Cannabis Connoisseur
I often think this way then I take another Dab and dismiss those Zany thoughts!Agreed.
I used to combust out of dirty, oily $15 spoons that I would likely just throw away rather than clean.
Then I convinced myself to spend $100 on a "nice" piece of glass and just about shit a brick when I saw some really nice looking "bongs" for $2.5K, made by some space dudes in a Mothership?
WTF, when did stoners become so liquid?
Yeah, well I'm in deep now.
I medicate often and outlay a fair bit of cash for concentrates.
I want it to be as pleasant and effective as possible.
Purchasing glass and accessories is a one time cost that I can easily rationalize.
But now I think I may have too many rigs and it might be time to simplify.
I'm here to report to the people that I have SUCCESSFULLY reached the 600F temp with my
30mm V3 Liger Bucket with Sapphire insert! I had to carefully bend my coil to cover the entire surface of the bucket which it didn't do initially. I also make sure my heat shroud is snug with the washer and bucket and coil. The FLAVOR results are ridiculous. I'm getting very smooth flavorful clouds, complete vaporization. I'm preferring my 30mm over my 20mm bucket and I believe i stand alone in this. I only use my Hurricane cap as well.
30mm SAPPHIRE 600° My search is over! I have a Glass nail to Dab out of my EVO in, My VB2 is an all Ceramic dab CrockPot with a Ceramic surface to dab on, I have a Titanium nail for my DNAIL, a Titanium Liger Banger surface, a Quartz Surface, SiC surface, and Sapphire surface all in 20 and 30mm and through all those the 30mm with Sapphire is most satisfactory. Due to ease of use with the sheer size, the flavor,cool,smooth, low temp sophisticated awesomeness! I am a vapor snob with EXTREMELY high quality meds that justify the cost of the Ligers, Buckets, Inserts, and expensive glass selection,multiple enails,vaporizers etc. Just started Vaping 3years ago and I'm $30,000 invested into this hobby which is cheap to me as far as hobbies go. To each his own but its so worth it. I never would've throught that my Extracts could be better, but better utensils make a huge difference. I take fairly small dabs and the 30mm works great with them, but huge dabs in it will burst your lungs. I think a key factor in my ability to dab at so low a temp is my carb cap stays on my bucket at all times. Creating a hot chamber. When pulling while dabbing, try not to pull to hard, so you dont introduce to much cool air across the dab on the hot surface. ( If this makes sense,sorry stoned). I'll post more and maybe pics when i sober up tomorrow. Oh! ,and i use these tong type silicone hands i bought from a kitchen cookware store to grab the hot carb cap handle after its been on the bucket for over an hour and gotten really hot.