Well-Known Member
Ran my SH again last night at 620 F driven by an Auber with Cherry OG and a bit of pollen that collected in my drying boxes. Two loads of about .17 g or so.
The FP just works and I'm not finding anything fiddly about draw speed. I seem to naturally draw at a speed that's good for my SH with the glass I'm using.
I do cap, always however.
I don't stir until the end when I get whisps...I'll give it a stir and get a bit more but really a tiny bit more. Stirring doesn't seem to be needed capped and at the temps I use. Looks a whole lot like the herb blows around in there (like a Volcano chamber) and all sides get hit.
@Danksta - this this the glass I have been using with it...yes, its a larger 65mm can type bubbler and seems to work well. This, and an FC-188, are my flower WT's. This an older pic and yes, that's a Liger on it. I no longer dab from this glass as I have other smaller glass that's just better for that. I think this would fit in your definition of the larger size glass you like for the FP?? Yes?/No?
That looks perfect @Baron23, where can I cop one?
EDIT: Looks like my coil isn't completely shot, just slightly uncalibrated. 535 seems to be my new 525. I've also gone back to capping and love it. The taste difference is not large enough to go back uncapped and the extra milk is great.
It amazes me how good 725 one hit bowls taste after a 525 hit. I freaking LOVE my FP!