I think there is real value in psychiatry, as envisioned by freud and jung. But these days most people don't have access to actual clinical psychoanalysis, just more and moar pills and pop psychology bs.
Psychiatry (today) in a nutshell, of course it's a $ thing:

If you want insight about the validity of dsm diagnoses, check out the
rosenhan experiment:
"Rosenhan's study was done in two parts. The first part involved the use of healthy associates or "pseudopatients" (three women and five men, including Rosenhan himself) who briefly feigned auditory hallucinations in an attempt to gain admission to 12 different psychiatric hospitals in five different States in various locations in the United States. All were admitted and diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. After admission, the pseudopatients acted normally and told staff that they felt fine and had no longer experienced any additional hallucinations. All were forced to admit to having a mental illness and agree to take antipsychotic drugs as a condition of their release. The average time that the patients spent in the hospital was 19 days. All but one were diagnosed with schizophrenia "in remission" before their release. The second part of his study involved an offended hospital administration challenging Rosenhan to send pseudopatients to its facility, whom its staff would then detect. Rosenhan agreed and in the following weeks out of 193 new patients the staff identified 41 as potential pseudopatients, with 19 of these receiving suspicion from at least 1 psychiatrist and 1 other staff member. In fact, Rosenhan had sent no one to the hospital."
Sorry Grokit, but gotta disagree with ya on the Freud and Jung part. Freud and Jung's ideas have largely not stood the scientific test of time, and are largely not used in contemporary psychology/psychiatry. Many of their claims were not testable in a scientific way (consider for instance Freud's mapping of the unconscious mind, with an id, an ego, a superego, with abstract units inside them called mnemics and cathexes - with no empirical bases for these claims!!!), amongst other conceptual issues with many of their ideas.
The majority of pop psychology (which is absolutely BS as you say, and such a hindrance to good mental health!) out there now actually very heavily draws on Freud and Jung's ideas (often horribly misunderstood too of course lol). Pop psychology being conflated with the actual science is a huge problem indeed.
Psychological and psychiatric science are at the most exciting points of progress they have ever been, we have so many clinically effective non-pharmaceutical interventions (consider mindfulness therapies derived from Eastern meditation practices, exposure therapy or the ever successful cognitive behavioural therapies for great examples of non drug treatment for mental illnesses which all have emerged long after Freud and Jung were dead, buried and their methods largely refuted/abandoned!). The behaviourist movement and the cognitive revolution, the later combination of both approaches and abandonment of radical positivism that the early behaviourists adopted are far more relevant now than Freud and Jung in terms of empirically supported practices.
However, the tendency to overprescribe is a good point. But this is not a problem with contemporary psychiatry, it is a problem with contemporary clinical practice in general. Every one of you who has been prescribed antibiotics for a cold knows what I'm talking about!
The tendency of psychologists/psychiatrists to diagnose hastily is also a genuine problem and I have seen plenty of real-world examples of this in my time within the discipline!! This is in my professional view the main challenge that the discipline needs to overcome at present.
I don't mean to be disrespectful or rude at all, I think you're a great dude and enjoy your contributions to FC
I just am genuine confused that you seem not to think that science is the best way to understand human thoughts and behaviour (psychology), especially when we now know that cognitive processes and even behaviour can be modulated or even outright caused by mechanisms of chemistry. Chemistry is after all, the very phenomenon/scientific discipline that has since the 60's shown us that CBD exists at all, as well as given us the topic of this entire thread.
This same science of chemistry is now used in conjunction with contemporary psychology and medicine to give us neurosciences, neuropsychopharmacology and cognitive neurosciences (a discipline owing largely to the cognitive revolution flowing on from abandonment of swathes of Freudian ideas), which have each taught us so much about how cannabis effects us physiologically and psychologically. These scientific disciplines are the reason that we not only know that CBD exists, is effective therapeutically and that we are now accounting for how it actually works down to the most minute details!
At the end of the day though; the same contemporary science that developed and continues to build the amazing knowledge we have now about cannabis that we didn't have before underpins the worldview that led us away from the majority of Freudian and Jungian attempts to account for human cognition and behaviour. I am not here to bicker or argue though so won't enter into this discussion further, it is up to you to decide whether you accept the science or not.
@momofthegoons sorry I'm still off-topic here, I had not seen your post as I was typing this one for a long time lol
Has anyone purchased the Nectar product?
Nope but I've had a good chat with OL about it, and am gonna order some I think.
According to OL it is chlorophyll which was pulled through by the ethanol (we all know that ethanol can pull through some plant material depending on how it is done) that makes the non-nectar concentrates black. Whilst I can and have verified above that there is very little in terms of solid particulate plant material in the CBD concentrates, there is definitely chlorophyll in there, indicated by the green/black hue when dissolved in alcohol.
However the CO2 extraction of the nectar means that no such chemicals will leech off the starting material into your dab. This will make the stuff taste much nicer and keep that nail nice and clean