Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
I’ve had mine a couple years, no issues with it really and I am happy with the function. Maybe I got an imperfection, or maybe they improved the tolerances, if the latest units are flush that’s the best bit!

On a similar feedback note for potential improvement, I just added a @DFreeZ_Designs sleeve to my shovelhead and it’s up there for one of the best bang for the buck experience improvement of any accessory I’ve added to any device. No disrespect to the gorgeous @Ed's TnT handle it is replacing, as it and it’s carb handle kin will forever be some of my favorite custom wood pieces, but offering the DFreeZ as an option on the site would be a very worthy addition IMO. With the lever style handles and the SS slide I often had trouble getting the bowl out of the joint, the sleeve eliminates the lateral moment of the lever and makes removing the bowl much simpler.

Plus it even makes the shovelhead ‘not’ look out of place next to Ed’s beautiful injector bowl on the stand 😍 :



Vaping since 2010
Have a CH accessory question-- I have the 5" heat post / island they sell, and I recently purchased the curved adapter & shield on the 7/10 deal. My heat post has a wooden spacer built onto it that is preventing me from threading the post into the spot I want it with the curved adapter & shield, the one threaded hole that doesn't overlap with the debowling section. Am I supposed to remove this wooden spacer on my heatpost? If so, does that spacer get used anymore or does it just go obsolete now that I have the curved adapter for it? Feels like I have a wrong revision mating for one of these but they were both purchased from CH within 3 months.. so i'm not sure what to make of it. Every single photo of the shield shows it threaded into that spot mine won't reach.
Reach out to CH, explain nothing on their site called out which heat post was compatible, it merely says "*If you will be using this on an existing CH stand without threads, you must use it with the Hangar curved adapter. (3437)". I brought this to their attention, but it's still not clear and they should make good on it.


Well-Known Member
Reach out to CH, explain nothing on their site called out which heat post was compatible, it merely says "*If you will be using this on an existing CH stand without threads, you must use it with the Hangar curved adapter. (3437)". I brought this to their attention, but it's still not clear and they should make good on it.
Thank you! This was definitely my feeling about it so glad I’m not crazy. I emailed them, got a positive sounding first response so waiting to hear more.


Have you heard about the boom on Mizar 5?
It looks like my coil is finally getting ready to bite the dust, I've been getting some pretty wild temp fluctuations and the dreaded EEEEEE. Pretty impressive since I've been running it since December of 2019 and did a good bit of streching on it when I moved from using it with my V-Rod to the B1. Really thrilled they still offer legacy coils and I can continue to use the ol' controversial controller:spliff:


New Member
It looks like my coil is finally getting ready to bite the dust, I've been getting some pretty wild temp fluctuations and the dreaded EEEEEE. Pretty impressive since I've been running it since December of 2019 and did a good bit of streching on it when I moved from using it with my V-Rod to the B1. Really thrilled they still offer legacy coils and I can continue to use the ol' controversial controller:spliff:

Bit of a newbie
Was getting fluctuations and the EEEEE
Cleaned the post as some debris had collected
No problems since
How long do coils last?
Had mine for six months but hope it is not on its way out
Bought back ups
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Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
How long do coils last?
even left on 24/7 it can be a couple years before they burn out, if your more turning it on for a few hours here and there a day can be a very long time. I think I'm still using a coil that was slightly used buying my weedeater preowned and its now at least 4 years later and still working, I have changed between running 24/7 and off and on over that time. its more a rare occasion to vape these days, could be many more years before it dies lol


SEARCH for the treasure...
How long do coils last?
Had mine for six months but hope it is not on its way out

Good coil should last many years. Especially if you turn it OFF when done for awhile, big plus is SAFETY, your personal longevity is more important than the coils (think fire hazard)…. While not all that patient a person, I have no problem waiting the 10 minutes for either my WE B1, or DCup to fully heat soak, when I turn it on.

More likely the electronics will fail before a good coil, but you never know, unless you swap your backup coil, and see if you still get “error” messages on the PID?


