I haven't used a firefly, but I've used a bunch of portables. One thing I have to say that I haven't seen talked about much as a draw back to the FF and one reason why I am interested in the crafty. It has to do with the whole " getting a feel for it" thing. I own a MLFB and HATE it. I'm a cloud chaser that needs to feel the hit, and so was always pushing the edge. Nothing is worse than combusting your load.

I just don't like the whole learning curve thing and ESPECIALLY with friends who have not used it before. If used incorrectly, or let's say a person is not good at " getting a feel for it. " will the FF combust the meds in it the way a MLFB will? If so, I just don't have any interest in that.
It IS Apples to oranges, it IS all about personal preference, and no one vape, as of yet, will make everyone happy. Probably never will. But for me, I don't care how good the taste is or how instant it is. I don't care how easy it cleans, or about its appearance, what so ever, If it might combust my supply. Even if it's through my error, it's just not for me.