The vivant is very much not a crafty with changeable batts at all, I'd get shot of it if I was you. I have pretty much every vape but my goto for flav vap production and clouds is the IQ2 full packed oven tamp down so the door just shuts stick it on 192C and it's the nuts. I even prefer it to my tinymight 2 which is not as smooth or as flavourful. I have compared the vivant and the crafty very closely the vivant is almost coming apart along it's seams after 6 months, the crafts batt is shite but so is any good vape as it needs to generate heat. I bought a good 4 slot charger and 8 18650s so I'm good
I'm about 2-3 months in now, I think? (hey... good weed

I used the Crafty every day for just over 2 years before it broke on me. I know what the Crafty is like - and I honestly don't see much difference between a Vivant Alternate and the Crafty. They're about the same in terms of experience as far as I can tell. I've been vaping dry herb for about 5-6 years now. To be fair, I doubt my lungs are in the best of shape but, as I said, I just don't see much difference. Maybe I need to wait a while longer?
One thing I do want to mention is that I rarely go above 364F - usually a little less. From past experience with other vapes, once you start going above that, then it's a matter of time before things start breaking (notably mouthpieces) and generally coming apart. I'd say this is a general rule of thumb that I've noticed. I don't think most of them are even really designed to withstand the higher temps for long-term use. (that old chestnut, the Flowermate Aura comes immediately to mind)
Anyway, enjoying it - and I can take out the battery any time I want which is why I got it.
Also (back on topic!) enjoying the Boundless Tera. Notable flaw so far? The foamy rubber adhesive over the battery case. It just melts away after about a month and a half. It looks fine without it - and I don't understand why they bothered with it? It can only bring the product down and is inevitable. As I said, I don't vape at high temps at all - and it just peeled off...
Sucker still guzzles batteries like Godzilla shoots fire... but again, who cares when you can just take them out and switch them.
Funny thing is, now I look at vapes for sale and I instantly pass on all of them because of the non-removable battery - as so few actually have that option. I hope people wake up and it becomes standard in the years to come. The idea that you have to throw it away based on battery life is totally wasteful and unnecessary. It's hardly rocket science - and this is 2022. I mean, we've got probes on Mars.... Is a replaceable battery that difficult? Or more a sign of a disposable society?