Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
The SH is the best tasting vaporizer I have already, but for anyone who wants to make it even better, some people find a significant improvement in taste with a glass bowl.

I’m glad to see more of them getting out there, and once I hear confirmation that the V Rod fits on the bowls above I plan to order some. :)

Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)
Hola FC, FCers and NV:

Happy to know that I received shipping info.
VROD is on the way to “paradise city, where the grass is green and the girls are prettyyyy...”
Being in the PNW since 2008 and never experienced this green fever ever.
Best of best recreational & medical states, located in Portland, OR... Vancouver, WA area.
Where dispensaries carry $60 /oz and $10/g shatter ;)))
Stay vaped...


Pining for the Mountains
Picked up a Showerhead and Wrap Around during the 4/20 sale and have been loving it so far. It's definitely replaced my EVO as my daily driver.

I've kind of settled into around 737 uncapped on the SH for herb, and 666 capped on the WA for concentrates.

When I ordered, I ordered the SH as a starter kit, but the WA as a set. I also bought an extra coil so I wouldn't have to wait for a cool down to swap between heads. However, it slipped my mind that I needed an extra coil handle since the WA set did not come with one. Thought about buying another one from NV, but $40 was a little steep for me after just purchasing the whole kit.

Inspired by @invertedisdead and @WAM90 , I decided to fashion my own home made handle. I decided to use a dowel rod and some paracord.

I intended to take pictures of the whole process for others, but that never happened. I was just sort of doing a test run of the handle, and before I knew it, the handle was done and no pictures were taken! I wanted to smooth out the rough cut ends of the dowel rod before making the handle...but, you know what happened at this point.

I forget what size dowel rod I used, but holding a ruler up to it, it looks like 1/8". I cut 8 pieces of the dowel rod and wrapped them around the handle. I got 2 rubber bands to hold the rods in place. I then took my paracord, and using a set of needle nose pliers, pulled it down in between 2 rods. I pulled the cord down about 75% of the length of the rod, just to make sure it would be secure.

I then took the paracord and started wrapping it around the dowel rods, working my way down the handle. I put tons of effort into making sure my wrap was tight, my fingers were hurting by the end. I kept sliding my rubber bands down, and put a few on my wrapped section just to make sure everything was held in place.

When I got to the end of the handle, I wasn't sure exactly how to end it. I ended up just tucking the end of the paracord behind a rod, and then using some Gorilla Glue to fill around and lock everything in. Unfortunately I didn't look closely and used white Gorilla Glue instead of clear. Oh well. I might end up using a red sharpie to color it in some.

Anyways, here's the finished product:





Honestly, I prefer my home made handle over the purchased one from NV. It has a better feel in my hand due to the round nature of it, I prefer the grip of the paracord over the hemp fiber, I was able to make it a custom length (I went slightly longer than the stock handle), and it's lighter than the stock handle.

I use my SH more than the WA, so you can see my handle is on my SH! I just ordered a VRod, and this will be the handle that moves to it!


Well-Known Member
Picked up a Showerhead and Wrap Around during the 4/20 sale and have been loving it so far. It's definitely replaced my EVO as my daily driver.

I've kind of settled into around 737 uncapped on the SH for herb, and 666 capped on the WA for concentrates.

When I ordered, I ordered the SH as a starter kit, but the WA as a set. I also bought an extra coil so I wouldn't have to wait for a cool down to swap between heads. However, it slipped my mind that I needed an extra coil handle since the WA set did not come with one. Thought about buying another one from NV, but $40 was a little steep for me after just purchasing the whole kit.

Inspired by @invertedisdead and @WAM90 , I decided to fashion my own home made handle. I decided to use a dowel rod and some paracord.

I intended to take pictures of the whole process for others, but that never happened. I was just sort of doing a test run of the handle, and before I knew it, the handle was done and no pictures were taken! I wanted to smooth out the rough cut ends of the dowel rod before making the handle...but, you know what happened at this point.

