Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
If I didn’t already own a converted WeedEater to B0, I would probably buy the new wireless version, but the least expensive “Whisper” (no PID), and then needing a new diffuser, brings the price to over $500. I already own 2 PIDS. So cutting the cord would be nice, but not worth it for me.
Whisper price is too steep IMO. Very easy and much cheaper to DIY, or koilboi has its "crucible" for $75. I'd pay a bit of a premium for something like a whisper if it attached to their PID covers, but still not $300+.

I wanna try the female wireless head but I'll wait until they offer it without rubies, or even better without the rubies and handle. Been using the terp hammer and omega for a while now and wireless really suits my usage.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Hey Chris you sent me the wrong one, I ordered the Bliss! :lol:


New Member
Can anybody help?
I was cleaning up and a piece of bubble wrap got on the cylinder and sic dish on the B2
Unsure how to clean it!
I'm going to search the threads but would like to use it now
If its not too much of bother


Does cannabis hardware do pre orders for sold out items?


Well-Known Member
Can anybody help?
I was cleaning up and a piece of bubble wrap got on the cylinder and sic dish on the B2
Unsure how to clean it!
I'm going to search the threads but would like to use it now
If its not too much of bother


Does cannabis hardware do pre orders for sold out items?
I had some plastic burn onto the side on my B2. I got it all off when it was hot by using a peace of wood (wood dowel or even tooth pick). The wood was able to rub off the plastic and not scratch the B2. That worked for me.


Permanently shut down
I'll probably pick up a B0 in the next few months. Is it safe to leave the head on the stand when cooling or should I put it in a coffee cup?


This Space For Rent
When our cloud evo kicked the bucket we tried out the B2 kit and we've had zero complaints. I see several new heads available now, and I was wondering if any of them will provide a different experience. Which one of the new ones is noticeably different from the B2 performance wise?


Inactive Account
Given that scrolling through 800+ pages would take more time than I think anyone has, is there a guide on the best settings for a newbie using the B0 somewhere in this thread?
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Given that scrolling through 800+ pages would take more time than I think anyone has, is there a guide on the best settings for a newbie using the B0 somewhere in this thread?
CH F22 is my gun of choice... lol..... CH website suggested 560d. Talking with CH sales prior to purchase, the suggestion was 500d as a starting point. Just checked, the B0, CH Website suggested: Recommended heat settings: 580F-Long draw/most flavor, 600F-Shorter draw/harsher hit.
I run the F22 between 520-550d most of the time, as I am more of a "micro-doser" who chases flavor over the big hit. The bowl matters too. I use @edstnt Microdose bowl.... one and done is my preferred method. /cheers


Inactive Account
Start at 550F and adjust up or down from there.
Anything you would put in a banger, Resin/Rosin/Hash. (Remember to clean off particulates afterwards)
Thanks. After I spend some time with it and dial it in, I’ll pick up some Rosin. So things like budder or wax are a no-go?


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever washed their head by dunking the entire screwed together unit, when cold and unplugged, in iso?
thinking about a 'lazy cleaning' for a B2 full of rubies.


This Space For Rent
When our cloud evo kicked the bucket we tried out the B2 kit and we've had zero complaints. I see several new heads available now, and I was wondering if any of them will provide a different experience. Which one of the new ones is noticeably different from the B2 performance wise?

I'll answer my own question, F22 is far better for flower than B2. Better extraction, better taste, more consistent avb, lower temperature.
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