Think you missed an IMO there,
my crafty works exactly as I have described it (which is great) none of my other battery powered vapes IMO can match it in performance, only thing for me that lets it down is the fixed battery.
And I've just finished my 2nd back to back bowl @210°c (my usual temp is 180 with 200 boost) without any heat messages, didn't try and charge it but I wouldn't charge any of my batteries straight after using without giving them a rest first (usually 5-10 mins) now maybe this is down to me being in a cooler country temp wise or maybe I just got plain lucky with the unit I got who knows
This is a
safety feature as well as being sensible for battery life/health (maybe it's a little on the cautious side but that's better than the careless side IMO) also most quality chargers have over temp cutoff even the nitecore chargers won't charge if the cells reach over something like 40°c.
As far as Bluetooth mine has connected every time (although not used that often) on iPhone or iPad, although I know android users have had issues.
I probably shouldn't say this but I have had no issues at all (will probably fall to bits now I've said that) and if I do have problems I will have to send from UK to Germany which I would guess isn't going to be quick or too easy, but IMO a two week turnaround isn't all that bad (I know better/faster is possible and happens) and I'm sure lots will disagree with me on this, but for other things in life (not vape related) two weeks is almost a standard and sometimes an improvement, IMO because of what the crafty is and is used for it makes the wait seem much worse than it is.
This is the nature of forums in
general, if someone has an issue they usually want to let others know about it more than someone with no problems wants to share that everything's good, it's human nature.
And I don't think
everyone here is a S&B 'fanboy' personally it's my first S&B product and my feelings towards S&B are neutral, but I am a fan of the crafty simply because of how it performs for me.
And the whole runtime thing is totally dependant on temp used, how long a session is and how hard or frequent you draw so, so some will get the claimed runtime and some won't even come close, similar to MPG claims with car companies it all depends on how each owner drives the car.
I don't intend any of this as an attack or argument simply stating
my opinions
Also just curious as to how your crafty performs in terms of vapour production, is this somewhere your having issues? Or is it more the heat issues you have had mixed with price and worrys about returns?