I forget what size dowel rod I used, but holding a ruler up to it, it looks like 1/8". I cut 8 pieces of the dowel rod and wrapped them around the handle. I got 2 rubber bands to hold the rods in place. I then took my paracord, and using a set of needle nose pliers, pulled it down in between 2 rods. I pulled the cord down about 75% of the length of the rod, just to make sure it would be secure.

I then took the paracord and started wrapping it around the dowel rods, working my way down the handle. I put tons of effort into making sure my wrap was tight, my fingers were hurting by the end. I kept sliding my rubber bands down, and put a few on my wrapped section just to make sure everything was held in place.

When I got to the end of the handle, I wasn't sure exactly how to end it. I ended up just tucking the end of the paracord behind a rod, and then using some Gorilla Glue to fill around and lock everything in. Unfortunately I didn't look closely and used white Gorilla Glue instead of clear. Oh well. I might end up using a red sharpie to color it in some.

Anyways, here's the finished product:





Honestly, I prefer my home made handle over the purchased one from NV. It has a better feel in my hand due to the round nature of it, I prefer the grip of the paracord over the hemp fiber, I was able to make it a custom length (I went slightly longer than the stock handle), and it's lighter than the stock handle.

I use my SH more than the WA, so you can see my handle is on my SH! I just ordered a VRod, and this will be the handle that moves to it!
Looks awesome man!!


Well-Known Member
@Vitolo Great to see you posting again. (Not sure if he just cane back or I'm just slow, but the kast news I got was that you were taking a break from the forums for a little bit because you were getting worse...

I truly hope that seeing you back here means you are also better! :)

And to everyone who has the FlowerPot, would you say that it smells a lot?

Also, I've seen the "Sploofs" or "Spoofs" and the improved commercial version, the "SmokeBuddy".

Do you think that, with the Activated Carbon I have from an Aquarium supply store, that I could make my own "SmokeBuddy"?

Also, do you guys think my full Flowerpot setup (without the glass bong LOL could pass for an Aromatherapy machine? LOL (Yeah I know I shouldn't use my Diagnosis to obtain favors...but when it cones to someone who is 100% against drugs of all kinds, I wouldn't want to try and change that person's mind...especially since that person is also Asperger (very light and functional type of Autism) therefore since I have no idea how they think, the outcome would be even more unpredictable and the issues in case of a "No" could be a BIG problem, to have this person constantly on my back and with my Anxiety, I'd be constantly looking over my shoulders while vaping/after...because of the smell...

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Picked up a Showerhead and Wrap Around during the 4/20 sale and have been loving it so far. It's definitely replaced my EVO as my daily driver.

I've kind of settled into around 737 uncapped on the SH for herb, and 666 capped on the WA for concentrates.

When I ordered, I ordered the SH as a starter kit, but the WA as a set. I also bought an extra coil so I wouldn't have to wait for a cool down to swap between heads. However, it slipped my mind that I needed an extra coil handle since the WA set did not come with one. Thought about buying another one from NV, but $40 was a little steep for me after just purchasing the whole kit.

Inspired by @invertedisdead and @WAM90 , I decided to fashion my own home made handle. I decided to use a dowel rod and some paracord.

I intended to take pictures of the whole process for others, but that never happened. I was just sort of doing a test run of the handle, and before I knew it, the handle was done and no pictures were taken! I wanted to smooth out the rough cut ends of the dowel rod before making the handle...but, you know what happened at this point.

I forget what size dowel rod I used, but holding a ruler up to it, it looks like 1/8". I cut 8 pieces of the dowel rod and wrapped them around the handle. I got 2 rubber bands to hold the rods in place. I then took my paracord, and using a set of needle nose pliers, pulled it down in between 2 rods. I pulled the cord down about 75% of the length of the rod, just to make sure it would be secure.

I then took the paracord and started wrapping it around the dowel rods, working my way down the handle. I put tons of effort into making sure my wrap was tight, my fingers were hurting by the end. I kept sliding my rubber bands down, and put a few on my wrapped section just to make sure everything was held in place.

