Got my VROD bundle and have it setup, getting ready to try it out. The "out" light blinks slowly after it reaches temp, but that seems normal, correct?
And does anyone have directions for the "auto-calibration" and can explain what exactly it does and if/when I even need to do it?
I’m not familiar with the Auber controller (the one with the dial), but on the other I’ve never bothered with calibration and I’ve never seen a need to. I don’t remember a blinking light though...
I received these SiC terp pearls tonight and after an ISO soak followed by a distilled water soak. I am very pleased to say, IMO, they are easily worth the 20 bucks!
There is definitely an improvement in taste, nothing to drastic but a noticeable improvement over my rubies.
They seem to clean a bit better than my ruby terp pearls too. My rubies always seemed to have a film or haze on them but these “SiC pearls” clean up like new with a few Q-tips of distilled water.
Thank for the heads up
@wildything .
Glad to hear it! I’ve got a few of the quartz ones, but I’m having trouble getting them clean...they’re so small that manipulating them to clean them is hard, and I haven’t figured out anything that just cleans them without a lot of difficult (due to the small size) work on my part. Maybe it’s just that I let them cook on the VRod too long before trying to clean them, but while I got the SiC dish clean pretty easily, the quartz balls have been covered in old concentrates and sitting in a bag of iso for...too long.
Anyone have tips for getting them clean now, and/or cleaning them in the future?
Also, one of them fell on a tile floor while I was trying to clean it.

Anyone concerned it may have cracked or chipped and think there’s a problem with using it, or if it appears to be in one piece (without a magnifying glass or anything) would you worry about it?
I may just pick up some (Chopper!) SiC balls soon, but I’d still like to figure out how to deal with these.