Hmmm ...
So, I like to hot swap inserts.
Typically not that big of a deal, just be careful.
The 20mm is a breeze.
I have a pair of forceps that you can reach down into the insert while it's in the bucket and grab it from the inside; don't drop it on the transfer and you're good to go.
Don't worry, I didn't drop it!
The 30mm is a little more involved, but still simple.
The forceps won't grab the inside of the 30mm inserts as they aren't as deep and have an angled inner wall.
So you can just remove the entire nail from the rig and turn it upside down over a silicone container.
Rotate the bucket 90* and slide in the next desired insert.
Well just a bit ago, I removed the 30mm SiC insert; easy peasy.
But when sliding in the next insert (which happened to be my Sapphire insert) it got very slightly askew and wedged into the bucket about 80% of the way down.
When the nail was still hot I turned it upside down and lightly tapped and it didn't want to come out.
Then I let the nail cool so I could take it apart and handle everything w/o gettting burnt.
I was concerned that the bucket would contract too much and cause the insert to crack.
Thankfully that didn't happen!
Buuut the insert is still stuck in the 30mm bucket.
Sometimes in the past when faced with a frustrating situation I've moved to quickly and haven't fixed the problem (perhaps even made it worse).
So I don't plan on doing anything rash now.
Has this happened to anyone else?
If so what did you do to unstick your insert?
I am open to suggestions.
So far I'm thinking:
1) Screw the bucket on upside down positioned over a nice soft, heat resistant drop pad.
Turn the nail up in stages until ~900* and hope that the Ti expands enough to allow the Sapphire insert to simply drop out. WOO-HOO!
2) A squirt of canned air through the very small gap on the "high" side of the insert and hope it pops out?
Perhaps a bit more violent approach the #1, but one can slightly modulate the air flow on the cans of air.
3) Non petroleum based liquid lubricant.
Olive, coconut oil? (or what?)
It would be ironic to get the insert out and proceed to drop it on the floor because it's so damn slippery!
4) Petroleum based lubricant; ala WD-40 or somesuch.
Might be the easiest, other than the necessary cleanup and lingering irrational fear that everything now tastes like WD-40 when I dab off of this nail!!!
5) Your brilliant advice.
I'm thinking start with #1 and hope that works.
This post is primarily a call for advice as well as being a good way to slow down and try to crystallize my thoughts.
TL/DR?: My 30mm Sapphire insert is stuck in my V3 bucket!
How to get it out?
Choose 1-4 or choose 5 and add your own smartass (and hopefully helpful) advice!