Best recycler options/do they improve over conventional water pieces?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Do you still use/enjoy it, @Shit Snacks ? I liked the looks of it when you got it and you seemed to really dig it so I was kinda bummed when it became unavailable. Reached out, no reply yet. I ordered anyhow, hopefully they'll come through.

Yeah, honestly I don't use it very often, compared to others (partially because of how the glass on mine is all roughed up, not sure how to describe it but it's like a darker green you can sort of see and feel all over it so there's something wrong they did with it and the mold they used, perhaps not fired properly etc) but functionally confirmed it is still phenomenal with a variety of pure convection herbal vapes also decent enough mouthpiece (wide flaring but at the right angle not too wide with the tube it's sort of unique) though it can be a little tedious to keep clean which could be true of most recyclers?... Yeah that would be awesome if they have them available again, but I would be surprised, hoping to get another version made with cloud connoisseur in the future :brow:

Definitely want one of those without the black accents... I saw a clone on the china gate but it was a bit too rough and I am not having any black colour on my glass.

Yeah I wouldn't trust black glass from just anywhere, this one is from trusted seller Lumin88 Yingmin5 (aka maker Genesis Glass) and I even asked them to confirm about the black glass when I ordered since I requested the blue accented version instead though it is no longer available...

However I actually think it would be better to get one with more simple upward slitted inline instead of barrel matrix inline like the TAG version which you can find here:

Also just discovered this one, which seems to be a cheaper yet still functional version with green accents:

There are a lot of resellers of used glass on eBay too, like this Biao classic style:
A little pricey, but for all you get, shipping within the US, these colors, actually very fair price! I paid $50 shipped for mine in CFL purple without any banger or bubble cap through Reddit though it was brand new (remember eBay has a lot of fees for the sellers)

This is a classic effective style of klein recycler (where the funnel is separate, although not floating as it is still attached) with single uptake and drain (neither are incycler parts, like the one CB linked above has incycler drain for example) plus simple four hole side shower head perc... A little small so ideal for dabbing, though fine for herbs too (and other sellers from DHgate do make larger versions actually as well)

This is the one I tend to prefer though it is functionally the same, it only has three holes in the perc and you see the klein funnel is even more separate, although not floating on top style so the piece is not as narrow and tall, a bit more balanced:
They have other listings with it available in clear as well as other colors with opals more expensive...

Don't forget this decent looking one from eBay as well:

But you might want to forget this crazy one:
Haha curious? Nice colors at least

They also have this pillar incycler:

And these straight fabs... Eh:
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Has anyone used the GooRoo Klein recycler? Looks like it should be a decent flower rig but I'm not sure how big it is or how good its function is.

Yeah it looks awesome, I think it would be great with flower as well as dabs, it's got the good perk and a simple single uptake to the klein funnel and classic drain... If you email them they can sell you a color version from the store I'm sure (or make a custom)


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda curious about this one I've never seen a recycler look like this before. It actually maybe seems similar to the incyclers (though I've never used one so I maybe talking out my ass on that one) but I'm curious about the function which unfortunately the video doesn't show.

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
I'm kinda curious about this one I've never seen a recycler look like this before. It actually maybe seems similar to the incyclers (though I've never used one so I maybe talking out my ass on that one) but I'm curious about the function which unfortunately the video doesn't show.
Which one?
Abele Rizieri Ferrari,

Grass Yes

Staff member

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
I think you missed the link in the post:

Easy to do with the way FC renders inline links.
Thanks I even tried tapping on the message lol

Looks like a double Klein incycler? These type of rigs are quite tricky to get good function even with one drain. I wouldn't expect this setup to help that. On the contrary.

The nicest Klein incycler ive come across is the TAG one I ordered. Perc should give it an easy draw and it's got a narrow space around the drain which makes it easier for the water to reach the drain holes.

I got it for 100$ before discount iirc but 110$ with 35% off is still a pretty good deal. But like I said these Klein incyclers are quite tricky and unless you have some nice other pieces and really want to add one of there's probably better pieces out there. I got one off dhgate and while I like it it's not that easy to get good function with most vapes. I'm stubborn and decided I want one that can take a nice spot in the rotation, so 🤞 the TAG one can reward that stubbornness :lol:


Well-Known Member
Thanks I even tried tapping on the message lol

Looks like a double Klein incycler? These type of rigs are quite tricky to get good function even with one drain. I wouldn't expect this setup to help that. On the contrary.

The nicest Klein incycler ive come across is the TAG one I ordered. Perc should give it an easy draw and it's got a narrow space around the drain which makes it easier for the water to reach the drain holes.

I got it for 100$ before discount iirc but 110$ with 35% off is still a pretty good deal. But like I said these Klein incyclers are quite tricky and unless you have some nice other pieces and really want to add one of there's probably better pieces out there. I got one off dhgate and while I like it it's not that easy to get good function with most vapes. I'm stubborn and decided I want one that can take a nice spot in the rotation, so 🤞 the TAG one can reward that stubbornness :lol:

That's honestly what I was kind of figuring with that one. It seems like more then anything it may act like a splash guard but my experience with recyclers has been severely limited unfortunately. I've only had the ratchet bubbler recycler from tag that unfortunately ended up breaking about a year and a half ago. I really miss that little piece. But I've had my eye on that incycler for awhile now. I just haven't actually pulled the trigger on it even though ive been sorely tempted at times.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
That's honestly what I was kind of figuring with that one. It seems like more then anything it may act like a splash guard but my experience with recyclers has been severely limited unfortunately. I've only had the ratchet bubbler recycler from tag that unfortunately ended up breaking about a year and a half ago. I really miss that little piece. But I've had my eye on that incycler for awhile now. I just haven't actually pulled the trigger on it even though ive been sorely tempted at times.

