I’m happy to say I was lucky enough to get mine. I am reluctant to report that I have very mixed feelings about this. I have a Lost Vape Therion DNA75c. The first time I put the springs in it was tricky, but after a few busted springs. I got it seated perfectly. Nice stable resistance around .8 area. For a few days. Then it started acting finicky. So I took it apart to clean it.
Since then I have never been able to get the resistance below 1.2 I have used several sets of clips with no luck. Resistance flying all over the place. 2 days I took it out with me for the day while I’m the road. And both days it had issues. Too hot, too cold... constantly inconsistent. Very upsetting Because when it was “dialed in” before the springs failed. I was in love... ( this is where the mixed feelings come into play.)
When it was working there was nothing quite like it. You could completely finish a nice dab in 2/3 hits with NO FLAVOR LOSS AT ALL. LIKE NONE. Hit 3 tastes as good as hit 1!!! I have the terpometer. When using that thing and having it on point it was pure perfection. Consistent. Reaching and not overshooting temp etc... Make no mistake... however these springs are an issue. They need to find a permanent solution.
I am sad to report I already broke a leg off the ESCC. Devastated... yes. But actually also quite relieved Because I was spending about an hour or more a day trying to get the resistance and consistency on point like I had for the first 3 days. So I get my life back at least.
ESCC Clip installation - current 'best practice' (
submitted 48 minutes ago * by
Ok, those of us that either have an m22 or have been reading about it know - clip installation can be fussy and challenging. Those of us with less-than-great eyesight and/or dexterity issues in particular might struggle. I know I've struggled some.
Here's an easier method to install clips than most are using. It was originally used with og clips/og escc by some, but didn't seem to work well for me due to og clip configuration. My thanks to Brent and
u/Tennisguru1 for reminding me of this! This method works
great with the final clips/escc - it reduces chances of deforming/damaging clips, seats clips more securely, gives better resistance stability, reduces zirc rattle, and improves clip life.
Simply take your escc (your old og escc is perfect for this, if you have the final. But either will do so long as it has at least one leg), slip a new clip on
one leg (do
not use the zirc cup for any of this).
Make sure that it will be oriented correctly when you do the next step - correct orientation will have the long top-edges of each clip pointed at the long top-edges of the other, when installed.
Position the leg
without the clip so that it hangs over the outside-edge of the m22 deck while the leg
with the clip is above an empty post-hole.
Line-up the leg with the clip so it's square over the hole-opening and vertical. Push it straight down without wiggling or cocking. The clip+leg should go in cleanly with a click when it's seated.
Remove the escc by pulling straight up.
Repeat on the other post-hole.
Install the final escc in the updated zirc cup and install on the deck. Insertion force will be higher than you're used to, so be careful to line up the legs before pressing it down.
Done. Cold resistance will measure as low or lower than you've ever seen before, if you were successful ime.
Hope this helps!

Edited to include missing info and for clarity