When I got to the end of the handle, I wasn't sure exactly how to end it. I ended up just tucking the end of the paracord behind a rod, and then using some Gorilla Glue to fill around and lock everything in. Unfortunately I didn't look closely and used white Gorilla Glue instead of clear. Oh well. I might end up using a red sharpie to color it in some.

Anyways, here's the finished product:





Honestly, I prefer my home made handle over the purchased one from NV. It has a better feel in my hand due to the round nature of it, I prefer the grip of the paracord over the hemp fiber, I was able to make it a custom length (I went slightly longer than the stock handle), and it's lighter than the stock handle.

I use my SH more than the WA, so you can see my handle is on my SH! I just ordered a VRod, and this will be the handle that moves to it!
I made a similar handle, of lower quality than yours, to have a handle on a 16M coil to use as an extra.
It works though! I used a pencil cut up, hemp wick, and electrical tape.
Nice work on yours, @Roth




@Vitolo Great to see you posting again.
Yes, my health and issues had me moving downhill for a time, but I have been fighting my way back... and damned glad to be here!....Thanks for noticing!


Well-Known Member
Finally got some news...I will receive my NV FlowerPot Bundle on Monday or Tuesday along with a bill for Taxes and Duties of 125.56$ if 800$CAD+84$CAD For Shipping and now 125.56$CAD For Taxes and Duties...

So in total, when you are Canadian, expect to pay around ~1000$. It shouldn't be more since I'm located in the most taxed Province in Canada...

What sucks is that I'm also moving on Monday, so I probably won't be able to try it out much before taking it to my new apartment (with Flatmates :( ) but it's better than living at my Mother's place and sleeping when she's awake (my bed is in storage and I have to share my Mother's bed when she's not using other words its a really sucky situation...

I have 2 questions that needs to be answered please!

1- Is the FlowerPot a smelly vaporizer?

2- Is the FlowerPot a Vaporizer that is easy to Combust in?

Thanks a bunch, these answered are what is stressing me for my move...because where I'm going to it's a big No Drugs of any kind, aside from Legal Medications which are obviously allowed hehe

Never had an issue before though I was using Concentrates like Shatter and since they smell different that might be the reason why my 4 previous Flatmates never realized I was vaporizing Cannabis the whole time....


REP for TRVP ATTY, Shellshock/Tectonic and more.
Company Rep
Hope you can enjoy your flower pot they're great, I have to say not easy to combust. Ive never come close.
But they are stinky, it's flower that's being Vaped along with oil if you choose.
My place stinks for a couple hours afterwards!


Well-Known Member
Finally got some news...I will receive my NV FlowerPot Bundle on Monday or Tuesday along with a bill for Taxes and Duties of 125.56$ if 800$CAD+84$CAD For Shipping and now 125.56$CAD For Taxes and Duties...

So in total, when you are Canadian, expect to pay around ~1000$. It shouldn't be more since I'm located in the most taxed Province in Canada...

What sucks is that I'm also moving on Monday, so I probably won't be able to try it out much before taking it to my new apartment (with Flatmates :( ) but it's better than living at my Mother's place and sleeping when she's awake (my bed is in storage and I have to share my Mother's bed when she's not using other words its a really sucky situation...

I have 2 questions that needs to be answered please!

1- Is the FlowerPot a smelly vaporizer?

2- Is the FlowerPot a Vaporizer that is easy to Combust in?

Thanks a bunch, these answered are what is stressing me for my move...because where I'm going to it's a big No Drugs of any kind, aside from Legal Medications which are obviously allowed hehe

Never had an issue before though I was using Concentrates like Shatter and since they smell different that might be the reason why my 4 previous Flatmates never realized I was vaporizing Cannabis the whole time....

It is very easy to combust if have the temp high. Keep it under 700f if you do not want it too smelly. I have found on my extreme q I used about 200-220c. I do not know if this lines up but on the flowerpot I use it around 575-650f. I find that is a nice temp for not burning the weed but getting nice clouds. This vape has very effortless airflow. Nothing that I am use to.


