Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


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But I don't feel the need to! It works great already :shrug:
Just kidding! No problem with a well-designed head that doesn't need balls. Crossing Tech's got a ball-less head coming out that looks like fun:

I'm sorta on the fence with my modded Da Buddha: it works well but it's a little jankier than it should be and it doesn't really need the balls. It benefits from them, I think, but they're not necessary for good performance.

Otoh, some of the new heads really benefit from the balls adding all that heated surface area which allows you to turn way down and get amazing flavors with a complete, lighter roast. Balls were added for more power but have become a way to use less power, in a manner of speaking.
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Well-Known Member
I've been running the B1 baller head the last few nights, having a break from the SSV with balls.

Same strain as I've had in the SSV and it's so much more of a heavy stone.

I presume there's a bit of conduction going on with the ti bowl and the diffuser head, as that bowl gets nice n warm.

Is that the case?



Well-Known Member
how do ball vapes compare to log vapes?

what model do you folks suggest for flower only, best flavor? b1? f22? injector or not?

Grass Yes

Staff member
how do ball vapes compare to log vapes?
Depends on the log. I feel like some logs are very similar to the mini ball vape experience, especially the CouchLog

what model do you folks suggest for flower only, best flavor? b1? f22? injector or not?
Of my ball vapes I think temperature and glass piece make the most difference. I do like to switch between diffusers and 14mm Injectors. Also like the CL, you might find a ball vape liberating.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tips! ive only used an enano before and i wasn't a huge fan. i liked the vapexhale cloud evo but not really any other dry herb vapes. the adjustable temp and on demand nature of ball vapes appeals to me.

if all the models are capable of flavorful low temp hits, is any particular setup more stable / easy to insert and remove from the bong? i dont like janky, towering setups.

the injector appears to be more versatile in its bowl compatibility, is there a downside?

any BF sales coming?

i apologize for lack of punctuation i injured my left hand so i cannot push shift
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ok sorry for all the posts but im just realizing all the new technology available and im hyped!

has anyone tried the wireless zenleaf with mary/jane ball vapes? any review or comparison to the other setups? it looks very convenient to use but if the performance is less due to having no coil attached, i will just get the traditional setups instead
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Well-Known Member
ok sorry for all the posts but im just realizing all the new technology available and im hyped!

has anyone tried the wireless zenleaf with mary/jane ball vapes? any review or comparison to the other setups? it looks very convenient to use but if the performance is less due to having no coil attached, i will just get the traditional setups instead

I find that my Mary performs much better then my B1 or B2. Right now my two go to are my Mary (on a Zenleaf Bliss) and my Taroma 360. It performed better then i expected.
*edit* I have no problem clearing a large bowl before needing to put it back on the coil.

Ned Bogan

Active Member
Talk about "...not good for my finances..." I'm in a mood to do some damage to my finances and the timing is right. Does anybody know if/when CH will announce a BF sale?
Ned Bogan,


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure they do it every Black Friday, or have the past few years. 20% off, I believe! I'd keep an eye on the discord and your e-mail if you are signed up for updates/newsletter. That's where the discount code has been sent in the past, from my memory.


Well-Known Member
I'm ready to go a bit wild on black friday, myself. I'm setting my dad up with my old t-bucket and probably giving my sister my b1 or showerhead, depending on what route I go with for my own upgrade. I'm just torn between the bliss or getting the t-bucket pro.

It would be around the same cost to get myself a 2.0 t-bucket, the bliss, and the Mary as the t-bucket pro. I've def leaned hard into concentrates and I really don't miss flower at all, which is why the Pro is so appealing. I love the idea of the low dish and not having to put my hand on the base of my glass to prevent any tipping when i'm spinning my bubble cap/etc. I'm just worried about the inside of the pro's aluminum housing getting really gunked up and being a pain to clean. My 1.0 is super easy to clean other than some parts are currently locked together, and I could just see it being a pain to clean the inside of the pro. I'm also a bit put off by the whip attachment - I've never used whips because I feel like they're a pain to clean and they get stinky fast, etc. So I'd plan on getting all the pro attachments.

I'm thankful for Chris and the others providing some insights on discord, but I fear the provided brush won't stand a chance against residue buildup (I'm sure it's just fine for flower). Only a few more days left to decide! lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm ready to go a bit wild on black friday, myself. I'm setting my dad up with my old t-bucket and probably giving my sister my b1 or showerhead, depending on what route I go with for my own upgrade. I'm just torn between the bliss or getting the t-bucket pro.

It would be around the same cost to get myself a 2.0 t-bucket, the bliss, and the Mary as the t-bucket pro. I've def leaned hard into concentrates and I really don't miss flower at all, which is why the Pro is so appealing. I love the idea of the low dish and not having to put my hand on the base of my glass to prevent any tipping when i'm spinning my bubble cap/etc. I'm just worried about the inside of the pro's aluminum housing getting really gunked up and being a pain to clean. My 1.0 is super easy to clean other than some parts are currently locked together, and I could just see it being a pain to clean the inside of the pro. I'm also a bit put off by the whip attachment - I've never used whips because I feel like they're a pain to clean and they get stinky fast, etc. So I'd plan on getting all the pro attachments.

