Well-Known Member
I’ve just tried this as my vrods been in dc clear for a week so its fully clean and I don’t get any dust at all (was literally trying to grind the cap into the dish for 5-6 minutes). Out of interest are you using the d-nail sic dish or the newvape one (I have the D-nail)?Terp pearls definitely get things moving. I've only tried using one at a time but I do have multiple to play with. The downside is they are splashy, put a lot more material up on the cap and down the hole. I've been lifting and turning the cap instead of spinning it for now, but I may go back to playing with the pearls. If you don't have any pearls it's probably not worth picking up IMHO (and the opinions of some respected people here I should have listened to). They can still be useful for other things so not the worst pickup to play with, but dubious value overall.
Well I disagree with everyone else saying the powder is black, in my case it very clearly has that dull grey color of powdered titanium (google image search powdered titanium). Maybe the internet has failed me, but AFAIK the hardness scale to use for abrasion/scratching is mohs, silicon carbide is 9-10 (similar to diamond) and pure Ti is 6 (way softer). Also silicon carbide is a common used commercial Ti abrasive/polishing material (including for much harder Ti alloys), which is kind of exactly what we are doing here, grinding Ti on SiC. IMHO this would be very easy for you to test, you've got brand new and cleaned dishes and caps in stock, go grab a pair and grind em up on each other then ISO qtip wipe em, see what you get.
From all my knowledge of materials science (which admittedly is quite layman's) and personal experimentation, I can't help but conclude it's Ti dust. I can repeat this over and over with the same results, level of dish cleanliness does not seem to be a factor to me.
I'm pretty sure the dish has a bevel on the inside edge from the factory which I think is what you are seeing, I don't think it's SiC residue, see above. If you clean your dish and cap really well with ISO qtips so that no residue shows, then spin the cap on dish for a bit while cold, qtip it and can you look at the residue under a good light and tell me if it looks black or grey to you? I see the dull grey of Ti every time but maybe it's all in my head. I have the same observation re: amber residue for actual dab cleanup, and no dark dish edge residue if I don't spin the cap.
edit: *tried cold grinding the cap into the dish
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final edit: just read back that you were seeing this with the universal carb cap, which I don’t have to test unfortunately. It’s literally the only FP related on I don’t have

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