Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel


Well-Known Member

Chamber in the Venty Looks very similar. Ist just „baked“ resin like in the CU, bit harder to clean.
Had this with my Mighty and Crafty too… After a few months it gets darker and peal of like
a coating, but it isnt i think.
I had that on my first Crafty/Mighty. That is probably one of the reasons why capsules were invented. After they launched capsules I had my units replaced for minor bugs and never ever loaded loose herb since then.
This is how they look after more than 5 years (7?):

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
A simple heat up to around 100F to check the battery with the app, shut down and wipe with an achohol wipe as always and I could see the difference immediately.
I leave the heater on and alternate between iso soaked q-tip and Water soaked q-tip while it’s running. (Be careful of steam with water!)
The back and forth + heat definitely gets most of the stubborn stuff removed, but it takes several rounds to clean up.


Flavor Chaser/Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦✊
Not sure if this should be in Ask FC instead, but does anyone else get annoyed by the rattling stir tool/USBC cover when inserted? Wondering if there is a functional risk of leaving the USB port exposed to the elements like dust, lint, pocket debris, etc. I am mostly at-home butane person, but working on a Crafty to-go setup when out and about. Thinking about my mobile phone ports exposed all the time with no major issue.

Green Kiwi

Well-Known Member
Not sure if this should be in Ask FC instead, but does anyone else get annoyed by the rattling stir tool/USBC cover when inserted? Wondering if there is a functional risk of leaving the USB port exposed to the elements like dust, lint, pocket debris, etc. I am mostly at-home butane person, but working on a Crafty to-go setup when out and about. Thinking about my mobile phone ports exposed all the time with no major issue.
I only notice this when I have the orange stir tool in, when the appropriate translucent,orange stir tool is used I don't notice any rattle,i personal feel it's best to keep the cover\stick oN when out and about.:2c::peace::tup:.
Green Kiwi,
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Well-Known Member
Not sure if this should be in Ask FC instead, but does anyone else get annoyed by the rattling stir tool/USBC cover when inserted? Wondering if there is a functional risk of leaving the USB port exposed to the elements like dust, lint, pocket debris, etc. I am mostly at-home butane person, but working on a Crafty to-go setup when out and about. Thinking about my mobile phone ports exposed all the time with no major issue.
I don't use the tool, and only pay attention to it when I'm looking for it after it being pulled out and lost after being turned to charge.

I'm in the camp of, my phone charges at the same current level, it's port is open and I ALWAYS have it with me.... and no problems. Small risk with my Crafty+..... just say'n


Active Member
Question: anyone have any experience with the Mighty/Crafty replacement screens from Vgoodies vs. the S+B brand ones?

I have to use the fine screens in general because of how fine I like my grind-- if I use the coarse one, it lets material right through.

I'm wondering if the weave on the titanium ones is as fine as the stainless steel-- and if they work both work as well as the fine S+B ones? I prefer titanium, but am particularly paranoid about bits falling through-- I'd rather go with the SS if it's tighter and better at blocking tiny tiny particles.

Thanks so much! (posting this to the other S+B portable boards as well, since it's the same screens for all).




Well-Known Member
I had 2 crafties in the past, and I loved them but they weren't the most reliable vapes, did they improve this with the + version?


Cannabis Industry Specialist
I have had my Crafty+ (V1 micro USB) for over a year and a half and use it as my daily on-the-go vape. I have logged 279 hours with it and it is still going strong. I use the Mighty+ and Plenty at home but the Crafty+ gets the most use out of all my vapes by far since I am usually vaping on the go and like to be a bit sneaky with it. I brush out the CU and oven after every bowl and clean everything and replace screens at least once a month and replace the CU every couple months. The only issue I have so far is the heater under the oven screen looks a little rusty* when I change the screen. I always gently brush it off and it look better after that. Anyone else have a heavily-used Crafty+ and noticed the same thing? How many hours do you have on your Crafty+? Hoping to get mine to 420 hours at least haha


New Member
Hi All,

I wish to became Crafty+ user and S&B had discounts up to 30% this month, but they ended these discounts until I've received an answer from S&B support about delivery.

Do they answer e-mails now?
About 1 week has passed since my letter.

And how often there are discounts on their webisite? 300 euro is not the same as 220. But I'm unable to order before confirmation about delivery :(

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
Last edited:


New Member
You can buy the Crafty+ elsewhere
I just worry about this can be a knock-off, a fake Crafty.
My friend has bought one and B&S confirmed him that this is not an original device according to its S/N.
Are you sure all these e-shops are selling original ones?

