Customized vape setups

Mr. Smoke No More

Can't stop the head rush!
NYCD i like your rasta bong attachment there, would like a few like that for my Q.

Pappy post some pics of your glasstafarian bub. Don't think ive seen it yet.
Mr. Smoke No More,


Mr. Smoke No More said:
appy post some pics of your glasstafarian bub. Don't think ive seen it yet.
He's still working on it (worked sections). Will post pics and a review as soon as I receive it.

Mr. Smoke No More

Can't stop the head rush!
Ah ok cool. Got mine on hold for a bit as money is tight and im contemplating grabbing an inline bub first. Both will be great but not sure which to rock first.
Mr. Smoke No More,


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
So, I just back from "Kind Connection". They have NICE glass there. I wanted to buy something descent to use with my EQ. After looking at many expensive pieces with all kinds of shower heads and multiple diffusers, the guy told me I needed a heavy, nice glass with a diffuser downspouts.

Basicaly, he said that the double and triple filtration was intended to take more toxins out of SMOKE. He said that since vape is clean to begin with, the bong/bubbler just cools down the vapor. He could have sold me a $200 plus bong, but he said he is gettting some in that are quality glass, very heavy, and nice for $50. He showed some higher end ones from this company and they were really nice. I think the companynis HVY, or something that was three letters and began with and H. I probably shouldn't have taken the MFLB with me shopping.

So, anyway, do you think this guy is correct? Should I grab a high quality piece that does not have those fancy diffusers, or will I be missing out on something? This piece will only be used to vape through.

In the meantime I picked up a 14mm adapter for my wand that will let me use my Gear bong with the EQ. Can't wait to try it...


Tstat said:
So, I just back from "Kind Connection". They have NICE glass there. I wanted to buy something descent to use with my EQ. After looking at many expensive pieces with all kinds of shower heads and multiple diffusers, the guy told me I needed a heavy, nice glass with a diffuser downspouts.

Basicaly, he said that the double and triple filtration was intended to take more toxins out of SMOKE. He said that since vape is clean to begin with, the bong/bubbler just cools down the vapor. He could have sold me a $200 plus bong, but he said he is gettting some in that are quality glass, very heavy, and nice for $50. He showed some higher end ones from this company and they were really nice. I think the companynis HVY, or something that was three letters and began with and H. I probably shouldn't have taken the MFLB with me shopping.

So, anyway, do you think this guy is correct? Should I grab a high quality piece that does not have those fancy diffusers, or will I be missing out on something? This piece will only be used to vape through.

In the meantime I picked up a 14mm adapter for my wand that will let me use my Gear bong with the EQ. Can't wait to try it...

id say that is pretty accurate, but you will hear people say that more diffusion is better than less diffusion.

the smaller the bubbles the better the diffusion... and the more of that the better.

im sure there are others who can elaborate more on why some believe this... stonemonkey?

and all of this is subjective of course. everyone likes different stuff. some like a super smooth pull some like some drag. some prefer dirty water while some prefer clean. some like ice and some dont.

all in what you like. if you like the look of a double or triple perc piece and can swing it financially then by all means get the double/triple. just get what YOU like as any water option will improve your vapor experience.

and your memory of the HVY stuff is likely accurate as well. that is about their pricepoint. you can get a quality straight tube or beaker from HVY at a very nice price.


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
Thank you for the response! I just hooked the Gear bong up to the EQ. I love it. It smooths it out and cools it down. And you get the nice feeling of the glass and water. I am tempted to keep this setup, except the glass is green. I like the clean look of clear glass better, and you could see the vapors entering then glass.


Well-Known Member
Tstat, sounds like you're already on your way to an enjoyable vapor-bonging experience. HVY offers a great entry level option, thick (heavy) glass and good workmanship. I think at the same price-point you can get Ehle and a slew of quality Etsy artists.

As for more diffusion, obviously its choice but I love a nicely diffused piece. I personally have not had as much luck or experienced as much enjoyment when using a large two chambered glass-piece. Different styles of diffusion will make the hit feel drastically different that's for sure. This thread and a couple others on FC are great starting points to see what's out there.

OC I really like the look of that piece, love that fashion of circ. (man circulators became popular quickly!); hope your enjoying the new purchase (but don't forget about that baby! :lol: ). Looks like the perfect size. Thanks for the advice, would love to stop by the shop if I can before the end of the year.


At the risk of going slightly off topic a little glass photography...




Well-Known Member
Mr. Smoke No More said:
NYCD i like your rasta bong attachment there, would like a few like that for my Q.

Pappy post some pics of your glasstafarian bub. Don't think ive seen it yet.

Thanks man! Yea i really like the design on mine, though it was totally random. It went well with my rasta label Roor zumo... :)

Mr. Smoke No More

Can't stop the head rush!
NYCD, Damn i bet it would.

Pappy is that a BHO jar? If so does the oil go into the bigger bottom part too, or just the narrower top part? Sorry if this is a rediculous question, its just i like that jar, but think it would be hard to get the oil out of the bottom part maybe.

As for vapour bonging goes, im not nearly as experienced as many in this field, but find i like a smaller 1 chamber piece, that has good diffusion, like an inline etc. With bigger or more chambered pieces I find i can get bigger hits but the taste just isnt there for me, which is more or less my favourite aspect of vaping. I also dont own a SSV or Vriptech wand so maybe with "big hitters" like this a bigger pipe might be more enjoyable. Only time will tell for me
Mr. Smoke No More,


Mr. Smoke No More said:
NYCD, Damn i bet it would.

