Following on from the mighty thread, I said I would post a few pics and go into a bit more detail about the easy flow adapter.
The top left pic shows the difference in thickness and length between the rails on the CU and the adapter, you can also see that the rail on the CU is on an angle and has a small notch in the middle (yellow arrow) this notch fits into a recess (red arrow) to lock the CU in place.
The bottom right pic you can see on the left side the lip starts thin and gets thicker as it goes round, when locking the adapter in you only want to twist it to the middle part (red arrow) as the thicker rail on the adapter will put too much pressure on the lip if you try and twist further than this, you will feel a natural stop/lock when it reaches this point so just remember not to twist further than this or it could cause damage, you can see in the top right pic how it should line up (green arrow) on the outside (same as the pic on vapefiends website)
There was a report on the mighty thread where someone has (I think) twisted the adapter too far and said that their case popped apart, now I don't know all the details like if anything cracked or if it was down the seam (kinda like being unscrewed) but think it's worth mentioning, as it could be easy to think it fits the same way as the CU.
Now a little about performance, I posted a nice milky shot on the last page (I think it was but too lazy to go back a page to check) now I have to come clean a little and say this took some effort to achieve (it is a small bubbler) basically I dryed my herb even more than normal (almost too dry) and packed that thing like never before (didn't weigh it but it was probably 3 times more than normal and I don't do half bowls) then set to max temp and let it heat soak a little, this gave a few monster hits that almost got the best of me (had to just sit for a few minutes, gone lol) and left lumps of resin (big lumps like 3mm x 5mm

) floating around and on the glass, my normal use is a full bowl (not tamped into a brick like above) and I get maybe 3/4 the density of my previous pic as I like to hit it fast and get that slap in the face feeling
So would I recommend it... Yes

is it better than a muzzmod...

Depends on who you ask, where they live and what their looking for
I don't have a muzzmod (yet

) so can't do a comparison, i still only have my CU that came with my crafty but feel an order coming up.
And finally where to get it, and maybe save some £$€
For our friends down under...
And not forgetting vapefiend...
I spoke with them this week and got a couple discount codes, I checked and they said anyone can use them as they are already online somewhere if people look, I also checked to make sure I was allowed to post them here, they did mention something about a monthly limit (I guess to avoid abuse) so here you go enjoy...
420 This is if you spend £50 or more, it gets you £10 off (I have used this one before)
HI5 This is if you spend £10 or more, it gets you £5 off (Haven't tested this one yet)