@NewVape710 - high Edwyn....glad to see you are staying busy!! LOL

I do like the silicone sleeve a bit better than the handle. I really rather like the type of silicone sleeve used by Epic with their Enano stems as its pretty firm in consistency and its is multi-sided so it won't roll when laid down. Don't know where they get them from....somewhere in China, no doubt.
Wrt to the party bowl....I do hope you don't make it too dang big. Yes, if we can raise the screen to a reasonable one man bowl, that would be great and make it suitable for both use cases. But I wonder at the impact of all that open space on draw restriction. It seems like some draw restriction is required for good extraction, yeah?
As far as the new carb cap goes, it seems like the most frequent mistake in carb caps is make the orifices too large and killing the draw resistance and pressure drop. I would start with one hole also.
Now me personally (not anybody else just me), I don't think I'm too interested in using the shower head with concentrates as this requires the use of an flat sapphire insert (vice a Halo type or Liger type "bucket"). Seems to me that the regular head with SiC halo will do the job of dual vaping herb/wax and my interest in the Shower Head is for its improved flower performance. So...I'm probably not the best to comment on carb caps.
wrt to the sapphire insert and needing the washer...no, I don't have one but I wonder why the washer is needed. Will the sapphire not rest easy on the top inner face of the SiC Halo?
Really like where this is going. Very interesting and flexible. Need to look at some upcoming bills that are due and see when I can place an order. Really interested in it for flower mainly.