It took me quite a while to decide when I made my original order. I have a hard time visualizing and their preview tool wasn't available so I was photoshopping different color combos to see what the end result would look like. Sapphire and emerald were at the top of my list and I ended up with a medium sapphire BCG and amethyst coarse and aquamarine fine plates.
For my large I went with Amber and I regret it. Some of the photos make the coloring look very orange but mine is more copper. Function is great and the color is growing on me but if anyone interested in the amber it is grossly misrepresented when I compare mine to the picture on the website.
I would be worried that salt might wreck the anodizing. I place mine in ISO and barely let it soak before taking an ISO soaked q-tip to it which always cleans it nicely.
Hell no, team colors are a great inspiration! Buy whatever appeals to you most is my thinking. If you have a few combos that stick out about the rest I would screen shot each one and then randomly flip through the pictures and I bet one will still out above the rest. Or you'll end up with multiple grinders

. White definitely needs to be added, I've had a Canadian flag BCG in my head for while as I think it would be a cool combo. White would really broaden the inspiration for country flags and sports team setups. An all white BCG, though not necessarily for me also sounds like something that would be very popular. The more choices the better imo.
Edit: I'll have to read through that
@Summer I didn't realize white wasn't a possibility.