No harm beind done eh? And Im with you 100%. No regrets at all buying and trying: SV3, Showehead, Symphony (all not to be for me sadly), but I wouldn't change anything and am so glad I got to try those vapes. And many others too.@Alexis sh should be here Friday. I'm a silly dude haha what can I say. I want to try all these vapes and enjoy them all ahah
And my mum would not be converted into the OAP (ex-hippy) Showerheader now if I hadnt made the excellent acquistion. She would not even be vaping at all, except maybe a dozen vapcap loads each summer. When she uses the Flowerpot, her arthirits vanishes. She never experienced this with any other desktops in the past.
The Herbo Ti I also bought, sold, and will be buying AGAIN! (Sound familiar @Zow237 ?

So that was a triumph, and has proven to be the best tolerated for my of the lot.
And if I had just kept it last year and settled down (with kids lol!) then I might not be set for the digital version in the Spring.
So Im really glad for every single vape purchase I've ever made, good and bad, they have all served me with an education and learning which has led me to this point in my life, call it destiny, no point having regrets anyhow, just try to accept things as being how they ate supposed to be for my own mysterious path through life and beyond.

Looking forward to your impressions of the Showerhead Zow.