E) dry qtip after each dab and occasionally an ISO qtip
And Josh advised we use the dropper tech on the others. ( I am spoiled and lazy so I still torch clean mine sometimes

) But this is the way is should be done according to the manufacturer for major cleanings in addition to regular swabbing.
"I personally use 2 Q-tips (both sides) after every dab! This is key as it will keep the insert very clean overall; just be sure to wipe/scrub before the oil turns black and starts to turn hard.
To Deep clean inserts (Quartz, SiC & Sapphire):
1) Find/Buy 2 eye-drop containers, fill 1 with distilled water & the other with 91%+ ISO
2) With all your equipment installed (like you would have it if you were taking a dab), turn your E-nail down to 250° F
3) Grab a stack of Q-Tips! You will need them handy for the next step
4) Once the E-nail is at 250°, take your Distilled water dropper & carefully go 1 drop at a time directly into the insert (Be-careful! It like to quickly overfill!) {USE Q-TIPS IN CASE OF OVERFLOW}
5) Once the water is almost finished boiling inside the insert, apply a single drop of ISO into the insert
6) Scrub clean with your Q-tip before the ISO evaporates
7) Repeat steps 3 - 5 as necessary. (I usually repeat it 2 or 3 times)