nothing's changed with the showerhead
posting concepts for discussion only there's no current plans to make any of the below items.
I'd like to get feedback from customers using the showerhead prior to creating the party bowl to determine how large of bowl it can handle.
Addressing the size concerns. I'd say the sky's the limit at this point in time as far as the overall larger size.
I'll just be cutting my teeth here for the first time with the FP gear this coming Saturday. Oh and get this guys n gals, and another chance to showcase NV's baddassery to another group of friends while watching
Mayweather n McGregor fight it out.
Anyways back to my point. After a bit of usage and testing out the current gear [I basically plan on owning it all, color my crazy I'll embrace it!] I'll have something more to build from concerning size.
Believe you and me, I've got the two step engaged and I'm currently ready to mash on the gas! 3...2...1.....let's do this!
I too like the better look of the overall flower pot design with the silicone ring. It just looks like it's meant to be part of the bits and pieces and doesn't look out of place.
I think handles are great but looks wise it just doesn't work in my head. But that's personal preference of course. However speaking to my previous point, the handle just doesn't flow.
I'm also curious if any of the current owners have accidentally snagged on the handle, or any other mishaps while in use?I'm just curious is all.
I've also not heard any other feedback from the other members that had the bending handle issues. Was this a design mistake or just user error? If so, has this been addressed yet?
Now for the
Shower Cap [wink, wink, nudge, nudge]

I'd say start off with just one hole. Then test it out and if the fuction is great, leave it. If not move up a hole and so on.
Just don't make them to large. This just makes for having to carb cap a carb cap to adjust the airflow. I personally would rather use mostly my own draw to compensate for this. Thoughts anyone?
Lastly, when you do decide to drill that hole into the carb cap consider these things for me if you would sir. First how about instead of a straight through hole, try drilling it at an angle.
I suggest this because hard angles with airflow create unneeded extra turbulence and fluctuations in consistency and flow rates.
Picture a matched and ported head. It's all about better angles and smoother flowing air to maximize performance. Hopefully that makes sense to you.
This angle I believe would be very beneficial for a even smoother capping experience and better for moving around the larger dabs too.
Perhaps if this works better maybe even a LolliCap 2.0 down the road.

Hehehe, I'm just letting it roll of the top is all. I'm currently tickled, tucked, and tantalized with the current version.
So how will the adjustable screen levels work? Here, with one side open you can easily move screen.
Will screens be wire mesh with rim around edge or wire screens with raw wire edges or ???
Simple really, find something smaller and poke it up through the bottom to dislodge the screen. Trust me this works perfectly and easily my friend.
Yes the raw exposed ends on screens work just fine for fitting into channels. I use them in my EQ bowl channel and it's even glass. So the metal on metal should fit even better I would think.
I'm also sure that NV's tolerances are going to be spot on. So I wouldn't worry about them popping out or anything. Cheers!