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
I just worry about this can be a knock-off, a fake Crafty.
My friend has bought one and B&S confirmed him that this is not an original device according to its S/N.
Are you sure all these e-shops are selling original ones?
I've personally tested the Vaposhop, LCV and Black Leaf sites listed in Vapospy and haven't come across any counterfeits.


Hey everyone. Just joined FC and looking to find some like minded folk. Just bought my second Crafty+. My first one I had to get rid of for a long reason I don’t want to get into. I’ve also used PAX products before (3 and mini) but S&B are far more superior in my opinion.

The one I have now I have logged 7hrs33m. So it’s pretty much brand new. Just ordered the dosing capsule magazine and the capsule caddy. So yeah, I love my Crafty, it goes everywhere with me.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Just joined FC and looking to find some like minded folk. Just bought my second Crafty+. My first one I had to get rid of for a long reason I don’t want to get into. I’ve also used PAX products before (3 and mini) but S&B are far more superior in my opinion.

The one I have now I have logged 7hrs33m. So it’s pretty much brand new. Just ordered the dosing capsule magazine and the capsule caddy. So yeah, I love my Crafty, it goes everywhere with me.
Welcome @bomatt
You're going to like it here.


Well-Known Member
Reading around it seems the stainless steel cooling unit by FTV is not very well regarded, so I will try to give a different perspective as I have recently gotten the Crafty to perform in a positive way for the first time after owning it for years.

What I didn't like about the Crafty was that the vapor was harsh and tasted muted with plastic undertones. It would also make me cough very easily (the infamous Bickle tickle), and I didn't find the vapor particularly strong (too diluted).

People can argue all they want about PEEK not off gassing, but some interaction with the terpenes definitely happens and something of the PEEK is present in the vapor otherwise you would not be able to taste it, it's not that complicated to reach this conclusion. Whether this is harmful or not is up for debate, my main concern was the impact on taste.

Good news is that everything that is behind the plastic cooling unit is well thought out in terms of materials used. So basically replacing the cooling unit with a rocket stem or stainless steel CU will greatly improve the taste.

The FTV steel cooling unit is not perfect, it is rough around the edges, it sometimes feels like you could potentially cut yourself on the fins, it is very heavy making the light Crafty much more bulky and top heavy, and you need to be very careful while handling and cleaning it so as to not grind metal on metal and get some dust... But it does it's job and one can finally taste the material properly.

It works much better when the Crafty is used at max temperature. This way you can extract everything from the material before the cooling unit gets hot. Counter intuitively, if I lower the temperature to 180c I feel the cooling unit gets hot before the bowl is spent.

I also started packing the Crafty quite tight, using the packing tool, this gives it more restriction in the pull, and I pull very slow. This gets a more conduction type effect, with thick vapor that is not harsh to the throat because you are sucking in a lot less hot air.

I never enjoyed this vape until now, but using a different cooling unit and different packing technique/draw speed made a huge difference.


New Member
Version 2:)
Viel Dremel-Arbeit und es ist jetzt viel einfacher, die Batterie unterwegs auszutauschen:)



Sieht echt schön aus, so hätte der Crafty+ ausgeliefert werden sollen..

Bekommst du den jetzt ganz zu? Oder sieht man die Hülse?


Well-Known Member
I just reecieved my Crafty+. For some background I've owned like 12 vapes, many portables. Currently the Crafty+ was supposed to replace my Dynavap rig on dogwalks, cuz the lighter/battery heater was hard to navigate with a leash, and it's hard to hear the 'click' with airpods and music :p

What I was not expecting was for this device to rival the Volcano! I still prefer the drawing experience of the volcano bags, vapor flow and volume are good. The vapor is very hot, but it's got me comparing it to the volcano experience which isnt fair, I should be comparing it to the solo/dynavap/MFLB or one of my other portables in my vape graveyard. There is a bit of an added flavor, too, from the Crafty+ but I want to wait a few weeks and get back to ya'll on that one, maybe it needs to break-in.

The overall convienice, even sitting down at my desk i still prefer the Crafty+ cuz of the ease of use.

So, question time:
What are some essential accessories yall reccomand? i have:
-The S&B case
-Tons of capsules
-the caddy.

Also, what can I do about the hot vapor? i've oirdered the Mighty adapter, and some 1/4' silicone tubing. Any other suggestions?



Old & In the Way
I just reecieved my Crafty+. For some background I've owned like 12 vapes, many portables. Currently the Crafty+ was supposed to replace my Dynavap rig on dogwalks, cuz the lighter/battery heater was hard to navigate with a leash, and it's hard to hear the 'click' with airpods and music :p

What I was not expecting was for this device to rival the Volcano! I still prefer the drawing experience of the volcano bags, vapor flow and volume are good. The vapor is very hot, but it's got me comparing it to the volcano experience which isnt fair, I should be comparing it to the solo/dynavap/MFLB or one of my other portables in my vape graveyard. There is a bit of an added flavor, too, from the Crafty+ but I want to wait a few weeks and get back to ya'll on that one, maybe it needs to break-in.

