You're welcome dude looks lkke you are already a qualified expert! No major surprises that yoy say your SSV gives better flavour at this point. I personallg thougjt the flavour with the Showerhead was excellent, but I was using 500-575 though where it really shines taste wise. I only say Im not surprised because others have said how they get better flavour from numerous other vapes (not referring to the Elev8r here).
@Zow237 has just recently become a very happy champion of the SSV, and was very surpised by both its amazing pure flavour AND the size of the clouds, having been through a few good vapes himself. I don't think he has the Showerhead yet though.
Zow you do crack me up dude, you are like a walking vape advert salesman at times, I can't keep up!

You, myself and
@biohacker certainly have been on a bit of a testing run with many falling by the wayside. I hope you can find total contentment eventually anyhow..
Sorry Larry, got sidetracked. I have to say though, even without 1st prize (or even 2nd or 3rd?) the FPSH is still a very special, exceptional vaporizer and I have no doubt personally that it would be my daily driver if it was possible.
And I would be here praising it every day.
So just keep playing with the variables to find your happy mediums. It will interesting to see how your opinion on it grows and how it fits in with your other vapes. It seems to be incredibly common, almost normal for people's first use and impressions of a new vape to be disappointing.
Even our grand master vaporist
@lazylathe took a surprisingly long time to discover judt how much he loves the Showerhead- basically as much (or a little more I believe) than any other vape ever, (but please correct me if Im wrong Lazy and sorry for speaking wrongly for you in such case.)