Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


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go as far as to leave the heater on the bowl the entire time between hits
I do this all the time, I know it is wasteful but I don't care, I grow more than I can use. The vapor is instant and the hits are incredibly rich with no lung effort. I take my first hit 30 seconds after the head goes on and then wait 30-45 seconds between hits. You have to keep temps down when you use this method, I would say 560 or below with the B1.


Well-Known Member
How does one or the other become less or more convective enough to make any noticeable difference in the effect of the high?
My apologies, but I meant to say conduction in this sentence. I misspoke.
Heat soaking a metal bowl will add conduction. Heat soak a glass bowl and you’re wasting your time as glass doesn’t conduct like metal. Don’t heat soak at all for some nice convection.

Diffuser has the metal bowl option. I think that’s what Troy is referring to


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Heat soaking a metal bowl will add conduction. Heat soak a glass bowl and you’re wasting your time as glass doesn’t conduct like metal. Don’t heat soak at all for some nice convection.

Diffuser has the metal bowl option. I think that’s what Troy is referring to

I use the shovelhead bowl as well with my Vrod. Sounds like Troy is full of shit on this.


Well-Known Member
I use the shovelhead bowl as well with my Vrod. Sounds like Troy is full of shit on this.
I believe this was said long ago (as in I can’t remember exactly) so don’t quote me

Edit I need to post before I sesh not after


Only having glass bowls elev8, vgoodiez, oldhead I’m curious now. Is there no conduction going on with the metal bowls? I know there isn’t with my glass bowls because I can grab them where the load sits even with the heater on

Thanks I’ve read both opinions soooooo many times I’m confused
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Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Is there no conduction going on with the metal bowls?
my opinion 👇
The bowl is obviously hot but nowhere near hot enough for conduction vaping temperature.

guess what I’m saying is it’s only enough “conduction” to make the convection easier to get started. That’s my experience anyway. Can’t say I’ve ever seen a video of someone preheating the bowl and getting a hit without the heater on the bowl lol.


Well-Known Member
I preheat my shovelhead with the zeal for about 30sec~ then take it off and let the head heat back up for 30sec~ then take a rip and its a much quicker extraction and more even as well, Pid set to 530. I've accidently left the zeal on the shovelhead and forgotten for 3-5 min and it can cook the bowl a fair bit, not nearly as dark as convection but its definitely adding a fair bit of conduction on my setup, but probably not enough to get a decent rip without the added convection.


Active Member
are there any bowls supported for microdosing? I saw someone using a dani tip on a terp hammer and was curious about buying a bowl or possibly a dani tip.

I saw ed have a microdose bowl but was looking for glass.


Grass Yes

Staff member
are there any bowls supported for microdosing? I saw someone using a dani tip on a terp hammer and was curious about buying a bowl or possibly a dani tip.

I saw ed have a microdose bowl but was looking for glass.

For me, especially with the diffuser bowl. I would just put in less. I have heard that was the original thinking behind the diffuser head.

If you have an injector style, I have heard the herborizer microdose bowl works great. Although I think those can be hard to find. Basically with the injector I would think you would want to move the smaller load closer to the heater, or turn up the heat.

I don't really see the value in using a vapcap tip other than novelty.


Active Member
I have a B1. Looking to do a dab....would putting the dab on the screen work good and what temp?

I have an ispire too but worried I might waste it trying to get it to work properly (not used to tryin dabs)

I had a cheap banger but burnt it up trying to use reclaim that I couldn't get off it and just tossed it. So no banger/terp slurper
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Well-Known Member
I absolutely believe he used to be ok. Although every time I watch him I get this energy:
the simpsons rake GIF

He just is not careful and doesn't really care to learn how to use his vapes. So he screws up often.
Yes and when he’s reviewing a brand new vape he often has little or no experience with it. Not the best when Combined with his preference for temps that skate close to combustion. When it gets to the Troy and Jerry show he’s typically used it enough to be passing on tips for use. So he’s still a good resource for me, but my preference is flavor chasing. Of course I want that flavor AND to clear a small bowl in one hit so the quest continues. Pure convection is meaningless to me since I stop hitting only long enough to exhale. So there’s an F22 in my cart
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I decided to set my temps at 520F (a lil higher than dynavap cap clicks) and got all the vapor, resulting in brown AVB.

I then crank it to 630F to see if anymore vapor would come off but only a tiny bit, not enough to show on the exhale.

Is there a reason to go for dark black AVB when brown AVB can extract and vaporize all the good stuff?

Grass Yes

Staff member
Looks like a pretty reasonable price:

I'm curious to hear how it works. Most of the DIY double-sided heads have been not great.

I love the push for modularity! This keeps what I liked about the B1 and the B2.


Good Vibes Tribe
Looks like a pretty reasonable price:

I'm curious to hear how it works. Most of the DIY double-sided heads have been not great.

I love the push for modularity! This keeps what I liked about the B1 and the
I actually just ordered a F16 last week, so I might grab one of these to try out soon.
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Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
man somebody ramshackled something like that together ages ago, when injectors first came out, but I can't remember who??? but they posted pics of it, buried somewhere in the thread here though. :shrug: nothing new to me I guess, but nice idea to give options, if both options work at least nearly as well as each specific style that is.


