AVS m22


Well-Known Member
IMO, you have two options. An Arctic Fox compatible mod that has wattage curves programmed that emulate temp control.

The other option is to give up the ESCC cup and put a Divine Tribe v5 cup in the atomizer. Their atty is excellent for airflow/convection style cooling.


IMO, you have two options. An Arctic Fox compatible mod that has wattage curves programmed that emulate temp control.

The other option is to give up the ESCC cup and put a Divine Tribe v5 cup in the atomizer. Their atty is excellent for airflow/convection style cooling.
Yeah, im looking at the V5 now. And the XL variant. I also remember the owner of DT, forget his name, is super good about service and is active here. Well, he used to be. Its just that the ESCC is so damn nice. Its built like a tank and produces some of the nicest rips ive ever gotten from an atomizer style setup.

I just reached out to AVS and they are saying the CT preorders are shipping on or around 4/20. Fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
Oh during the brief time I had their energized SiC cup working in temp control, it was great. Some of the best tasting dabs I have ever had. Not sure why. The very quick heat up on a somewhat premium surface?

The problem is the white ceramic used on every competing device tastes about 95% as good, and is a million times more stable when using temp control :shrug:
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