I might have to put this thing aside until the final revision parts come through. While I don't consider myself an RDA/Coil building guru I don't think I'm a total noob at this and I can't seem to get those old/defective ESCC's to work or they're just not doing good for me.
I don't know if it's both of the defective/old style ESCC's, the deck itself, or not prepping the springs properly or more a lack of spare ones to practice with but I did try ones from the worst of the two that has really worn leg plating making it have REALLY sensitive readings causing it to stay in the .8-.9 range cold and when heated up to like 1.3. On the better one after each use the oHm measurements go up .05-.1 permanently even when cooled and doing the reseating dance to get it as low as possible without getting that super lucky position and did get into that .6-.85 range but just burns thru the roof with oHms after each usage.
I watched Brents newer video on installing the spring clips installation and how to to gently open them up with the torx driver when in the slots so I think I'm good there cause old speings from the worn leg ESCC worked unto ~7.5-8 cold then after a few uses or I guess depending on how worn they were before on the other old ESCC, they get to that point where it gets to have to start cranking up wattage so the ESCC will stay hot with the air intake constantly cooling it on the draw, so I'm thinking the springs are pretty solid as long as you don't wiggle them side-to-side when pulling the ESCC out or am I not doing something right?
I say possibly the deck cause one side snaps in and whether used or new spring when seated will have that firm seating as it hits the base, the other side doesn't have that click and seems to have its clip be pulled up easier when removing the ESCC. Also I'm pretty sure both my ESCC's have leggings are too close together to the point that one side always scrapes or takes a lot more pressure to remove even with opening the clip with the driver.
I know this is supposed to be really advanced unit but I've build my share of RDA coil decks to know when you've get a "Sweet Spot" with the wire and I can't even find that metaphorical spot where the oHms come back to somewhere close to the starting oHms when I begin firing for the dab.
The coil deck is cool and everything but it loses the allure cause it feels like it's just another RDA.
Not a hate post but from a semi OCD outlook or just wanting repetitive preformance this thing is driving me up a wall. Does anyone have any input they can throw my way? Im down to My last unused pair of clips and have some seated that started at .76 and ended at 1.1 and was only able to work back down to ~.9
Can't wait for the Final ESCC.