For all my screens, after iso soak, I give ‘em a quick rinse and inspection. If anything remains, I have & recommend a dedicated(not your partner’s!) power Pulsar toothbrush, one of those cheap ~$5 internal battery jobs and it’s lasted over a year and “pulses” (the head vibrates

) like new since it’s only been used for screens and threads/grinder. It may seem like a silly suggestion to some but I really like the results.
Holding the screen with tweezers or my preference: old-school surgical forceps, I just hold the toothbrush against it. Since the bristles are vibrating there’s no trying to agitate debris by manual brushing, which sucks as the screen moves around. It’s amazing, even better than toothpick/needle duty, no concentration required! I’m with you
@VaporWare on not torching screens, it’s easy to see benefits in longevity of normal screens and with the double-weaves, torching might not hurt them but it will ugly them up really good.
VW, you are correct about semi-regular brushings cutting down on the deep-clean but as you say, it’s not really that often. I’m currently using the S&B brushes cos they’re cheap and easy, like me.

I don’t believe you need to worry about remaining water after rinsing screens in the sink, certainly no need to put them back in iso. Just dry the screen with your breath, t-shirt or atmosphere and you’re good! I love to hear about everybody’s methods and techniques because that’s where most of mine come from.
@Hogni As much joy as it brings me to disagree with you, regardless of topic, I’m honestly not sure if a titanium brush is required for the task at hand; just don’t use a SS brush on Ti is the big rule AFAIK. But is this why you want a titanium brush? Or do we “need” one for other purposes? I happen to know that you like pretty things so the repurposed flux brush, erm I mean the “Errlectric Ti Nail Brush” probably won’t interest you much, especially at $20US. So now we “need” a pretty titanium brush made by NV.
You sir, are a Ti fetishist!
I’m still feeling very strong emotions about the VRod but they are BIG MACHO emotions for sure!

I’m not a one-vape man like many here, I like to play around too much throughout my day but the VRod has definitely taken Centre Stage. I’ve been so smitten that I already grabbed a 110V coil because I simply couldn’t bear the thought of being apart for 3-4 weeks on holiday. I’ll need a Pelican case next...
Do I have a problem?

Is this what a problem looks like?

Please tell me it’s not a problem!!!