Well Hello there i stumbled uppon this forum a few Weeks ago since i was interested into getting the B&S
Crafty. I used the Magic Flight Launchbox quite some time now and was actually rly happy with it its easy stealthy and quick in heating up for usage. And just yesterday after reading allot about the Crafty again i decided to give it a try and ordered it with express shipment.
and today i got it !! (okay i do live in Germany only 200+ km away from the town where they produce it)
and after the first test i said to my self this mashine is so FUCKING AMAZING !!! i have to share it with you guys and just made a Forum Account to tell you how FUCKING AMAZING this piece of german engineering
actually is !!!
with the magic flight i always had the feel from time to time it wasn perfectly efficient since some Herbs did not look properly vaped in looks of color it was more burnt sometimes and not often the realy nice brown you want.
with the S&B i can tell from the first draw allready it produces a massive amount of Vapor. i would say it gives you from one complete draw the same ammount of vape you got from an entire filling in the magic flight. And you could clearly tell its so mutch more efficient !!!
the Buzz of the Herbs is way stronger and you get the desired effect rly nicely and thats actually the thing i was looking for getting the most out of a herb on the go without any combustion.
Stealthwhise i would say its obviously bigger than the launch box but only if you dont use the glass tube on the launch box. and since its black and you can turn of the blinking light via the rly well done app you are quite stealthy with not to big hands
now for the build quality of the unit !! OMG you can instantly tell this thing is no cheap china shit like the rest of the Vapes out there ( i do need to mention i have an PAX aswell but the launchbox was outperforming it so i just lays in the closet now ) its build quality is by far superior to the PAX !!!!
and the downside of the PAX needing rly often cleanings if used daily was rly annoying !!
regarding Batterylife i cant tell mutch so far just taking the 2. Hit now.
but i will post about the usage today it will get some heavy testing by me and 2 other freinds aswell today so iam quite shure we will empty the battery!!
Final Conclusion:
iam actually mad at my self that i wasted money on the PAX and Launchbox because B&S did not have an mobile option.
Just save the money and dont by the others okay its expensive yes but in my eyes worth every penny!!!
and i should not iam not an B&S Fanboy

but i just became one
Cheers Mesk0ne