So Im a bit confused now- in my mind I had separated these 2 processes as being different, and somewhat unrelated.
So are you saying that the Autotuning is essentially the same process as calibrating the coil tp your environment/head?
And that even this calibration is not going to make any functional difference to performance once the apparatus has heated up and stabailised?
If this is the case, and calibration isn't going to improve performance except the way the controller gets up to speed, then I shan't concern myself with this calibration step either and save my (already preoccupied brain) the details and effort.
Calibration can be done manually or automatically, doing it automatically is autotuning, therefore calibration and autotune are essentially the same thing. I'd rather trust the autotune than me doing it manually, especially considering all it does is stop over shooting the initial heat up temp.
Considering no one has needed this function at all and ppl are very happy with their Flowerpots, I'm erring on the side of being able to happily ignore all of this and not be missing out in any way

At the end of the day this Auto Tune has NO affect on the functionally of the controller and flowerpot. The AT theory (as I understand it) is modifying the algorithm that controls the heat up logic.