Well-Known Member
@SunnyHours My girlfriend thinks my convection vaporizers (VapCap and Ascent) smell a lot more than the FlowerPot, but if there aren’t a lot of other smells around (such as AVB usually sitting in the FP stand) I don’t know exactly how noticeable it would be. I don’t have to worry about it, so I don’t...

I’m sure you could make your own “smoke buddy” or something similar to reduce the smell though. As long as you lift the head before you stop drawing and clear your glass so you breathe in almost all of the vapor, what you breathe out should be the large majority of the smell, so that should take care of a lot of it.

People have been trying to hide their smoking (which smells a lot more) for many years now, so I’m sure some combination of methods they’ve used should help to keep people from noticing.

Once you decide on one or more ways to help reduce the smell (at least an emergency backup option would be a good idea), if you have any friends who don’t disapprove, maybe you can test your ideas on them and see if they can tell whether or not you’ve just used the FP when they come in?

If they’re used to the smell they may not be the best judges, but they could still help.

As for combusting, it’s easy if you try, but if you don’t set the temps in the high 700s or more it’s not too likely. Even at 777 if you don’t draw too slowly (maybe start medium and end fast) and you don’t keep going long after the vapor has stopped, you shouldn’t combust. I generally stick to between 555 and 666 though and I’ve never come close to combusting in it.

...and in case you’re wondering, no, there’s nothing really special about the repeating numbers with the FP. I just like ‘em. ;)


Company Rep
Company Rep
Something is terribly wrong with me, I got some sort of disease. I can't stop thinking about the VROD and how great it is as a all-in-one. I pretty much have been going only flowers but the VROD has me thinking about rosin again and I am going to give the gooey stuff another go.

Damn you New Vape for infecting my feeble mind in a very enjoyable way once again.


This badass video doesn't help matters, it's the root of the disease for me!

I am holding out as long as I can but I've been vaping flowers for the past several days ironically, so I may be due some superior twaxing in the near future.


Well-Known Member
I’m at least 95% flower right now, but I’ve never tried SiC and I do have some concentrates I need to use up...seriously considering the V Rod and D-Nail SiC dish.

The reason I haven’t used most of what I have is that putting it on top of flower is a bit much with my current tolerance, and dabbing off the ShowerHead makes me cough a lot and even wheeze a bit.

Any tips for making that a better experience? Would switching from Ti to SiC help with those specific issues? Maybe I need to lower the temp (usually low 600s)...?

Recently @530rasta also mentioned the Ti tools damaging the SiC dish...I don’t know if that was the TAG or D-Nail, but any thoughts on that? Just don’t press too hard? If you do manage to scratch it, is it still safe to use?


Vaping since 2010
I'm an old geezer with no one to impress with my cannabis kit, I don't want to overspend if I'm only hitting 3-4 microloads for pain every few hours. I'm not the balls-to-the-wall party animal like in my 20's. I do want and need to get the most from my medicine though, and that's why I come back to this device.

To reiterate what other have said and from one old geezer to another, the efficiency is phenomenal

I did wiggle it quite a bit and cooled it down quite a bit. It is very very very very stuck. I have adjusted the bowl now. I can get just the bowl and nut free from everything else to try and take it apart but its stuck for good.

If stuck cool the ShowerHead but heat the nut, the post needs to be cooler than the nut. The temperatures do not need to burn your hands hot, it's the delta that is important

It is very easy to combust if have the temp high. Keep it under 700f if you do not want it too smelly. I have found on my extreme q I used about 200-220c. I do not know if this lines up but on the flowerpot I use it around 575-650f. I find that is a nice temp for not burning the weed but getting nice clouds. This vape has very effortless airflow. Nothing that I am use to.

