So had my crafty since middle of March (fw 2.05 old casing) just hit 30 hours (would have been more but Daisy gets most of my attention since I got her) and all is still as good as day one

, heat up time is still under 2 mins, although it was closer to 2:30 when new for some reason

still can't work that one out, thought it was due to the clock (on my wall) needing a new battery at the time but that would be backwards so can only put it down to my own bakedness (that's a word right?

I still only have the original CU that came with my crafty using the original orings, with all the spares still in the bag they came in, I have had no overheating issues no cracked plastic just great tasting clouds while still getting 4/6 bowls per charge depending on how hungry my lungs are.
I realise we have members with 200+ and 300+ hours and still going strong

so my piddly 30 hours is almost meaningless but it's been a wonderful trouble free 30 hours (over 5 months) and I have enjoyed every hour

(now I have to hope that because I've said its been trouble free it continues that way

we all know how sods law works

So I've already said I normally get 4/6 bowls from a full charge (although most of the time I don't run it down, normally just keep it around the middle so don't often fully charge (normally stop when the charger amps drop for trickle charge) and normally charge when I have a bowl or two left,
my chosen method is a full bowl (sometimes full tamped down and a little extra on top

) then hit it as hard and fast as I can, so a normal bowl lasts me a few minutes after heat up...
So how do you do it...full bowl half bowl something else? Does a session last you a few minutes or do you take your time? and how many bowls/sessions do you get from a full charge?