Got a GB-186-1 (stereo matrix) from Yingmin5 today. 12 days shipping over the holidays wasn't bad, and he did ship within the two days he said he would. Function is perfect. Exactly what I expected. Nothing's broken. There appear to be no leaks and everything is airtight. The percs are a wee bit crooked. This doesn't appear to affect the functionality. The percs have a LOT of holes. I think there's close to 200 holes in total in this piece.
Diffusion is excellent with the water level a bit more than halfway up the top perc. When you pull, the water level rises above the top of the top perc. The bubbles easily stack to the top of the can with little effort given to the draw. The holes on the top level of the top perc fire bubbles pretty evenly around the entire perc, so the crooked percs aren't affecting the diffusion. It diffuses REAL well when I watch it in the mirror. It's possible to drink water if you pull really hard but I don't have any need to ever pull that hard.
Drag is 1/10. There's a very slight initial drag on the pull, super slight, nothing that'll bother even the weak-lunged, and absolutely nothing past that. The middle section between the two percs has some very turbulent water action going on in there and this gives the piece a very slight 1/10 chug to it. The fixed downstem is well-designed and not at all chuggy. Hits from a V-Tower via a whip are, overall, extremely smooth, well-diffused, and surprisingly flavorful. Using this is an extremely enjoyable experience.
Mine has the label on it. I'm OK with this because I never had any intentions of selling it. Yingmin5 said he was going to start selling ones without labels in about 10 days... and this was over 10 days ago, so hopefully he's selling label-less ones now. The label is not a sticker or decal.
Wow, didn't know there was this much difference in the First gen and second gen GB-187. As always, thanks for the pictures Stu,
How does the FC-187's can size compare to that of the Mobius Ion? I did a quick and dirty measurement with some string, the FC-187 vs the Mobius Clear, the Clear has 5-10mm more circumference.
I found my kitchen scales yesterday, 1st Gen GB-187 came in at ~1.01 Pounds, while the hefty FC-187 scored ~1.31 pounds, quite a difference.
FML... first dead on arrival. Box was smashed to shit, and it had to be on the thickest, nicest crafted piece I've seen yet, looks American blown. Stemline to imperial/crystal ball that was being talked about a lil ago.
Also the seller replaced their bong category with glass dildos lmao, hopefully they'll have stock and send me another piece. Sketched about shipping now.
Yeah, maybe 1/2" to 2/3" to the right. Doesn't affect the functionality. I absolutely adore the piece, cosmetic imperfections and all. I took a hit today with it and the V-Tower, the largest hit I can physically take, of whip gook on cotton, and you know how thick of vapor that can produce... without even coming close to coughing. So damn smooth. One reason I chose the piece was its design allows for an ashcatcher without using an adapter but I don't think I'll ever need that feature as this thing's diffusion is magnificent.Was your mouthpiece leaning a little to one side? If so, left/right?
we need to get dropdowns and buckets from these sellers asap. i dont know how they havent caught on but im sure that theyll sell pretty good. i know alibaba has a shit ton of vendors for wholesale so i dont think itlll be too hard to get done.
I do have several of the pieces he's selling but they came from other vendors. He even has a couple I'm interested in, I bought a Starbucks rig from him yesterday but only because It's supposed to be a revised version and was on sale for $29 shippedQuick question for you guys...
Steven just got back to me about my replacement bubbler and asked if he could send it with my next order. I'm fine with this, but am not in the market for more right now. I went through his catalog of pieces. Have any of you gotten one of his other pieces you consider a really good one worth getting?
i kind of like the design...but wow, overpriced
This is one of my top 3 favorite pieces out of quite but if glass expensive and inexpensive i paid 52 shipped from Btoc over a year ago most people are charging $70-80 for these. I never saw FC take to these but function wise pull and overall hit this is a very slept on piece. I believe this is an excellent piece for flowers and huge ultra smooth yet still flavorful hits!|3340319351
@stickstones this is from Steve also
Don't wait too long it's on sale for 5 more daysI have always looked at those styles but never knew how the perks would work and how much flavor they would strip.
Will order one when my FC-187 arrives!!
He did just message me saying that he made 1000 of these for an American order and asked if FC had any interest in this design. Not a copy of anything specific that I know of but looks OK