Best recycler options/do they improve over conventional water pieces?

Dargin B

Well-Known Member
I've had this Klein recycler from Goo Roo for a few days and I can recommend it wholeheartedly especially for open, very productive vapes. I got mine mostly to use with my Z8, B0, glass vapes, and DBV, but the function is fantastic even with a bit more restriction. The Couch Log is plenty open enough for it. At 10", it's big and cools well.

It wasn't cheap at $270 (@VGOODIEZ winter sale) but if you need a big, high-quality, multi-purpose recycler with excellent function and cooling, here ya go!
Hello! Did you get the 14mm or 18mm? I'm thinking of getting the 18mm for ball vapes since I've never had an 18mm recycler. I don't typically like vaping through recyclers due to restriction...


Well-Known Member
Hello! Did you get the 14mm or 18mm? I'm thinking of getting the 18mm for ball vapes since I've never had an 18mm recycler. I don't typically like vaping through recyclers due to restriction...
I have the 14mm. That has a bit of restriction but it really goes, it's a terrific pipe. I have other 18mm recyclers that also work great, the only restriction will be what's inherent in the overall design. The only issue really will be adapting for your 14mm bowls/vapes.
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