Thank you So much for taking the time and for the advise, i ended up drilling a 6mm Hole thru a metal base i had laying around (for a old project). I superglued the heatpost in and it’s holding up so far..

I have to read up on how to post pictures so i can Get a verdict

As for the WE, i love it! the material and the machining/fit and finish is of Very high quality.
.. i have been reading about carbcaps for the WE, i got curious what this Would add to the experience but i diden’t order a cap, so i had to hold the newvape grinderlid over the head (that way i could "Regulate" the resistance) Maybe i’ll look info ordering a carbcap down the line, but i need to experiment more with the grinderlid-method first.
Broke my newvape sidecar on wedensday morning, went straigt online and ordered a new glass piece, hopefully it’s arriving tomorrow. (Ordered "locally, not newvape this time, it not that there is anything wrong with newvape or their products, i would happily order from them, but due to Covid-19 it takes to long, can’t wait another month for this.)
now i am looking for my next glass purchase, two is one.. one is none!
Any recommendations?