Have you heard about the boom on Mizar 5?
Bit of a newbie
Was getting fluctuations and the EEEEE
Cleaned the post as some debris had collected
No problems since
How long do coils last?
Had mine for six months but hope it is not on its way out
Bought back ups

I don't want to make it seem like these coils have a short life span, I'm guessing mine is about dead because I've been running it for around 16 hours per day for over 3 and a half years. As @RustyOldNail points out you can ensure a longer life span both for your coil and yourself by not being a impatient dumb ass like me and leaving things turned off when not in use.

To be honest, I haven't did much troubleshooting nor am I sure getting a new coil will fix my problems. I'm actually still getting decent hits from my current coil and have only seen it act up a few times today. I mostly want to just see if this fixes things and have a back up coil if necessary since I would like to continue dragging my legacy controller along if possible. We shall see :sherlock:


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
I've had my coil for over three years, and no issues yet. It's a CH coil.

I just looked it up, and I took this pic on 05/11/2020, when I first received it. It was my 4/20 sale purchase for that year! :tup:



Well-Known Member
I’m still running the same coil I got with my original flowerpot in 2017. It’s been used with the showerhead, wrap around, vrod, weedeater, b1/b2. Only briefly using a different coil with the auber but then back to the original. I even bought spare coils and just haven’t had to use them yet

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
My interpretation of name old and new, in a analogy.

newvape: you are sitting at a bar having a drink, you feel something lightly touch your back and brush across it. You turn your head and see a woman walking away from you towards the bathroom, before she enters she turns around and looks in your direction, smiles and winks subtly.

cannabis hardware: it is the middle of the night, on a sidewalk under a streetlight a woman in a brightly coloured dress stands. You look in her direction and she lifts her skirt enough to show her garter belt.

the experience of each in the end is the same but one is for people in the know and one is for people who can only see/understand the obvious

as to which I prefer and why, a story for another time 😉


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
My interpretation of name old and new, in a analogy.

newvape: you are sitting at a bar having a drink, you feel something lightly touch your back and brush across it. You turn your head and see a woman walking away from you towards the bathroom, before she enters she turns around and looks in your direction, smiles and winks subtly.

cannabis hardware: it is the middle of the night, on a sidewalk under a streetlight a woman in a brightly coloured dress stands. You look in her direction and she lifts her skirt enough to show her garter belt.

the experience of each in the end is the same but one is for people in the know and one is for people who can only see/understand the obvious

as to which I prefer and why, a story for another time 😉

Yeah. I found NewVape to be more elegant and sophisticated, where Cannabis Hardware is more blunt and hard. It still communicates the same thing, but comes across as more simplistic and rigid, vs NewVape's more comfortable yet complex feel. At least, that's how the names made me feel.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Yeah @Ramahs thats pretty much what I think as well. From a business standpoint its better to be so obvious that people just know. More money to be made if people don’t have to guess about stuff. Newvape was the name I will always remember and think, when I look at my Vrod but I totally understand the rebranding, in business visibility is way more important than intention, people are mostly lazy about many things and if you’re trying to sell a product expecting people to work to find out what you sell/do, most won’t bother Because who knows if that’s something their looking for. If I want a chair, I’m probably going google furniture store and end up shopping at bob’s discount furniture imporioum and if I see something like assemblages of wood structures for leisure, I’d think to myself wtf is that, who knows f it and move right passed.
Bad Dog,
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Yeah @Ramahs thats pretty much what I think as well. From a business standpoint its better to be so obvious that people just know. More money to be made if people don’t have to guess about stuff. Newvape was the name I will always remember and think, when I look at my Vrod but I totally understand the rebranding, in business visibility is way more important than intention, people are mostly lazy about many things and if you’re trying to sell a product expecting people to work to find out what you sell/do, most won’t bother Because who knows if that’s something their looking for. If I want a chair, I’m probably going google furniture store and end up shopping at bob’s discount furniture imporioum and if I see something like assemblages of wood structures for leisure, I’d think to myself wtf is that, who knows f it and move right passed.

