For the non Instagram people...New Vape mentioned a new glass bowl and maker (zcglass) coming soon.
View attachment 744photo credit New Vape
That bowl looks great. I recently gave up instagram, so please keep posting

For the non Instagram people...New Vape mentioned a new glass bowl and maker (zcglass) coming soon.
View attachment 744photo credit New Vape
I keep the Hot rest for the FlowerPot on the far side and the brush and tamping pad equal distant from the FlowerPot. I always use it in this configuration to build muscle memory and avoid accidents, something prudent for this vape.Yes! My 3” AVB can showed up. It’s is really nice. It the nicest AVB can I have come across honestly. Truly the icing on the cake for my setup. @YaMon Good call on screwing the brush holder in from the bottom and wrapping the FlowerPot with a piece of wire to keep it from splaying out.
Its really nice here today so I’m potting flowers on the screen porch with the ceiling fan blowing. Heavenly!
View attachment 759
That makes senseProbably the oils on your hand.
Hi! Welcome. New Vapes web sight says the debowler spike has .25"-20 threading. Is that right? I have no idea but it is the same as the post. Let us know what you concoct. I’ve seen people come up with some good alternatives so don’t feel bummed.i have one quick question tho, to save some money i ordered the heatpost without the base, in hindsight i regret this. I thought i could make my own base, but the threads is US standard i guess. Do any of you know the size?
Thank you.. i will keep you updatedHi! Welcome. New Vapes web sight says the debowler spike has .25"-20 threading. Is that right? I have no idea but it is the same as the post. Let us know what you concoct. I’ve seen people come up with some good alternatives so don’t feel bummed.
I was using my WE this past weekend through a dry 12" beaker with the glass bowl right in the 18mm joint (no downstem). No problem.Finally pulled the trigger on the weedeater with Auber controller.
Excited to finally have a desktop and see what this thing can do. Last desktop experience was a decade ago when I had a vapor bros log.
The only water piece I have has an angled downstem and bowl. Every pic I see with the flowerpot has a piece with a vertical stem/bowl. Is it gonna be a pain with the angled one? What's some good cheap glass to get for it?
I only found out about the FlowerPot a couple of weeks ago, annoyingly after the 420 Sale, but I feel the need to get my hands on a WeedEater setup (I primarily vape flower) as all the talk about the device seems immensely positive! I never thought I'd be lusting after a desktop vape... but something about the FlowerPot just makes me want one!
Being based in the UK I will either need to purchase from NewVape and have it shipped, or I could get it from VapeFiend (who I assume are an official reseller) but I have a few technical questions about using the device.
How long does the head take to cool down from a session before it could be safely stored away? I have two house panthers who don't tend to knock stuff off the counter or tables, but being cats can be quite inquisitive - and I am thinking that an errant swoosh of a tail might end up with something getting knocked over.
Would the Buzz Honeycomb Percolator be a good water piece to pair with the WeedEater? I already own one for use with my Dynavap and Crafty+ and find it to be pretty decent, but was wondering if I would need to pick up something else instead.
Given the choice, would people go for the NV PID or the Auber? I only have the choice of the NV one if I buy locally, but would have the choice of either if I bought from the US and shipped it here.
I have two house panthers who don't tend to knock stuff off the counter or tables, but being cats can be quite inquisitive - and I am thinking that an errant swoosh of a tail might end up with something getting knocked over.
Got the weedeater. Set the coil temp to 700 and hit through my straight tube. This thing is wide open, hard to dial the intake speed to get a milky hit. Any tips for wide open pieces? I feel like I need glass that isn't as wide open.
Got the weedeater. Set the coil temp to 700 and hit through my straight tube. This thing is wide open, hard to dial the intake speed to get a milky hit. Any tips for wide open pieces? I feel like I need glass that isn't as wide open.
I would never use this vape around my cats or any pet as the can sustain a terrible burn. Did you see the burn Vape Critic (I think) got on his forearm from the head? And I would suffer the grief knowing that it was my fault one of my fur babies was suffering in pain. And I would be compelled to make a trip to the vet for treatment with money I don't have.