slight change in speed I think.

This makes me wonder about my next investment, initially I was thinking about a SGW waffle but I think it might be overkill. I'm wondering if there's a specific design or type of diffusion that facilitates user control?


Vaporist/Glass Head
Well and remember that with the crazy high diffusion pieces you need quite a bit of airflow to get them diffusing to their full potential. So if you can only hit it slow because your vape doesn't have enough heat to hit it fast you'll only be using a portion of diffusion available. If that makes any sense at all.

I see your using the extreme and That should have enough ooomff behind it so you can pull as hard as you can. I know durden has been using an E with his inverted 4 but I haven't had a chance to try one myself.

I just wouldn't drop $300+ on a super nice tube if I have to hit it like a girl ya know?


Well-Known Member
Ya the 'over-diffusion' if there is such a thing is why I'm shying away from the Waffle; I've never hit a piece like that but I think I can do just fine with a little less diffusion. I'm still leaning towards an SGW piece but I've got some time before I have the money to decide.

I definitely won't be hitting this piece like a girl but my girl will! :uhoh: Since we vape together pretty often I do have to take that into account. thanks for the help :peace:

minnesnowta said:
Well and remember that with the crazy high diffusion pieces you need quite a bit of airflow to get them diffusing to their full potential. So if you can only hit it slow because your vape doesn't have enough heat to hit it fast you'll only be using a portion of diffusion available. If that makes any sense at all.

I see your using the extreme and That should have enough ooomff behind it so you can pull as hard as you can. I know durden has been using an E with his inverted 4 but I haven't had a chance to try one myself.

I just wouldn't drop $300+ on a super nice tube if I have to hit it like a girl ya know?


I am Jack's title
The last couple of waffles I've seen for sale online have had between 20 and 26 holes, which is much less than the 60 holes in my gridded inv4 or a similar amount (up to 80 or more in the larger tubes) in a gridded stemline or inline. An 8 arm tree will have 3 openings per tree usually, which means 24 holes for diffusion, but there is much more glass in the airpath than in a waffle. It also doesn't require huge amounts of water like some perc designs.


Chief Vapor Officer
Durden - My samurai dubb will be sporting a stand that will require a lathe to be put on it. Personally, I prefer the narrower bore but obviously just a preference.

Never really thought about how few holes the waffle actually had but it definitely does the trick. One thing I really like about the waffle is that it is easy to get all holes diffusing. I hope the gridded inline in the sam dub will have diffuse as evenly as the waffle.


Stan Holmes
The Extreme Q is definately the best buy going, a very usable bag and whip system. I added something to the device that looks hardcore, but could be very useful for someone with limited use of their arms or other mobility issues. It allows hands free usage:

This actually works great, with or without the air assist. Gives super dual "nosehits". Inhale deeply and the cyclone bowl works. The only modification I had to do is to cover some "vent" holes with some tape. Hope this may be a help to someone. :peace:
SanJuanStan said:
I added something to the device that looks hardcore, but could be very useful for someone with limited use of their arms or other mobility issues. It allows hands free usage
Perfect for the hardcore gamer too. :brow:
Big Dick Baller,


Rock the Casbah
SanJuanStan said:
The Extreme Q is definately the best buy going, a very usable bag and whip system. I added something to the device that looks hardcore, but could be very useful for someone with limited use of their arms or other mobility issues. It allows hands free usage:

This actually works great, with or without the air assist. Gives super dual "nosehits". Inhale deeply and the cyclone bowl works. The only modification I had to do is to cover some "vent" holes with some tape. Hope this may be a help to someone. :peace:
My only gripe with this is how the after effect of the vapor is going to be on your sinuses. I once did something stupid and cleared an EHLE 100ml with my nose and boy did I regret it. My nose was tingling to almost a slight burning sensation for the rest of the night.


Well-Known Member
quomist said:
SanJuanStan said:
The Extreme Q is definately the best buy going, a very usable bag and whip system. I added something to the device that looks hardcore, but could be very useful for someone with limited use of their arms or other mobility issues. It allows hands free usage:

This actually works great, with or without the air assist. Gives super dual "nosehits". Inhale deeply and the cyclone bowl works. The only modification I had to do is to cover some "vent" holes with some tape. Hope this may be a help to someone. :peace:
My only gripe with this is how the after effect of the vapor is going to be on your sinuses. I once did something stupid and cleared an EHLE 100ml with my nose and boy did I regret it. My nose was tingling to almost a slight burning sensation for the rest of the night.
I know exactly what you mean, vapor does a number on my sinuses as well. No matter what I do, drink water, lower temp, it still seems to affect my sinuses in a very unpleasant way, so I find myself always buying sudafed and doing a nasal rinse atleast once a week (helps so much). Even with water filtration my sinuses get really dry. I have noticed that when I exhale out both my nose and mouth it alleviates the problem a little but not much :/


Low temp deadhead vaporist
my first vape was a heat gun vape. the erlemeyer flask replaced the original from California color changers am still using the same heat gun(craftsman). lI use a bong with a universal vaporizer bowl
and a craftsman gun i also use a launch box


Vaporist/Glass Head
You lucky sob. That's the second custom ordered sg I've seen this week. I don't get how you guys manage it. Lookin on point. What's on the bottom?? That's not a standard inv 4. It looks bigger than normal. EXPLAIN!!

Lol I'm soooo jealous right now. Your friggin king dub has to be close to done too. There's pics of one on gd and I thought it was yours...
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