The overall convienice, even sitting down at my desk i still prefer the Crafty+ cuz of the ease of use.

So, question time:
What are some essential accessories yall reccomand? i have:
-The S&B case
-Tons of capsules
-the caddy.

Also, what can I do about the hot vapor? i've oirdered the Mighty adapter, and some 1/4' silicone tubing. Any other suggestions?

Most things like glass attachments will make it a bit more cumbersome on the dog walk. But there are several you could look into. Glass could give you much better cooling than a silicone whip.

You could try a Mighty cooling unit. It screws on the same exact way, but is bigger, so it would extend off to one side.
It is slightly cooler than Crafty c/u, longer path, more baffles inside.


Well-Known Member
After a whole day with the Crafty+
This thing is dangerously convienient. I'm not used to having such a high quality experience on-the-go with such a simple prep (I use dosing capsules).

Everything is streamlined. I dont usually use more than 2 settings on a vape anyways, so Crafty+ is less clicks to get what I want without the phone. My only concern is the number of charge cycles I can expect from my device. 200 yall say? Is that correct? that sounds like too few.


Bern it Up or Bern it Down
After a whole day with the Crafty+
This thing is dangerously convienient. I'm not used to having such a high quality experience on-the-go with such a simple prep (I use dosing capsules).

Everything is streamlined. I dont usually use more than 2 settings on a vape anyways, so Crafty+ is less clicks to get what I want without the phone. My only concern is the number of charge cycles I can expect from my device. 200 yall say? Is that correct? that sounds like too few.
If the battery is dead before the warranty expires they will replace it! Mine went completely dead a month before the warranty was due, and they exchanged for a new one, anyways I got the Ctafty+ instead of the Mighty+ becauae I think is not that hard “Mod” the Crafty+ into a user replaceable battery device.


Well-Known Member
I just reecieved my Crafty+. For some background I've owned like 12 vapes, many portables. Currently the Crafty+ was supposed to replace my Dynavap rig on dogwalks, cuz the lighter/battery heater was hard to navigate with a leash, and it's hard to hear the 'click' with airpods and music :p

What I was not expecting was for this device to rival the Volcano! I still prefer the drawing experience of the volcano bags, vapor flow and volume are good. The vapor is very hot, but it's got me comparing it to the volcano experience which isnt fair, I should be comparing it to the solo/dynavap/MFLB or one of my other portables in my vape graveyard. There is a bit of an added flavor, too, from the Crafty+ but I want to wait a few weeks and get back to ya'll on that one, maybe it needs to break-in.

The overall convienice, even sitting down at my desk i still prefer the Crafty+ cuz of the ease of use.

So, question time:
What are some essential accessories yall reccomand? i have:
-The S&B case
-Tons of capsules
-the caddy.

Also, what can I do about the hot vapor? i've oirdered the Mighty adapter, and some 1/4' silicone tubing. Any other suggestions?

If hot vapor is an issue you can also add a 8mm adapter so you can use your dynavap stems on your Crafty. If you have a stem like Revolve or Simrell or even a Dynavap with intercooler you have some cooler vapor.


Well-Known Member

I have a question:
I bought a bong adapter for my Crafty..

But I find that I draw a lot of air from the bong.
I have a Dynavap with BB6 and when I close the hole, I have a dense vapor and don't feel like I'm drawing air.

Do you have any tips?


Old & In the Way

I have a question:
I bought a bong adapter for my Crafty..

But I find that I draw a lot of air from the bong.
I have a Dynavap with BB6 and when I close the hole, I have a dense vapor and don't feel like I'm drawing air.

Do you have any tips?
It's possible that you have air leaking in at the glass joint itself or where this WPA is mounted to crafty.
Not easy to check definitively.

But also, the screen supplied wth the wpa is too far up, away from the material.
I was able to press a dosing cap cover into the wpa, so the it sits flush at the bottom of the glass joint, and close down atop the load.
Another way is to use a flat screen simply placed atop the load.
But some kinda fix does make the extraction better than the supplied screen setup.


Well-Known Member

I have a question:
I bought a bong adapter for my Crafty..

But I find that I draw a lot of air from the bong.
I have a Dynavap with BB6 and when I close the hole, I have a dense vapor and don't feel like I'm drawing air.

Do you have any tips?

I have a Mighty+ and this happened to me when my cooling unit was not completely sealed.
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