Cheap High Quality Bubbler

Chicken No Name

Dazed and confused
The taller Ehle looks to be identical to the less expensive Herborizer glass. Love that pinched mouthpiece!

They are similar.
The ehle has the advantage that the downstem can be removed for cleaning and swapping for a different perc.

The pinched mouthpiece is great. By far my favourite. Don't know why we see so much trumpet type which I don't get on with.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Yeah I've gotten some pieces specifically because of their narrower mouthpiece style haha flaring is so hit or miss and most often it is a total mess for me... Side note, I was in the e-cig vape head shop again for more butane earlier, looked more closely at their glass collection: the prices were very fair, most under $50 despite colors or embellished designs, of course they seem pretty thin and some of the joints were wonky, or not fully functional designs... But there are definitely some gems there at very reasonable prices, that I shall resist! :suspicious::lol:


Well-Known Member

picked up a factory second halley from the vapexhale sale before it shuts down on the 27th

$26 shipped if anyone else is interested. some chips on the mouthpiece but it looks like a very nice piece


Well-Known Member

And just arrived already, only two weeks to SoCal, it is also insanely thick glass and larger than I expected... The choke points in the mouthpiece make it extremely difficult to rinse with water though haha so tedious but it is clean now and ready to test!
Thanks for the pic. Have you figured out any way to make the cleaning less tedious?
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Well-Known Member

picked up a factory second halley from the vapexhale sale before it shuts down on the 27th

$26 shipped if anyone else is interested. some chips on the mouthpiece but it looks like a very nice piece
Recommended. That's a really nice recycler.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)

picked up a factory second halley from the vapexhale sale before it shuts down on the 27th

$26 shipped if anyone else is interested. some chips on the mouthpiece but it looks like a very nice piece

Oh, nice, they didn't have that one listed before, it is another common China recycler design, many sellers offer it, like here in different colors, but more expensive!

Thanks for the pic. Have you figured out any way to make the cleaning less tedious?

Nope! Still haven't even changed the water yet lol (since I'm low on distilled water)


Gentleman Of Leisure

picked up a factory second halley from the vapexhale sale before it shuts down on the 27th

$26 shipped if anyone else is interested. some chips on the mouthpiece but it looks like a very nice piece

Recommended. That's a really nice recycler.
Oh, nice, they didn't have that one listed before, it is another common China recycler design, many sellers offer it, like here in different colors, but more expensive!

Nope! Still haven't even changed the water yet lol (since I'm low on distilled water)
I bought that on impulse 🤷‍♂️


Well-Known Member
Have really had no major issues cleaning it personally. I go with a good kosher salt and water shake. Then rinse, fill completely with water, let any remaining salt dissolve and just pour that water out.
I own the Grav version and my experience has been the same. You have to shake it a bit to get all the water out, but it's not that difficult.


Well-Known Member
If I could figure out a reasonable way to use it with my Flowerpot shovelhead, I'd do it!

That's nice looking glass.
Well, I broke down and got a Crown Hydratree for ~$60. I'll use it on a base with the Hot Rod, Couch Log, HR & Hydrobrick or DBV whipped. I got these so I wouldn't be left with the choice of ok-but-not-great tubes from China or nothing.


Putin is a War Criminal
Let us know how well it works for you. Nice pics.
I am actually a little surprised at how well they work. They cool surprisingly well and are a comfortable way to hold the TM. As I mentioned elsewhere I don't take the TM out that much as it needs cooling for my old abused lungs. With these stems I may be able to change that behavior. And because I have 3 I am less concerned that I may break them. Win win.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Totally, though remember this thread is technically cheap high quality bubbler haha so a hook does not really count as a water piece, though this is certainly high quality cheap glass! See, this really is a broad glass thread :tup: ... I don't use my hooks as much as I used to, because I have so much glass water pieces now, there are quite a few that I just use dry without water, so they offer a lot of cooling depending on their designs :cool:


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
Totally, though remember this thread is technically cheap high quality bubbler

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
With the goo roo inlines, some holes are on top and some are below the stem, what's the difference?

They offer it both ways, I have mentioned it before, but basically if the holes are pointing down you have the ability to load less water, it should also milk up quicker, and offer a little more draw restriction (also depending on how much water is loaded) with the holes facing up you have to load enough water to cover the top of the holes at least, but you typically get more bubble stacking and easier airflow... So it depends what you are looking for exactly and what you want to use it with? They are both very effective either way, not such a big difference, and there are typically holes on the sides as well, they're not perfect... Mine only has holes on the back of the perk on the top, a few a little on the side at an angle, theres a lot of variance.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Just gathering info on the inline progress be it holes or slits, the old school or style is facing down, and lately, some modification for user preference facing up made sense bro, Thank you.

Cool cool, yeah you were the one who asked me before didn't you? Yeah there are a lot of different styles, some have slits on either side instead I see a lot too, that's what my original inline honeycomb has, the holes are becoming more common I see, but yeah whichever way they're facing it's not really such a huge difference ultimately??
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