@biohacker & co...Firstly, good morning!

Actually midday, late bedtime just up a while ago.
So now my thinking is that I may get the 14 mm male bowl plus those basic glass reducers
@lazylathe showed.
I agree with you
@biohacker that those cafbon filter adapters are a little tall and exposing, just asking for trouble some day!
Deep down I wasn't happy with that. And Im not actually botheres about using hemp fiber, it is extra maintenance and Im sure it can restrict airflow depending on how you fix it up.
I bet you could still tuck a bit under the bowl somehow anyway.
My only concern was I didn't want the 14 mm bowls to reduce the airflow/narrow the vapir path.
@Chicken #420 has assured me that the 14 and 18 mm male bowls have identical inner diameter and vapor pathway.
@lazylathe and
@SoDelicious seem happy enough!

I would like 2 bowls still. I REALLY hope I can get a 14 mm male stubby bowl when I order, along with the 14 mm male current one.
@NewVape710 please keep one 14 mm male stubby bowl for me until I am ready to order!
I would be sorry to miss out on that one, I do hope you make some more, one of the most useful accessories and for a great price to add a second bowl.
Please tell me if you expect them to go sooner I may try to move some mountains in a hurry but Im hoping I will be able to get one when I have funds in about a month.
That way, 2 bowls both to run with the glass reducer, no problems!