The chair analogy only works if you are looking for a very special niche chair, like an ergonomic kneeling chair or something special like that.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
The chair analogy only works if you are looking for a very special niche chair, like an ergonomic kneeling chair or something special like that.
not to me. vaping is def very niche, and something I didn't know I wanted until I discovered it, but loved it when I did even if it took adjusting. but if I didn't come across it in the first place I would have never know what I was missing. if vaping is going to become more mainstream it needs more exposure, if people don't know it exists they will never think about trying it.

back to the chair analogy , bobs discount furniture emporium prob has 1 or 2 ergonomic chairs, some people will see them and be curious and wonder if its any good, maybe sit in one and think is this a better option for me?? most people won't bother but some who weren't looking for a ergonomic chair will be glad they came across it. but a store that sells ergonomic furniture only will only attract people looking for that already , makes for more limited clientele for business and if the name of the store doesn't tell you what they are selling, even the niche clientele looking for that will have trouble finding it. if the name of the ergonomically chair store was feel good solutions, who the hell is going to know what they are selling, if the name is feel good furniture solutions the niche market can at least find it more easy.

going from newvape to cannabis hardware is making things more clear to potential clients. and saying cannabis in the name might at least bring people to the site that are cannabis users but have no idea what dhv is at all, some will look more into it and maybe even try. but if no one knows why would you go looking for something you don't know exists ??? that's why the rebranding was a smart business choice, and why I think going that way is the best idea but miss the subtly of the old because of the whole when weed was completely illegal time, it was about who and what you knew that made you able to find it. with legal med, then recreational now its not hard to find at all, its a completely different age of weed and the whole subtly aspect is no longer need or relevant.


Well-Known Member
The name has always made me giggle as I thought they initially had to choose a name without any cannabis association as the banks wouldn't do business with canna related businesses at the time, then had to change their name when vaping became vilified and Cannabis became acceptable.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
The name has always made me giggle as I thought they initially had to choose a name without any cannabis association as the banks wouldn't do business with canna related businesses at the time, then had to change their name when vaping became vilified and Cannabis became acceptable.
All sorts of reasons for the change, what I said is how I mostly see it but the whole anti vaping movement that happened was also a very big part. other reasons as well I’m sure, things are always complicated, usually even more than we’re aware.

dissecting topics and their options through discussion are the main reason I come to FC. So many options of how to use a vape and what makes it better or worse, and that being different for everyone is mentally stimulating even if I don’t agree with everyone but still like hearing everything said because you might see value in something you didn’t know cause it wouldn’t have occurred to you. When you hear it, it might not interest you but later it might but if you don’t know……well you’re not likely to try. Again that links up with my thoughts on the rebranding being the right choice from my perspective.


Well-Known Member
Good coil should last many years. Especially if you turn it OFF when done for awhile, big plus is SAFETY, your personal longevity is more important than the coils (think fire hazard)…. While not all that patient a person, I have no problem waiting the 10 minutes for either my WE B1, or DCup to fully heat soak, when I turn it on.

More likely the electronics will fail before a good coil, but you never know, unless you swap your backup coil, and see if you still get “error” messages on the PID?
Heating elements fail open circuit and short if turned on and off frequently. The issue is due the expansion and contraction over time causes fatigue and stress.


SEARCH for the treasure...
Heating elements fail open circuit and short if turned on and off frequently. The issue is due the expansion and contraction over time causes fatigue and stress.

I was told directly by Auber tech support, that a coil will last longer if not left on continuously. I don’t turn mine on/off “frequently”. Your coil… your choice… :)

BoB Nesmtih

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, been awhile. I noticed that the "Tomcat" was recently released, and as well I have noticed a variety of "injector" bowls available. Can someone explain to me the differences between using an injector, and using a shovelhead? I've read a little about conduction and convection and I am having a hard time understanding how the shovelhead can provide conduction based on the temperature that it typically reaches. Would someone mind helping me to understand this?
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