Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I was using mine (the actual Grav) yesterday with an ash catcher and the DC Elev8r. I had no trouble milking it and the vapor is very cool. It takes some shaking to empty the water but I’m able to clean mine and change the water without too much trouble.
It does milk up nice, though it is not instant because of the restriction and size of the chamber, yeah a nice clean screen with the vape too! I cannot shake the water out of the mouthpiece, I would have to use a hair dryer, shaking water out of pieces I am pretty good at with the others haha but yeah when I'm feeling up this water to rinse and drain it takes so slow to drain out the mouthpiece and it can't drain out the down stem so it's more involved than most of my other pieces is all.
I have the bomb and really like it. I curious how the Octa version compares.![]()
I will let you know when I try the bomb! But I think it will diffuse more with less flavor retention with that barrel matrix although the inline will probably be very smooth pull (the octo pulls pretty smooth though surprisingly, having tree perk with open bottom is kind of nice, because the perk itself is small enough anyway, it's a pretty good balance, I am impressed and surprised how much I think I like it!)
For me, it is my favorite piece with the Cannabis Hardware B2 baller. Also my preferred piece with Anvil User Edition (Founders edition was too restrictive to go well with water pieces IMO, but was great with the Herbo Sherlock).
Have never produced milkier hits than with B2 or Anvil on this piece. And yeah amazingly Anvil is durn close to B2 here. A true (the only?) portable Heavy Hitter.
And in general, despite a bit of cleaning hassle I am a fan of pinched mouthpiece like in this piece and the Herbo Sherlock.
Yeah maybe it is better with the atlas than the halo, more to test, but it's definitely not milkier than my other pieces, they all milk up the same, that's more dependent on the vape, the bowl, and me?? Well not necessarily, shape and size of the chamber, shower head design, with restriction like this, typically means easy quick milking actually so yeah makes sense... It does seem to do a good job of smooth conditioning the vapor though, despite my qualms!
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