My Crafty unit has finally bitten the dust after 9 months of nearly daily use. Been using it pretty heavily over the last fortnight and after setting it to charge last night I woke up this morning to the unit flashing red and yellow. According to the manual, that's a faulty unit.
Packaged it up and now it's in the post office on it's way to Germany to be repaired. Anyone know how long this takes on average? Whilst I do need a tolerance break, I would rather not do it on my fortnight holiday which starts on Monday!
Here's a few issues I have had over the 9 months:
1) Gets dirty fast, pretty much always have to clean it. This can be improved by either replacing the default screen with one of the finer screens however these get clogged up easily with oil and resin after a while. I usually poke a few larger holes into the smaller screen to make a mixture of both.
Alternatively, you can remove the screen altogether and stuff a liquid pad up there. Works pretty well but the pad gets really sticky and tarry after a while.
2) Nearly all of the plastic around my heating unit snapped off.
3) Upgraded my phone to one with low energy bluetooth capabilities, a sony xperia z3 compact - however it doesn't work with the app...
4) Only ever happened whilst I was high, so may not be 100% accurate however I have experienced electric shocks from the unit after sort of squeezing it (when high)...
5) Broke a ton of micro usb cables, wish there was an alternative method of charging.
Ah well, I still have my MFLB & Power adapter to keep me going.