First a general note:
I know I've mentioned this a few times off-handedly in passing, but never in this context. It didn't occur to me until I was on a trip and used the stock glass straw that it dawned on me (see below), I am doing something different from most (all?) of you. Or -- more specifically -- I knew I was doing something different, but didn't think much about it.
I have a complete set of accessories, some of which (after I broke one of my first U-GonG adapters playing with it) are untouched. But I use both of the straight adaptors. HOWEVER, not with a water tool, as I feel I loose some of the tasty tasty tasty tasty terps.
I'll upload photos of my EDC one of these days, but I have one or both of the straight GonG with me 95% of the time. I use them as straws as I just like the feel and heft much better.
So, I was on a trip the other day, and just had the stock straw-stem with me. (And one of the old ones, at that. See below.) I noticed a few things, including how loose it was (kept slipping down), the wobble, slightly harsher vapor, etc.
It dawns on me that using the GonG as a straw has some advantages:
First off, it seals the screen-stem down at the bottom.
Second, the vapor was "less harsh".
Third, more pure vapor. Perhaps thicker??
Fourth, due to the mass of the glass, it affected the quality of the vapor.
Fifth, it feels much more solid and stable.
Sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth.... I dunno. Ask me the next time I do a side-by-side with my two Ascents.

Point being is that the whole experience FELT distinctly different to what I've become so accustom to.
I will allow for the fact that, as I am more partial to the heft and feel of the heavier glass, that any perceived differences are in my head. I ask those of you that feel you are getting good production out of your unit and also have the straight GonG, to try a comparison and get back to me if you feel you notice a difference.
UNRELATED SIDENOTE: I think I am in the minority in really not liking the buddy rim. I feel the straw-stem burn my lips when I do that. Also, more harsh than the GonG. I'm glad I have it for sharing, but don't use it for myself.
To each, our own...
1. There is a fair bit of wiggle on my glass mouthpiece when I pull it out. Normal?
2. The silicone cover around the mouthpiece caves in a little bit when pressure is applied. Normal?
3. I CANNOT turn off my Ascent when it's in the 3-step mode, has to complete the cycle and turn itself off. Normal?
4. After a certain amount of time, I cannot increase whatever the set temperature is in the standard bowl heating mode (i.e. starts at 385, want to move up to 400 halfway through, have to restart the device to get it to heat up more). Normal?
1. There is a difference in stems. I have quite a few, and all of my early ones are thinner glass/not fitting as well. As per above, I don't use any of them but maybe 5% of the time, so I've ignored this up until now. This question is what reminded me of the above comments.
2. Not sure I understand this. In the IMMEDIATE area? Yes. Other places? Don't think so.
3. When I get into 3-step mode, that's (turning it off) the only way I can get out. I know... I know... RTFM.
If I'm vaked enough to get into that mode, I'm not in a position to read myself out of it. 
I do think the three-step program is GREAT! but I will vary in the amount I use so much that I'd rather go off of taste/visible-vapor as indicator to temp-step.
4. No problem I've seen. I have access to 5 or more Ascents now (In addition to my stable, I *do* have IRL friends.

) The "after a certain amount of time" I find really confusing, as there is no reason software (or hardware) reason for this. This merits further investigation.
I've asked if it was supposed to be airtight or not- should be an easy question to answer.... I am now satisfied that the plastic tube is airtight regardless of whether its made of one or more pieces.
It is not supposed to be airtight. Nor is it supposed to NOT NOT be airtight.
As OF and PPro have pointed out, it is an issue of "path of least resistance" and a non-issue.
Some speculation passed off as assertion here (eg, fixed quantitate figure of air drawn across all of the electrons and evil nuclear waste, poison, and kryptonie on the inside (okay, the last is slight hyperbole on my part...

But *I* at least make that clear...) that MUST be true) is baseless.
Just because one presumes something is true -- unhindered or otherwise un-constrained by any empirical data -- doesn't make it so.
Close call, but wrong answer. You should have got red in the face and told here it's not for shaving beards..........
Wait...what... OHHHHHHHHHH!