Well-Known Member
Can we get a tally of the dead crafty so far?
Think that's 5 or so?
Can we get a tally of the dead crafty so far?
Think that's 5 or so?
Can we get a tally of the dead crafty so far?
Think that's 5 or so?
Thanks pal,@h3rbalist no problem. 70hrs , it was used as a main driver which it's not made for. im still happy with the unit and think it's a great design. So much so i plan on getting a volcano to go with it. So have emailed storz and bickel about next step. No I wasn't charging and using unit when it failed. It worked fine then it didn't turn on. Also wasn't having any issues. (It may of been taking slightly longer to hit temp,but not 100%)
Sad to report death of my crafty
Red and orange light show.
Thanks @smokie!
And I agree with @DMPesso, the chamber screen is wayy to open for a unit like the Crafty. Since I haven't ordered a lot of the finer S&B screens specifically for Crafty, I've been using Silver Surfer screens for the past 3-4 days, since I have a laaaarge amount of them.
It keeps a lot of the this grimey stuff out of the chamber (which makes cleaning faster and easier) and, at least in my experiences so far, it has stopped that vapor leakage you sometimes see.
One potential issue with the SSV screen is that it is slightly too big in diameter, so when you put it in the chamber it bulges out slightly. I still pack the same amount I normally do, and it has been no problem at all.
and @sweettooth I know that feel, it seems like it will never go. But, like many things, time (probably 4-5 days max of vaping) will mend it.
Has anyone tried using the liquid pad as the screen for the CU ? Read it somewhere on reddit was curious if anyone has tried it.
Are you using a liquid pad for your seasons at max temp ? How much material are you using for your sessions at max temp ?
I used my davinci vape with some essential oil and it took a while for the smell/taste to go away. I never did that again! Your gonna have to bite the bullet and just "enjoy" that flavor for a little while but it does go away.I just tried vaping some essential oils and now i cant get rid of the taste of lemongrass from the crafty.I used about 3 drops on the liquid oil pad.does anyone know if this taste will go after time ? I just tried giving it a soak in Isoprophyl and no luck.
Just send back the base unit in the original box with your documentation. You can keep the accessories as a bonus . . .To anyone that sent crafty back, do they mean just unit without CU? Not sure what they mean by valve?
I would like to know this as well as this seems inevitable since its stainless steel and that easily scracthes if another metal touches it. I don't see a way around this and it sucks because I can see this maybe causing some damage or different taste because of the scratched metal? At least I hope not
On a side note I have been having much better luck with the fine screen in the cooling unit and just doing start to finish at max temp! HUGE CLOUDS even though I only get about 4 clouds it's worth it such a nice effect it's like a bong rip that's how big the cloud is. Without using max temp I do notice a slight reduction of clouds but the fact that I hardly ever get anything leaking into the CU makes it WAYY worth it. I was honestly pissed that s and b designed it with the big screen because it leaked SO MUCH. Maybe one day they'll come out with a revised screen that's the perfect size holes to not leak but I doubt it. Only problem I can see with the finer screen is the screen getting clogged with sticky resin since the holes are so small. What's the best way to prevent this and clean the screen as well? It's amazing after a session how much abv is sitting on the screen in the CU it makes you wonder of the regular screen were on all that ABV would be leaking into the CU
I used my davinci vape with some essential oil and it took a while for the smell/taste to go away. I never did that again! Your gonna have to bite the bullet and just "enjoy" that flavor for a little while but it does go away.
May I suggest a coarser grind? I use a 10 year old space case. Fairly coarse grind. I get zero abv in the cooling unit with the standard top screen. I've seen ya post about the issue a couple times now. I've had zero issues with the abv gettin up there. Mayve your cooling unit has a defect. Have you tried a different one?
Another thing I love about the crafty and mighty is that I dont inhale any particulate at all, none what so ever. I love the E-nano and SSV but I always inhaled particulate. I know you can use water but the high feels less satisfying when i do even the Volcano I inhaled some particulate sometimes.
