Customized vape setups


Got out SLR for a little more glass porn...



Chief Vapor Officer
Shiz said:
Pappy said:
You want to hit this bong standing up... For a two chamber piece it draws remarkably smooth...I won't say it's effortless but once you get it down (which I did by session 3) it's a very pleasant smoke/vape. Which brings me to the "Is a perc too much diffusion for vaporizing?" question. Probably so!
Thanks for the insight Pappy. I knew you would give some honest feedback pertaining to vapor. That is a sick tube no matter how you slice it. According to all the other reviews, it is exceptional at smoothing out smoke. If you were still a regular smoker I think you would have noticed much more of the superior diffusion that tube offers over others. A smoker would be able to truly take advantage of all that diffusion and take monster hits that would not be possible on other tubes.

Now we need Stonemonkey to give us a review of the sg pillars.... vapor vs smoke. I've been contemplating a custom pillar tube but I'm sure the diffusion is overkill for vapor. Probably wouldn't benefit much unless I smoke through it.

@shiz - I think that it is a misnomer when people say that a certain piece is overkill for vaping and would be better served as a combustion piece. To me, if I take a big enough rip out of my Pillar, I will still cough. This tells me that the vapor can be even smoother. I think the question you should ask yourself is, "Do I enjoy using this type of waterpipe?" If the answer is yes, then by all means, use that particular waterpipe.

For me, I'd rather pass on vaping if I have to inhale dry vapor or use a simple, non-diffused piece. For others, that is perfectly fine. Just like some people like smoking blunts, others like pipes, and others like me, prefer really high end glass. In the end, these are personal experiences and the only person that can really answer is yourself. Don't be influenced by people that say this piece isn't good for vaping, or that piece is only good for combustion. In the end, the most important opinion is your own and how you feel about the piece. Just my :2c:


So happens with all this glass (and grass) in house I'm taking a break today. I've obviously been overdoing it the last few days and woke up with a raw throat. Which kinda supports SM's point. Whether you smoke pot or vape it THC expands in the lungs and is a known irritant. Swanee, Lebowski, and my SSFG showerhead are all very smooth but when THC expands in my lungs I cough. And coughing irritates my throat, etc. etc!

I don't doubt Shiz's characterization that the SG 12 arm is reputed to be a great smoke diffuser. But I imagine it does an equally good job diffusing vapor. The sentence that followed my conclusion "Probably so" is "OTOH this tube is so smooth and efficient I don't think you suffer a penalty on taste or lost vapor."


Well-Known Member
stonemonkey55 said:
@shiz - I think that it is a misnomer when people say that a certain piece is overkill for vaping and would be better served as a combustion piece. To me, if I take a big enough rip out of my Pillar, I will still cough. This tells me that the vapor can be even smoother. I think the question you should ask yourself is, "Do I enjoy using this type of waterpipe?" If the answer is yes, then by all means, use that particular waterpipe.
The general consensus seems to be that it's possible to over-diffuse vapor. From your personal experience you disagree with that? I trying to get more specifics to learn the mechanics and diffusion differences between all these tubes and the most effective, efficient methods of using them with vapor or smoke.

Aesthetics aside, there has to be specific differences in draw, diffusion, taste and overall experience between the 60mm, the 12 arm, the pillar (and other diffusion styles) that I can learn and benefit from. I'm an Amazon review reader type...I try to absorb as much info as possible from other consumers like me and make the best purchases I can based on thorough feedback.

If you guys get bored one day and have some extra time, try to see if you can be very specific and tell us how these pieces in particular perform compared to another. I'm sure there's more we can learn from all your experience if you had extra time and really wanted to make some thorough comparisons and reviews. There's nothing like a good thorough review from a source you consider reliable.


Well-Known Member
Here's my experience with over-diffusion of vapor. I haven't done any controlled experiments, just some observations. I'm not exactly sure what over-diffusion is, but I'm going to assume that over-diffusion is a reduction in vapor density.

I like to use AC's with my tubes and such cause I like to watch the percs bubbling away. At first, the more filtration stages the vapor went through, the thinner the vapor was. Eventually I realized that it was the water levels that effected the vapor thickness for me. Even if I use a single perc tube, I can get thin vapor if the water level is too high. I think diffusion is effected by the total water column height that the vapor must travel through. Too much, and vapor density is decreased.


