Totally disagree with the above.
The pre-production units were just that...........pre-production. There was not a rush to get 100's of units made by a certain time deadline, so the workers were able to take their time and do it right. Once a unit goes out of pre-production into regular production, time constraints become an issue and QC then "should" become an integral part of the manufacturing process to correct those issues that ALWAYS comes up when ANY product goes from pre-production to production.
Whoever is in charge of QC, both in China and here stateside should either be fired, or strung up andby DV and if it's the latter, I want vids or it didn't happen.
First my statement was a generalization (and of course I kid somewhat; main point being QC goes down after the contract is signed) and not specific to DaVinci. But since you mentioned this pre-production vs regular production units and how the regular production "should" have QC be an integral part of the manufacturing process. Obviously, that did not happen right? QC of pre vs regular production have gone down x%. It cannot even be measured it is so high because pre-production had ZERO problems we have now. They might have had others, but NONE of the problems being reported now. Totally disagree with my explanation of the above?