I'm thankful for Chris and the others providing some insights on discord, but I fear the provided brush won't stand a chance against residue buildup (I'm sure it's just fine for flower). Only a few more days left to decide! lol.
why not do the bliss and the mary paired with a standard 25mm quartz banger? then you only need a single coil and controller

I used to use the t bucket (1.0) and found it didn't provide a ton of benefit over a quartz banger and was more work to clean


Well-Known Member
I did think about that! And it's an option. I've only ever dabbed with the t-bucket and I've got the sapphire dish, which I also love. I suppose I thought that bangers could potentially be a bit inferior, or at least they look like they would to me. Though I know there's the added benefit with the 25mm coil where it heats up the bottom and the sides of the banger. Thanks for your take on it :)

I would absolutely pick up both the 14mm and 18mm banger if I pick up the bliss!

edit: i've been reading a lot tonight and now I'm leaning towards the bliss!
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Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
With CH's upcoming black friday sales coming up, I was thinking about getting a B1 head. I can see that they changed the top nut into a machined screen instead of the TI screen and now there is an option for a machine screen in the bottom? In otherwords it appears the B1 comes with the mesh screen in the bottom and I would have to buy the machined screen for the bottom seperately if I wanted to use it instead of the mesh? For those of you that already have the newest revived version of the B1 head with the new top nut and have also have a machined screen in the bottom... how has this changed the airflow? It must be quite a bit more restrictive right?

Since I already own a B2 with 3mm rubies and a T bucket for my dabbing needs, would it be worth picking up a B1 head with 4mm rubies and a machined screen for the bottom? Or are the differences so subtle it's not worth the investment?

I know I don't come here much and apologize if this question has already been asked because I'm sure it has but I'd just like to know if the B1 or any of the other 3 new heads make any substantial difference to the Standard B2 with 3mm rubies? I'm kind of in love with my standard head and never tried an injector yet so I was also wondering if I got the injector version with 4mm rubies if it would be worth it? Or are the differences too subtle to justify it?

Do any of the other heads make a difference to the B2? It seems as if they are just budget minded options really and I'm not a fan of the exposed coils cosmetically for what it's worth. Anyhow I thought I would ask this before the sale hits.

Yea or nay? If I already have a B2, do the differences of the B2 or any other head justify the purchase if I'm already happy? Thanks fellas!

Edit: Yes I know about the rubies, I plan on swapping my 3mm out of my B2 into the B1 and vice versa.. but I ike the two extremes, having the B2 with the 3mm for a more restrictive flow and the B1 with the 4mm for more airy flow. I plan on trying both ways.
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Socks And Sandals,


Well-Known Member
If you have the B2 top and diffuser bottom already you could just buy the B1 top nut to convert the B2 into a B1 diffuser
I started with the B2 diffuser and bought the B1 with the injector bottom, so as it's all modular I have the parts for B1, B2, injector and diffuser.
And don't use the B2 now to be honest

The screen in the diffuser bowl is closer to the heat so temps are a little lower on the dial
I prefer the injector tho as it's less likely to make a mess when you stir the bowl, being deeper.

The B1 has more airflow than the B2 and 4mm balls are more airy than 3mm
it was fun to see the difference between ball sizes but if I were to choose just one size it would be the 3mm

Not tried the new screens in the CH heads but I did with a Tiodw head and decided that a mesh screen was better
I think the balls were obscuring the holes which can be fixed by either replacing the drilled screen with a mesh one or placing a mesh screen on top

Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
If you have the B2 top and diffuser bottom already you could just buy the B1 top nut to convert the B2 into a B1 diffuser
I started with the B2 diffuser and bought the B1 with the injector bottom, so as it's all modular I have the parts for B1, B2, injector and diffuser.
And don't use the B2 now to be honest

The screen in the diffuser bowl is closer to the heat so temps are a little lower on the dial
I prefer the injector tho as it's less likely to make a mess when you stir the bowl, being deeper.

The B1 has more airflow than the B2 and 4mm balls are more airy than 3mm
it was fun to see the difference between ball sizes but if I were to choose just one size it would be the 3mm

Not tried the new screens in the CH heads but I did with a Tiodw head and decided that a mesh screen was better
I think the balls were obscuring the holes which can be fixed by either replacing the drilled screen with a mesh one or placing a mesh screen on top
Yeah I should just pick up an Injector Diffuser just to try the option but I'm kind of partial to the standard head with more airflow. Still though, I won't knock it til I try it! You're right tho it's fun to experiment with the ball sizes. I always start out with the extremes first usually haha! Meaning the 4mm in the B1 first and the 3mm in the B2 and then I'll swap them out for each other.

I guess what I'm asking is.. is the B1 worth it if I already have the B2 and you did answer that so thank you. You aren't the only one that prefers the B1. I only got 2 hours to decide.. If anyone else wants to chime in, I'd greatly appreciate it. At the very least I'll have two options for flower, with the B2 and B1 as well as a choice between standard and injector.

I know the mesh screen would be more airy but knowing me I'll try both. If I don't get a reply back in the next hour or so, I'll probably just pick up a standard b1 with a machined screen and an injector diffuser. Thanks for your help!
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Socks And Sandals,
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Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
@Socks And Sandals
I had B2. Sold it to convert to b1 diffuser. Then bought an injector but much preferred the diffuser style. I had the OG machined diffuser. Placing a mesh and using 3mm balls it was a great device, very free flowing.
Imo b1 better (although I now use my zirc zeal!).
Thanks for the quick reply!

Nice! As I can see some prefer the standard diffuser too. I got the B1 with 4mm in the cart along with an injector diffuser to try out. I'm just confused as to whether the new B1 comes with machined screen or the mesh screen in the diffuser because in the pics it shows both but it's unclear whether I need to purchase the machine screen separately or not or does it come with both? I just need to know if I need to order it separately. :shrug:They really need to be more clear about what it comes with in the pictures because I have no clue.

Do I need to purchase that machined screen separately or does it already come with the B1 along with 3/4 mesh option for bottom?

Edit: According to the description it says it comes with the mesh screen in the diffuser so in case I don't hear back, I'm going to pick up the machined screen too just to be on the safe side. Worst case scenario, I can just return it and won't have to purchase it later without the BF discount.
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