Pappy is that a BHO jar? If so does the oil go into the bigger bottom part too, or just the narrower top part? Sorry if this is a rediculous question, its just i like that jar, but think it would be hard to get the oil out of the bottom part maybe.

As for vapour bonging goes, im not nearly as experienced as many in this field, but find i like a smaller 1 chamber piece, that has good diffusion, like an inline etc. With bigger or more chambered pieces I find i can get bigger hits but the taste just isnt there for me, which is more or less my favourite aspect of vaping. I also dont own a SSV or Vriptech wand so maybe with "big hitters" like this a bigger pipe might be more enjoyable. Only time will tell for me
No, Mr. S it's an evaporation dish. What you see is the remains of 2 DBV wands and a EQV elbow in an ISO rinse. By this morning it was gooey hash! :D As for bonging on a EQV vs a DBV I'd say the difference is negligible. The tradeoff is elbow loads draw harder whereas the DBV draws easier at a small efficiency sacrifice (roughly 15%). If you know how to use an elbow (which I know you do :cool:) you should be good to go on an inline up to around 18". I personally prefer smaller tubes (12-16) but almost pulled the trigger on an 18 recently.


Soul Rebel
I vapor bong exclusively, when I use my Buddah I tend to load smaller loads so I get more flavorful hits. When I load up the VHW I can get a couple of huge tasty hits from a full bowl.

BTW Boromarket FTW its worth the 10 bucks...


EonBlue said:
Boromarket FTW its worth the 10 bucks
Is that a statement or a question? I thought about joining but I question it's value. Aqua Lab, Chiko Kush and Bit Freak sell similar items with a lot less razzle dazzle and hassle.


Well-Known Member
Boromarket is well worth the price IMO, as long as you're ok with used pieces there's some incredible deals. Also, with the introduction of some of the new "BM Stores" there's some very legit. resellers of new prodo. and custom pieces on there as well.


hereatlast said:
Boromarket is well worth the price IMO, as long as you're ok with used pieces there's some incredible deals. Also, with the introduction of some of the new "BM Stores" there's some very legit. resellers of new prodo. and custom pieces on there as well.
Good to know. Thanks!


Soul Rebel
Pappy...sorry yeah that was a statement...I saw that you were interested in a king stemline and there was one up with an A/C over the weekend for cheap. You will not regret signing up ;)


EonBlue said:
Pappy...sorry yeah that was a statement...I saw that you were interested in a king stemline and there was one up with an A/C over the weekend for cheap. You will not regret signing up ;)
Thanks EB, will do. :)


Well-Known Member
Mr. Smoke No More said:
NYCD, Damn i bet it would.

Pappy is that a BHO jar? If so does the oil go into the bigger bottom part too, or just the narrower top part? Sorry if this is a rediculous question, its just i like that jar, but think it would be hard to get the oil out of the bottom part maybe.

As for vapour bonging goes, im not nearly as experienced as many in this field, but find i like a smaller 1 chamber piece, that has good diffusion, like an inline etc. With bigger or more chambered pieces I find i can get bigger hits but the taste just isnt there for me, which is more or less my favourite aspect of vaping. I also dont own a SSV or Vriptech wand so maybe with "big hitters" like this a bigger pipe might be more enjoyable. Only time will tell for me

Well, I always say to avoid bongs taller then 18" anyway, so for me thats how it is. I also prefer a small, simple piece for vaporizing. I have two that I find best for vapor bong specifications. One is my 12" stemless with bent neck, and the other is my 7 1/2" tall SSFG travel tube with showerhead downstem. I really did prefer the mini beaker with the showerhead, however I need a new downstem(other one broke).

I also noticed, that using the stemless with diffuser marbles really took away the taste, and got a much better taste with no marbles in it. But overall the best taste is from a dry whip but IMO the best high comes from the vapor bong.

My rasta label Roor zumo has a bore of like 62mm(crazy, I know :o ) but is only 14" tall and has a big tall base(the base probably takes at least an inch off of the chamber space) so that had a good pull, but was honestly a bit too big to keep out next to my vape all of the time.


Chief Vapor Officer
Out of all the questions I get asked, I think the diffusion/filtration question is the one I get the most often. This is just my opinion, not VapeXhale's, just mine alone. Some people may disagree, but for the most part, I believe my findings/experiences to be accurate for the average vaporist.

If you are all about the flavor, smaller volume pieces preserve the flavor better than larger pieces. When it comes to which perc diffuses best or how many diffusers you should use, this is really all preference. There are times when my throat is really irritated and I'll bust out a triple chamber bong to really smooth out the vapor. Most of the time though, I opt for a double chamber piece. For me, I still get enough of the flavor and the vapor goes down real smooth.

When I use single chamber pieces, usually I can take a pretty big hit, probably 70-80% my full lung capacity, when I go to dual chamber, I'm closer to 90-95%. With a triple chamber, it feels like I can inhale all day long. Hope this helps


@ stonemonkey > Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in!
Thanks to eonblue, hereatlast and you -- I'm BoroMarkets newest subscriber.


Lost in Thought
My latest (and hopefully final) acquisition for a while :)
I loves it though!!





Notmy Well-Known Member
this is a great thread! i am kicking myself for not reading it until i could add my own post - i finally got my SV! :ko:

i spent a bit of time going through the whole thing -for glass lovers this is the place to be, eh!
great resource here!

anyways, heres what fills me with joy:

Uploaded with


Lost in Thought
Oh yes, I have been chasing that elusive vape as well for some time too! :p

Im a happy camper. :)

And enjoy your SV NMRUN. That thing kicks some serious ass too!
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