Chief Vapor Officer
Shiz said:
stonemonkey55 said:
@shiz - I think that it is a misnomer when people say that a certain piece is overkill for vaping and would be better served as a combustion piece. To me, if I take a big enough rip out of my Pillar, I will still cough. This tells me that the vapor can be even smoother. I think the question you should ask yourself is, "Do I enjoy using this type of waterpipe?" If the answer is yes, then by all means, use that particular waterpipe.
The general consensus seems to be that it's possible to over-diffuse vapor. From your personal experience you disagree with that? I trying to get more specifics to learn the mechanics and diffusion differences between all these tubes and the most effective, efficient methods of using them with vapor or smoke.

Aesthetics aside, there has to be specific differences in draw, diffusion, taste and overall experience between the 60mm, the 12 arm, the pillar (and other diffusion styles) that I can learn and benefit from. I'm an Amazon review reader type...I try to absorb as much info as possible from other consumers like me and make the best purchases I can based on thorough feedback.

If you guys get bored one day and have some extra time, try to see if you can be very specific and tell us how these pieces in particular perform compared to another. I'm sure there's more we can learn from all your experience if you had extra time and really wanted to make some thorough comparisons and reviews. There's nothing like a good thorough review from a source you consider reliable.

@shiz - I think the general consensus that you can over diffuse vapor is due to the fact that vapor is already smoother than smoke. When I started vaporizing back in 97, the thought of even just using a bong to run your vapor through it was considered overkill. Then when people started adding ice to their bongs, there was another group that said it was overkill. Now the arguement is multiple percs is overkill with vapor, I beleive with time, this opinion will change as well.

The funny thing is, 9 times out of 10, the people that tell me that a certain piece is overkill for vapor are people that have never even used a high end glass piece to vape through. I'm just generalizing here but if anyone is old enough to remember the Sega versus Nintendo console wars back inthe 80s, Nintendo fan boys would say Nintendo was better, while Sega fanboys would stand behind their product. Most of the Nintendo fanboys never even had a chance to play Sega, yet they supported the fact that Nintendo was a superior machine with as much conviction as possible.

I was thinking of different ways to try and describe the experience of these different pieces and it will take a better writer than myself to do so. It is like skydiving, if you have never skydived before, it is hard to understand the true experience of jumping out of a plane, feeling the air rush passed your face, finally hitting terminal velocity, feeling that feeling of bliss, etc etc without actually having skydived before.

A lot of people will say that this piece over diffuses, or this piece takes out all of the flavor, this piece looks like it will have too much drag before even taking a hit. I think we all have a little bit of the "amazon review" person in us where we want to know more about a particular experience before purchasing a piece. I think reading all this gives us pre-conceived notions of how something is supposed to hit/feel/diffuse, and when you have these pre-conceived notions, I often feel like this takes away from the true experience of hitting a piece.

For me, to find out if I really, really like a piece, or if I have been influenced by what I read, I like to vape with a buddy who will blind fold me and hand me different pieces to take hits off of. This way, I have no idea if it is a low end piece, high end piece, multiple chambers, etc etc and make up my mind with a blind vape test. With these blind vapor tests, I've seen some high end pieces get lower scores and vice versa.

Shiz, my recommendation for you is to try to find some people with pieces that you like. After trying those, at least you will have a baseline to compare different experiences to. This would be analagous to taking a test drive, once you test drive a Porsche/Honda/Ferrari etc etc - then it will be easier for you to get a understanding of how a certain piece hits. For example, to me a SGW Waffle hits similarlly to a SG Stemline with slightly more drag and since it has a smaller bore, it clears quicker. Now Pappy is able to somewhat imagine what a Waffle will feel like in comparison to a Stemline.

I dunno if that explanation was helpful or not but I hope it was.


I just took a 2 day smoking moratorium (who says sobriety ain't a high?) so I still haven't had that much experience with Lebowski. But like I said by the third sessions I got the hang of a 2 chamber draw which requires slightly more suction. In turn the condensed draw requires 5 more degrees on my EQV because the faster the draw the less time the air has to heat the vapor.

