I can think of perfectly good reasons why they chose not to put their firmware (IP) out there for anyone to steal. There are already fake Mightys coming out of China ffs. They (S&B) are probably just playing their cards as close to the vest as they can to thwart those who would do them harm. They aren't dumb and I'm pretty sure they thought out there firmware upgrade process very well, and aren't just trying to make users lives difficult. Just myI cannot think of another consumer electronics device (other than if you went out and tried to buy a brand new VCR) you can buy today that requires you to send it in for a firmware upgrade.
Weee.. Crafty marked as 'out for delivery' so should be waiting when I get home. Curious if I'll have 2.08 or not or whether the new CU will be a leaky muzzmod candidate.
Edit: empty mailbox, guess I beat the postman today.
I can think of perfectly good reasons why they chose not to put their firmware (IP) out there for anyone to steal. There are already fake Mightys coming out of China ffs. They (S&B) are probably just playing their cards as close to the vest as they can to thwart those who would do them harm. They aren't dumb and I'm pretty sure they thought out there firmware upgrade process very well, and aren't just trying to make users lives difficult. Just my
Where do you live? SB informed me that 2.08 is NOT for American units. The latest firmware for US units is 2.07. I'm guessing international units will come in 2.08.
I'm glad they made that clear this time instead of downplaying the firmware altogether.
I'm glad you got this clarification, Mark. The lack of clarity on this and the vagueness/selective answering of some S&B reps is troubling to me when all you want to know is what the current firmware is, and why it wasn't burned to your unit's ROM. Imagine if your first e-mail been answered with "Yes, there is a 2.08, but for the EU market and related electrical mains. You have the most current firmware for US release." You would have had no reason to reapproach S & B, to make posts about your confusion or frustration, etc.
Similarly, I have had an ongoing interaction with a rep regarding the leaking cooling units wherein regardless of what I write in my e-mails, I get a response back asking for my address to send me a new cooling unit. I'm somewhat concerned because I'm having heater overheat issues and was using a cooling unit with a hole in it since day one, 2 and a half months ago. I imagine that heater was working harder than intended, given that the heat was going out the hole with the vapor - but no one wants to even acknowledge a simple question like "was there a change in the design of the cooling unit, or is this defective." Instead, I just get form responses asking for my address.
So I dunno, leave firmware aside and I bet S & B could cut down shipping and e-mail volume if reps answered questions with current data, rather than just avoid them and then reply to subsequent e-mails that challenge their replies, and that are backed by evidence (like pictures of cooling units, 2.08 firmwares, etc.)
What's the need to discuss with SB employees about potential damage.
When your unit will be problematic you will be taken care of, no?
I dunno. I hear what you're saying, and I never implied that Storz and Bickel are "dumb." My point was they made their decision - so if that means they have to deal with more customers shipping stuff, so be it. As much as I understand your point, it's also not at all unique to S&B's situation. It's not as if every other consumer electronics manufacturer hasn't figured this out. You can encrypt your firmware, you can require it be signed, etc. etc. It is not as if firmware = total blueprints for piracy either. If it were, we'd be flush in black market iPods, iPads, televisions, blu-ray players, etc. that are based on the original manufacturers' microcode and utilize the same / incredibly similar hardware, rather than simple "knock off" products that ape the look and feel of the real thing. As a similar example, wireless router manufacturers like Netgear, Linksys, etc. have provided downloadable firmware upgrades for routers for over a decade (and probably longer) as standard practice. This has not led to widespread direct piracy of Linksys or Netgear's designs based upon their proprietary code.
This much seems simple: There are much, much better ways to handle a software update than a 10 day shipping turnaround. It doesn't kill the product for me or make me regret my purchase, but does remind me that prior to their experiments in portable vapes, S&B is a company that has been selling iterations of the same product they invented in the 90's (Volcano) with little technological development until recently, that their experience with any piece of technology requiring a bluetooth controller or digital microcode is limited, and that while the product works, there's still room for improvement in providing support on the software and firmware ends of the business.
You should inquire about the cost of this upgrade service, and request a changelog to help aid you in making your decision to purchase the service.I just got a second email from SB. It's regarding the firmware 2.08 again and this email says that 2.08 is not available in America at this time and if I want this firmware I must contact SB in Germany and have them update it to my unit. In the bottom they noted that this is not a warranty service and that my unit will work equally well with its current firmware.
Just thought some of you would like to know this.
I don't think the Crafty is in the same category as a router....