I fly daily at 747 with flower uncapped and have never combusted. AVB is nice and toasted. In fact if I have AVB from other vapes, I'll run it through the FlowerPot to collect that last bit of goodness!
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Company Rep
So far my sic halo has held up to a number of stainless and Ti dab tool tips. There is always the option for a glass dabber if you're worried, but I've not scratched either of my halos with any dabbers. I agree with @steama a gentle touch is the way.

My preferred method is to have the dab dangling off the tip of the dabber so you dont have oil creeping up the side of the dabber instead of in your dish. When the dab is gently placed on the tip of the dab tool it will melt right onto the dish instantly. You dont even need to touch the nail this way.


Well-Known Member
My policy is not to touch anything with a enough force to leave a mark or a scratch. I do not clean anything in aggressive pays to have a gentle touch that keeps gear as good as new.

It would cost you $100 if you use your shower head coil and the quartz dish, and be sure to use your 'welcomeback' discount code for 10% off. edit: (plus $35 in you need a nv coil)

I’m coming up more expensive than that. I would need the VROD, carb cap, control box, coil and handle no? My Auber box is XLR and therefore not compatable with NV coil

Now if I sell my shower head, wrap around with SiC and Auber box and coil I would likely come out ahead....


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback on scratching; in my small amount of use I’ve been dabbing as you guys suggest, only very lightly touching the surface if at all...I guess some people are just more heavy handed with it.

I was actually more interested in what you guys had to say about Ti vs SiC and temp differences when it comes to coughing/wheezing/etc.

I’ve only tried dabbing a few times, always off the Ti showerhead, and so far it’s been hit or miss for me...a few times with a tiny piece of live resin and a bit of partially vaped flower in the bowl it’s seemed to go pretty well, but other times with what seemed to me like similar conditions I’d cough a lot and wheeze a bit once I caught my breath.

Is it likely just from the concentrate vapor in general, from Ti vs SiC or other surfaces, temps, or a combination?

The amounts I was trying were not even the recommended starter size of a grain of rice...quite a bit less...but maybe that’s part of the problem if such a small amount doesn’t do well at the temps I was trying (low 600s)?

I need to figure out whether or not the SiC dish is likely to change things for me before deciding whether or not to pick up a V Rod soon.

I’m 95% flower, literally just got a shower head like two weeks ago and realize I’ll need to spend hundreds of dollars to flip to the VROD given that I use an Auber coil setup...yet...VAS... Damn it

If you want to stay at 95% flower it may not be worth rushing to upgrade. I have some concentrates already that I’m not using because I haven’t found a way that really works for me, otherwise I don’t think I’d be considering it yet, despite the very nice design of the V Rod.

If you decide to wait, or just grab the V Rod and cap for later use, I think there will be a solution from NewVape or the community to get an appropriate coil working with your controller. It could be months before we see more than personally soldered solutions though, so you’ll have to decide how interested and patient you are. ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow! The VROD LOOKS SICK!. Going to have to order one this week! Hoping for the rest of my return :) so the Auber coil won't work with it?
Nvm it appears it's for the nv coil only. Disappointing
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I was actually more interested in what you guys had to say about Ti vs SiC and temp differences when it comes to coughing/wheezing/etc.

I think you can achieve the same level of vapor smoothness with both, but the SiC is going to taste quite a bit better. The SH is a pretty large dab surface so IDK, maybe it does better with globs vs smaller sized dabs. I really didnt experiment a whole lot with it. I seem to remember even at 580F I was not very satisfied with the experience, seemed too hot. That's what I run my SiC halo at. The higher temps taste like hell and generally make me feel like a gorilla is standing on my chest. A stereo matrix perc will smooth out any harshness related to high terps such as in your live resin.


I’m at least 95% flower
I’m 95% flower
Me too.
I fly daily at 747 with flower uncapped and have never combusted
I flew at 747, but have recently backed down to 710, and am having fun with it.
My policy is not to touch anything with a enough force to leave a mark or a scratch. I do not clean anything in aggressive pays to have a gentle touch that keeps gear as good as new.
Exactly my sentiment.
I agree with @steama a gentle touch is the way.
In concurrence.
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