Honestly, I can't discern a great deal of taste difference between any of my glass pieces. That may be my olfactory senses. The only real downside to using Lebowski I've encountered so far is maintenance. I dump Swanee after each bowl and refresh the water. That won't be happening with Lebowski. The 12 Arm is large and slightly unwieldy. Much more care and effort goes into cleaning including a trip to the bathroom tub. But I've only had it a few days. The more I use it and clean it its maintenance will become more comfortable and familiar.


Well-Known Member
stonemonkey55 said:
I was thinking of different ways to try and describe the experience of these different pieces and it will take a better writer than myself to do so.
Really? I get the message of your post so I won't try to convince you otherwise any longer but that's really all I was asking for. Trying them all out is just not an option for some of us.


I really like that Pappy, very sweet dub bub. You are amassing quite the'll have one for every day of the week soon.


Well-Known Member
Lovin the bent necks Pappy? That's a cool looking dubb. Came out much differently than that other picture you posted a while back.

Other than the GMD mini stemless, I've also got another Etsy artist working on a bubbler for me but that's gonna be a while. Can't wait.


Shiz said:
Lovin the bent necks Pappy? That's a cool looking dubb. Came out much differently than that other picture you posted a while back.

Other than the GMD mini stemless, I've also got another Etsy artist working on a bubbler for me but that's gonna be a while. Can't wait.
Thanks! Swanee was my inspiration, of course! Glasstafarian is very open to exchanging ideas and he really dialed me in. We built it from the ground up and I couldn't' be more pleased. Can't wait to get it!

In case you think there's anything new under the sun ALT posted this a few hours ago.


Soul Rebel
Sweet bubbler, I like the worked section, should be fun to hit :) what kind of perc is the 1st chamber?


Well-Known Member
Very nice Pappy, it'll be great to have some versatility with that first stem as well. Also interested to see how you like the showerhead/circ. Can't quite tell if he gridded it but it seems like he did, I never tried one of his non-gridded circs so I have nothing to compare to but the two-hole gridded design I tried worked great.


Well-Known Member
I keep looking at the sick pick-ups in this thread and it's making me so impatient. I'm on 2 waiting lists for 2 different custom pieces that will probably be very functional but not super clean. Been on 1 list since October. I figured I'd go cheaper on some tubes with different types of diffusion BEFORE I grab my first expensive, perfectly crafted piece.

I'm close to saying fuck it and putting all the money together for a sick piece NOW. Ughhhhh. It's killing me. LW bubblers, stemlines, toro's...they're calling me but don't know what to do. Trying to hold out but what do you guys think I should do?


Shiz said:
I'm close to saying fuck it and putting all the money together for a sick piece NOW. Ughhhhh. It's killing me. LW bubblers, stemlines, toro's...they're calling me but don't know what to do. Trying to hold out but what do you guys think I should do?
That is the question. Ordering a custom piece is a leap of faith but as you can see the results can be spectacular. OTOH nothing compares to the instant gratification of sniping a piece on ALT. I hope this helps. :D


Well-Known Member
They just opened at 12 so I'm calling the shop up the street to check inventory real quick. I might just grab something AND get the GMD piece since I've waited this long.

Edit: They got a bunch of straight Stemlines in but still no mini bent necks. No Luke Wilson bubblers in months. Oh well.


Shiz said:
They just opened at 12 so I'm calling the shop up the street to check inventory real quick. I might just grab something AND get the GMD piece since I've waited this long.

Edit: They got a bunch of straight Stemlines in but still no mini bent necks. No Luke Wilson bubblers in months. Oh well.
If your serious you should look on Boro Market. Maybe save yourself a few bucks. ;)


Well-Known Member
Thought about it but a little worried about getting burned or having something arrive broken during shipping and be stuck with it. Not sure if that risk is worth saving 50-$100 but I'll look into it.


Soul Rebel
BM policy is If it arrives broken it is on the seller... BM keeps things locked down pretty good I wouldn't let that concern you. BTW there are some sweet LW pieces up for sale on BM right now for well below value :)
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