Customized vape setups


Well-Known Member
hereatlast said:
As for how they are held, I think Durden is referencing the fact that with the carb you have to put your finger over the hole, not that there isn't a multitude of ways of hitting a carbed bong. I've personally never hit a bong with a carb but I'm sure I could figure it out ;)
The carb can be covered by any part of the hand; not just a finger. There's no pre-set means of holding the thing. Just whatever is comfortable. Given the diameter of an average tube and the hand of a grown man, it's a moot point.

As for the rest, I'm comfortable leaving it as a misunderstanding. It can be difficult to convey intent through a forum posting, and perhaps that's where thing went awry.



Well-Known Member
The carb hole must be covered though, whether hand or finger or other body part. For me I find myself holding my bong at the bottom with one hand, at the top with one hand, sometimes in the middle with one hand, I'm all over the that sense there is a pre-set way of holding the tube.

Not trying to nitpick at all, just want to express that a moot point to you is one that would/will inform my purchases in the future. Also, I'll stamp this with my :2c: because I'm really trying not sound like an asshole. :peace:


vapor junkie
Staff member
Let's not debate why one personal preference is better than another.

FWIW, carbs can be plugged with a rubber stopper.


Well-Known Member
hereatlast said:
The carb hole must be covered though, whether hand or finger or other body part. For me I find myself holding my bong at the bottom with one hand, at the top with one hand, sometimes in the middle with one hand, I'm all over the that sense there is a pre-set way of holding the tube.
LOL. Similarly, one can steer a car with his feet, but why would he want to? There's about 8' of vertical leeway, in the round no less. If that's not enough flexibility, there may be other issues at play.

Not trying to nitpick at all, just want to express that a moot point to you is one that would/will inform my purchases in the future.
You may actually try using a carb'd tube, before issuing a prerequisite based on nothing more than a lack of experience and a series of what-ifs.

Also, I'll stamp this with my :2c: because I'm really trying not sound like an asshole. :peace:
Good luck to you.



Well-Known Member
vtac said:
Let's not debate why one personal preference is better than another.

FWIW, carbs can be plugged with a rubber stopper.
Sorry, didn't see your comment before replying.



I am Jack's title
Hey Simon, sorry if I came off the wrong way, I was trying to show that I was suprised and slightly confused by that statement, perhaps :o or the one I edited it to would have been a better choice on my part and for that I apologize. I still don't understand why someone would want specifically 'thinner' glass, I could understand lighter or smaller, regardless though if that's your opinion your entitled to it but I'm still curious as to why.


Well-Known Member
Durden said:
Hey Simon, sorry if I came off the wrong way, I was trying to show that I was suprised and slightly confused by that statement, perhaps :o or the one I edited it to would have been a better choice on my part and for that I apologize.
No problem at all. Sometimes true communication gets lost in the words.

I still don't understand why someone would want specifically 'thinner' glass, I could understand lighter or smaller, regardless though if that's your opinion your entitled to it but I'm still curious as to why.
Thinner is lighter. I thought that was obvious. My fault for not clarifying.



Well-Known Member
Sorry Simon, especially if my tone was perceived as harsh, neither that nor undermining your opinion/preferences was my goal. I'll definitely have to try a carb in the future, sounds easier than I initially projected.

I don't think I've mentioned how much I've been enjoying a proper GonG vapor-bong set-up, this 250ml Ehle has been packing a punch, I've noticed it takes 3 or 4 hits to get me where twice as many used to, can't complain with that. I've been packing lots of kief too cause I love the look of vapor milk :cool:


Chief Vapor Officer
Got my hands on one of those Zob Minis. They are 5mm thick and feel pretty sturdy. The female gong joint is flush mounted, which gives it a unique look. Overall, I wish the bubbler was a bit thinner to reduce the air volume but it was pretty good nonetheless.

I noticed that you have to pull really hard to get all ten arms of the tree to diffuse which you can see in the slow motion section towards the end of the video



Call me retarded if u must, I absolutely love this machine, looks like I have spent as much as some of you guys with fancy glass in the end too!

<3 vr9


Darth Vapor
Here is the PD Lineup. None are exactly the same, like snowflakes and Rice Krispies. God, i love rice krispies.

Wood Family - Have not got around to peeling wall paper in my master bedroom and slapping on paint, yet but Maybe i should just stick with the pink flower theme?? Classy.

My favorite PD. Ash.

Walnut is pretty swell too. Hey look at Ashy there in the background. Awwwww.



Well-Known Member
Wow. The grain in that ash is insane. When did you get these? And, being that they are different woods, do you notice any difference in temps?


Darth Vapor
Thanks Iwien. The picture does it no justice though truly. The wood grain is just crazy. I will wait for a sunny day and try and take some better quality pics. This isn't your everyday Louisville Slugger ash. It is special.

I think i got Tom's last custom order if that give you any idea of time frame. I know he doesn't do the custom one's anymore with the mass interest and especially just completing the whole Pandora thing.

Yes there is a slight difference in Temp. It could be attributed to wood type and actual PD size. They are all slightly different sizes too.


Well-Known Member
Ugh my girl just broke our one and only diffused downstem! Trying my best not to make her feel bad, failing miserably.

Any suggestions where the quickest/easiest place to get one shipped is? I'll go through EDIT unless there's a better option. As of now the Ehle diffuser is what I'm thinking

the electrician

Well-Known Member
i believe this is how its done:

attempt at an action shot

the cost of filling the jar with vapour

and the cost to me was pleasantly low. i reckon $10 for the jar, $50 for the downstem and adapter and technically the tubings on the house (but add an extra $10 for that anyway), so roughly $70 for a huge saving in weed and a whole load of good times
the electrician,


borosilicate fiend..
hereatlast said:
Ugh my girl just broke our one and only diffused downstem! Trying my best not to make her feel bad, failing miserably.

Any suggestions where the quickest/easiest place to get one shipped is? I'll go through EDIT unless there's a better option. As of now the Ehle diffuser is what I'm thinking
IIRC, you needed a 14/14 diffy, correct? Try contacting showmeglass or puffnpassglass, I know they used to stock Ehle, maybe they have one lying around. Good luck man.. Peace.


Vaporist/Glass Head
Wait is your VG gonna finaly show up?? I swooped one of the heady pd stems from clear dome and haven't grabbed anything else glass related for a bit. I have an urge to get something on order just can't decide what I want yet.
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