Hey there neighbor , life is tough on the Balkans, even more here in Bulgaria

,i've heard some people over here envy that is it better in Romania ,lol...At least you got medical program,and things are going somewhere,here it is all really barbaric with MJ laws,there is prison time even for amounts like 0.01 g and terminally ill people are getting convicted for trying to cure their diseases ,also middle salary is like 400 euro/month and penalties are like 2000 euro for any amount of herb as a bonus to the jail time... Glad to see you decided to fuck combustion for good,it for sure saves some on the wallet and adds to your health, i havent tried the Flowerpot but really want to some day,because of the all good words on it.
I totally understand your frustration with difference in life standards ,and know how hard it is to spare money for vapes. It is a very good decision that you went with the flowerpot,as mentioned it is a really durable vape and well worth the investment ,i wish you many happy hours with your vape. IMO Volcano is an old technology and quite overpriced for what it is .. at the very least it needs a lot of herbs + it sounds like a coffee grinder... and those balloons might be comfortable for patients but to me they are
remincent of the way some people are huffing glue around here..

Probably is old news for most of the people here,but vapefiend.com stocked the Flowerpot, did you ordered it from him ? You will save on custom taxes if you did !
https://vapefiend.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/?q=flowerpot Even if did ordered from USA maybe later in the game you can get some extras .
Cheers and welcome to FC
Looks i forgot to hit refresh button before posting again.. I just saw there are some other posts after your, ,i now get it that you ordered directly from Newvape .. and also now i read that it is quite the same either if you order from VF or NV pricewise,but even so the advice is still worth it cause you wont have to deal with customs + delivery is much faster