May I suggest a coarser grind? I use a 10 year old space case. Fairly coarse grind. I get zero abv in the cooling unit with the standard top screen. I've seen ya post about the issue a couple times now. I've had zero issues with the abv gettin up there. Mayve your cooling unit has a defect. Have you tried a different one?
Fair point about the provided grinder man. I've only used it a couple times but it's definetly a finer grind than my space case.No definitely not defective i have a few I bought and Im using one with the fine screen now just max temp it start to finish with good results. But even when I did a coarse grind slight amounts would leak in. I'm gonna try again but more coarse with the regular screen to compare. But it just bugs me because they provided that grinder but it's not meant for it? I really want to know how they intended it to work.
I agree that plenty of non-defective cooling units get abv leaking in with the stock screen, but I don't know why people care. As long as you're not inhaling abv it's just being nitpicky. As for the fine screen - I just tried it with my new unit, and it's already pretty glazed. I agree it doesn't let abv in, but I don't think it really helps reduce the buildup of glaze. I also think that it restricts airflow - at first the restriction is negligible, but after a couple of days the screen simply gets clogged. This is why I think S&B went with the coarser screen: the clogging is literally the same as when the Plenty upper screen would get clogged after a few uses. Going back to the coarser screen for me. Given how easy the cooling chamber is to clean, the extra airflow is more than worth it for me.
The Pax is a very different design and does not have any convection heating (requiring flow) so herbal material has nowhere to go. The Crafty is designed to allow for convective heating through the load and this has a consequence of dealing with herbal material being exposed to the airflow and therefore bits will make it out of the heating chamber. The cooling unit is designed to capture these bits and with a secondary screen placed prior to the mouthpiece, scooby snacks are eliminated entirely.It's not that I mind it's just a little off putting to know they designed it like this because even the pax doesn't leak ABV. No vape that I know of at least leaks so much abv and it's not a small amount ! If you grind the bud and use the regular screen you literally have to clean the cu every 2 sessions and it's a real pain to get all that gunky abv out. I could care less about the glaze thats not what Im talking about Im strictly talking about ABV.
Geez I've only cleaned mine 3 times since I got it. I ordered mine the day this thread was created so ... every two sessions seems pretty unnecessary to meThe Pax is a very different design and does not have any convection heating (requiring flow) so herbal material has nowhere to go. The Crafty is designed to allow for convective heating through the load and this has a consequence of dealing with herbal material being exposed to the airflow and therefore bits will make it out of the heating chamber. The cooling unit is designed to capture these bits and with a secondary screen placed prior to the mouthpiece, scooby snacks are eliminated entirely.
After replacing the course screen in the cooling unit with the fine mesh, I no longer have herbal matter accumulating in the cooling unit at all.
As far as cleaning the "CU" every 2 sessions? Well that seems to be a bit hyperbolic to me as I've gone 20 sessions without cleaning and not had an issue with draw or taste. YMMV.
Yeah coarser grind always works better with the Crafty, I'd say with any convection vape as well (SSV, E-Nano). The thick pieces of material have nowhere to go.
And I agree completely @sweettooth, Crafty is soooooo good at tasting pure, cool, and amazing.
The Pax is a very different design and does not have any convection heating (requiring flow) so herbal material has nowhere to go. The Crafty is designed to allow for convective heating through the load and this has a consequence of dealing with herbal material being exposed to the airflow and therefore bits will make it out of the heating chamber. The cooling unit is designed to capture these bits and with a secondary screen placed prior to the mouthpiece, scooby snacks are eliminated entirely.
After replacing the course screen in the cooling unit with the fine mesh, I no longer have herbal matter accumulating in the cooling unit at all.
As far as cleaning the "CU" every 2 sessions? Well that seems to be a bit hyperbolic to me as I've gone 20 sessions without cleaning and not had an issue with draw or taste. YMMV.