I know for enterprise/carrier grade, they usually have multiple memory stores to allow for upload of a new firmware whilst the current one is operating, so that things like decryption can take place, before it flashes the decrypted firmware to a secondary eeprom/location and then makes it the working primary eeprom.
We are talking about a crafty here. They are trying to minimise size. I'm sure they don't have room for multiple eeproms and a processor to decrypt etc etc. Although I'm not a S&B engineer.
I'm almost certain it is updated as machine code. With the mighty being already copied, I'm sure if they allowed user firmware updates we'd already be seeing crafty copies that could communicate to the genuine S&B crafty APP! How demeaning would that be!
Furthermore, what if people brick their devices due to low phone battery, dodgy USB cables, etc etc.
As @Stu said. I'm sure they have good reasons for it. Not to say i wouldnt like to see it.. im stuck on FW 2.04!!! I cant communicate to my new android devices... i'll send it in when i get desperate... but the thought of being without it is too unbearable right now ahhaha.
I see some people obviously like to stir things up. The mods should take action against these individuals and not the people trying to be civil and actually contribute to this forum!
I just got a second email from SB. It's regarding the firmware 2.08 again and this email says that 2.08 is not available in America at this time and if I want this firmware I must contact SB in Germany and have them update it to my unit. In the bottom they noted that this is not a warranty service and that my unit will work equally well with its current firmware.
Just thought some of you would like to know this.
The other thing is...it was a return from the UK to Germany, maybe the German S&B (being the main one) has newer stock that has not made it to the US yet
I'm thinking of another way to clean my cu without using iso. I've been getting bad luck with it and get stuck with iso taste for a few sessions before it goes away slowly.
I was thinking about boiling it in water. Anyone tried this?
My new replacement cu is at my local post office being delivered today btw. I will report back whether I got another leaky unit or if it's good and what o rings it has.
I like the use of a toothbrush. Is it one dedicated to this, or do you borrow from someone you don't like?I don't understand how you get ISO taste? Are you rinsing properly with hot water after? I just use warm ISO, a toothbrush, and a good rinse and dry and my CU's are like new after. Completely tasteless, except for the fine peppery kushy notes!
We have a rule on this forum:I see some people obviously like to stir things up. The mods should take action against these individuals and not the people trying to be civil and actually contribute to this forum!
- Public discussions of staff decisions are not permitted on the site. If you have any concerns or queries relating to a staff decision please take it up in private with a staff member.
What percentage ISO are you using?I'm thinking of another way to clean my cu without using iso. I've been getting bad luck with it and get stuck with iso taste for a few sessions before it goes away slowly.
I was thinking about boiling it in water. Anyone tried this?
My new replacement cu is at my local post office being delivered today btw. I will report back whether I got another leaky unit or if it's good and what o rings it has.
I don't understand how you get ISO taste? Are you rinsing properly with hot water after? I just use warm ISO, a toothbrush, and a good rinse and dry and my CU's are like new after. Completely tasteless, except for the fine peppery kushy notes!
I thought this could be the case, as IMO anything new will rollout from Germany first, thanks for the info
Never tried it myself let us know how you get on, also maybe even some vodka or rum could be worth a try I think I've seen it recommended for use for cleaning wood stems and has to taste better than ISO, maybe even some washing up liquid could work, personally I have tubs of ISO (cleared the shelf in my local computer shop when they had a sale) and have never had problems so will stick to that but will be interesting to hear how things work for you.
What percentage ISO are you using?
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You are a fairly new member. We moderate this forum the same way we have since it started and perhaps, once you've been around a while, you will better understand how things work around here. However, if the moderation is not to your liking and you do not like how this forum is being run, feel free to find another one.
I don't know neither. It's very strange to me as well but it's what I'm dealing with. I have been cleaning my vapes for 2 years and never had a iso taste before (all glass). I leave it in iso for 10 min and put it under the faucet running hot water on it for another 2 min. The worst iso taste is during the first session after a clean but I still taste it after 3 sessions. Maybe my taste buds are more sensitive than average but I def taste it 100%. I'm actually scared to dip my new cu in iso just to get it masked in that taste again. I'd rather try boiling water and risk disform/melt my unit
I will use my older unit to do a test run and see how long it takes for the water to damage the plastic. I will update you guys on the result so we know how long NOT to keep it in there. I'd love to use boiling water over iso any day if it's safe to do so consistently.
I'm using 99.8%
Arguing with a moderator via a post is also a rules violation. Something has to change, and it'll either be your attitude or your membership status.Yea well, go read a few posts back and you will find some trolling but your not doing your "job" by the forum rules that you keep boasting. Biased much???