Well if you do try it be sure to share a video, I don't see how two funnels and drains would work well that way, certainly not going to vortex, I wouldn't think... But some level of function lol plenty of wonky recyclers

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
. It seems like more then anything it may act like a splash guard
Yes if you don't get the vortex on it's basically just that.

my experience with recyclers has been severely limited unfortunately. I've only had the ratchet bubbler recycler from tag that unfortunately ended up breaking about a year and a half ago. I really miss that little piece.
Oh that sucks! I haven't used many recyclers myself. I have a small dual uptake recycler that I like with higher temp hash hits and that dhgate incycler. I had another single uptake recycler as well but that one really sucked as it was a totally different piece*.

*from the one listed
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Abele Rizieri Ferrari,


Well-Known Member
I have this incycler. It's one of my favorite pieces (I'm selling a lot of my stuff now, but I am keeping this one!)

I find it has very good cooling. It requires a lot of water to function correctly...

I have this RBR knockoff, again one of my favorites. I got it when someone posted a function video on Reddit. Amazing value at $39.99.
I hate the gold lettering on it though.

Again, cooling is amazing. Also requires a lot of water and a specific draw to get the vortex going.

The one downside is a loss of flavor. Both pieces really mute taste for me.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I have this incycler. It's one of my favorite pieces (I'm selling a lot of my stuff now, but I am keeping this one!)

I find it has very good cooling. It requires a lot of water to function correctly...

Yeah as long as you are using it with the right stuff the right way it should function well enough I would think?

Still need to try mine that is full incycler with the drain as well and different perc, with proper dabbing, because it doesn't seem to want to function well with vapes...

I have this RBR knockoff, again one of my favorites. I got it when someone posted a function video on Reddit. Amazing value at $39.99.
I hate the gold lettering on it though.

Again, cooling is amazing. Also requires a lot of water and a specific draw to get the vortex going.

The one downside is a loss of flavor. Both pieces really mute taste for me.

Yeah a similar RBR like that one can be found at a similar price on eBay and from vgoodiez now (without any logo lettering)

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
Logo can be washed off. I believe you need to make a paste of flour with water and add citric acid. The acid will dissolve the paint so you can rub it off (and the reason you make a paste out of it so you can let it leave it on a bit and let the acid do its work.


Well-Known Member
Yeah as long as you are using it with the right stuff the right way it should function well enough I would think?

Still need to try mine that is full incycler with the drain as well and different perc, with proper dabbing, because it doesn't seem to want to function well with vapes...

Yeah a similar RBR like that one can be found at a similar price on eBay and from vgoodiez now (without any logo lettering)
Yeah – Vgoodiez didn't have a version when I ordered this one!
Logo can be washed off. I believe you need to make a paste of flour with water and add citric acid. The acid will dissolve the paint so you can rub it off (and the reason you make a paste out of it so you can let it leave it on a bit and let the acid do its work.
Ohhh awesome! I'm going to try this.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Logo can be washed off. I believe you need to make a paste of flour with water and add citric acid. The acid will dissolve the paint so you can rub it off (and the reason you make a paste out of it so you can let it leave it on a bit and let the acid do its work.
Ohhh awesome! I'm going to try this.

I've heard vinegar is the best, soak it into paper towel and let that sit on the logo


Well-Known Member
I've had this Klein recycler from Goo Roo for a few days and I can recommend it wholeheartedly especially for open, very productive vapes. I got mine mostly to use with my Z8, B0, glass vapes, and DBV, but the function is fantastic even with a bit more restriction. The Couch Log is plenty open enough for it. At 10", it's big and cools well.

It wasn't cheap at $270 (@VGOODIEZ winter sale) but if you need a big, high-quality, multi-purpose recycler with excellent function and cooling, here ya go!

Thick Vape

In the Ballpark
Sometimes it is also luck. At least with overseas pieces. I got the same klein recycler copy 3 times from china or indirectly. And 1 piece has such a big draw restriction it is almost unusable.


Well-Known Member
I bought one of the biao RBRs from Greek Glass. Still experimenting with it, but it’s a 10mm joint, so I’m mostly using it with DVs or Vapmen. Do you need a hard pull on these? I’m getting good flavor and cooling but I’m wondering how how much water I should be adding.


Well-Known Member
I bought one of the biao RBRs from Greek Glass. Still experimenting with it, but it’s a 10mm joint, so I’m mostly using it with DVs or Vapmen. Do you need a hard pull on these? I’m getting good flavor and cooling but I’m wondering how how much water I should be adding.
Both of those might be a little tight to function with a recycler, unfortunately. Try a DV config without the condenser and see if that loosens it up enough.


New Member
I know this thread primarily has vape users, but what would you guys recommend if I'm looking to get the absolutely best function/flavor for a terp slurper, rig-wise?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I know this thread primarily has vape users, but what would you guys recommend if I'm looking to get the absolutely best function/flavor for a terp slurper, rig-wise?

What is your price range? Bloopers can be really nice with a slurper, I love my rain glass wrx funkjam too and depending how heady you want to go theres some great options...
Shit Snacks,
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