Active Member
Just wondering about the hellcat. It seems it is being pushed as hitting it first as a convection then turning it around for a hybrid hit?

Couldn't you just do that with b1 diffuser too? Just put it on and hit without heat sink, then 2nd hit let it heat sink?....

Why not just go hybrid from the start anyways? I usually heat sink my heats but trying the first hit as convection to see if both vape signatures give a better medicated feeling than heat sinking from the start.

I do like having both options in one, can have access to every bowl to play around with.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Just wondering about the hellcat. It seems it is being pushed as hitting it first as a convection then turning it around for a hybrid hit?

Couldn't you just do that with b1 diffuser too? Just put it on and hit without heat sink, then 2nd hit let it heat sink?....

Why not just go hybrid from the start anyways? I usually heat sink my heats but trying the first hit as convection to see if both vape signatures give a better medicated feeling than heat sinking from the start.

I do like having both options in one, can have access to every bowl to play around with.
All good questions. I'm pretty dubious of the claims in the listing anyway.

I could see wanting a pure convection blast of flavor first and then a clean up hit. I am dubious of this being improved by the tomcat design but I have never tried one so I am fully prepared to be wrong.
Grass Yes,
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Active Member
All good questions. I'm pretty dubious of the claims in the listing anyway.

I could see wanting a pure convection blast of flavor first and then a clean up hit. I am dubious of this being improved by the tomcat design but I have never tried one so I am fully prepared to be wrong.
I love the design, just wondering how it compares to a b1. Having access to all the bowls in one device is nice but diffusers should be their main selling point, well this design can get both.

I know a streamer pushing the freight train due to it "not falling out of the bowl" but all other devices use injectors. I see they went back to machined screens cause of "flavor" but still waitin for reviews.

Anyone who dabs, it seems like the dab ready is a real nice way to use concentrates and with the terp hammer being wireless makes it one hell of a combo too...I do like my diffuser and shovelhead bowls though.

Grass Yes

Staff member
I love the design, just wondering how it compares to a b1. Having access to all the bowls in one device is nice but diffusers should be their main selling point, well this design can get both.
Yeah if it works well that would be great. For the DIY versions they were usually good at the novelty but not as good as either device on its own. Although I am sure there are some that are great for this
Grass Yes,
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Active Member
Yeah if it works well that would be great. For the DIY versions they were usually good at the novelty but not as good as either device on its own. Although I am sure there are some that are great for this
Im glad I have a b1 and vas out of my system. All these new products do make me curious but there's so much coming out...

the new dynavap tips to so many ball vapes/log vapes...I am waiting for a program to hit my state before buying a concentrate device.

good thing I didn't purchase anything on 4/20 because so much better stuff has came out, Hell I would have been upset to purchase the F22 with the hellcat coming out. I was tempted to grab it since I can just change the head but now it is the f16 and tomcat.

B1 works great for me, the terp hammer looked nice but I don't see anyone walking with it to another room so wireless is meh on it but the dab ready station would make it hard to not buy the hammer since both can be used so...Not sure what I plan on doing.

Maybe for flavor the terp hammer/dab ready for having access to tasty products and b1 or tomcat for end game. Never know what will be released in a year from now, so I guess we'll see.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
to me the whole advantage of a hybrid vape is best for one like the volcano hybrid, because the bowl is huge. but for my flowerpot I'm happy heat sinking the bowl if I want a little denser hit. but letting the heater sit isn't really true conduction, if you heat the bowl you can't get a hit if you take the heater off and hit, frankly I doubt the volcano hybrid could work if you could switch off the convection heater part either. the so called conduction element of hybrid vapes is more about preheating the weed and chamber/bowl so heat from the convection isn't wasted heating the weed from cold or lost to the chamber/bowl as the hot air passes through. but if I want true conduction I use my Dynavap. the volcano never appealed to me even if it was truly hybrid because I only want a nice fresh hit, possibly with a little clean up but not really, if I want more weed I'd much rather have a few fresh bowls that are way more enjoyable than nursing a huge one where flavour disappears quickly and the rest is bland and harsh, personal preference.

did find the ramshackle version a fellow member posted though



SEARCH for the treasure...
the volcano never appealed to me even if it was truly hybrid because I only want a nice fresh hit

I had the OG version, but never enjoyed the BAGS. I guess if you can consume the entire bag fairly quickly, and change them often, it’s ok. I think they now have other options like tube draw etc., but I sold mine, and filled that space with smaller devices.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I had the OG version, but never enjoyed the BAGS. I guess if you can consume the entire bag fairly quickly, and change them often, it’s ok. I think they now have other options like tube draw etc., but I sold mine, and filled that space with smaller devices.
it definitely has a place in the world of vapes, just not for me. for heavy medical users that use for severe pain and need a big bowl, especially those with any sort of mobility issues that make reloading or using other vapes difficult, its probably a godsend. sometimes the medicating is more important than the experience of using the vape 👍.


Active Member
one more odd thing about people using new F series is that they put a screen in those I heard to prevent clogging...

Not sure why machine it and put a screen in also, just adding 1 bottom screen doesn't mess with flavor? The hellcat will need a screen on both sides? Id rather have machined on the tomcat anyways if im flipping it a lot but just odd to me.

Maybe use 4mm balls at the bottom just to fill the holes then go 3mm? not sure, anyone else have any thoughts on this?
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