Really, it doesn't look easy to just dump and swab? The video is a quick 1 min "How To" demonstration. It's meant to show you how to clean the unit, not necessarily how thoroughly cleaned you can get your unit. Turn those 5 second demo-swabs into 1 min each and your Ascent will be as clean as you want it.
Really? it doesnt set a good example when the bottom does not look clean at the end. The bowl is an odd shape, doesnt come out, and this was one of my worries that it would be harder to empty and clean. This video is less than reassuring.
I'll say this: I've owned a Solo, Iolite, WISPR, MFLB, Da Vinci, Pax, Cera, and now an Ascent. The Ascent is easiest to clean IME after the Cera, but the Cera requires no more than a quick wipe of the ceramic with a very occasional 20 min boil. I guess the Solo is equally as easy as the Ascent given it's just a small inner bowl with a glass stem to soak, but it stains a bit so it doesn't look so new anymore. I ran some flower and kief through my Ascent (hits are phenomenal, by the way) and was able to clean it back to essentially brand new in a matter of minutes - like 2 minutes maybe?
Dude go medicate. It was just a quick demonstration lolDoes this not remind anyone of a lousy infomercial where they try to clumsily do a medial task?
Why was that swab done so poorly? They didnt empty the bowl fully, or swab it well at all.
Also why is the brand name "Q-tip" even listed? its clearly just a regular cotton swab...
This is supposed to set an example.... It does not make it look easy to clean the bowl. You can clearly see brown stuff left behind...
Was just thinking the same. Also, who stores concentrates in a plastic dropper bottle like that?This is mighty fun....anyone else notice how thin the 'oil' was? I sure don't have any that thin......
I smell 'juice' from here........
What the hell?! I checked the website to order the Ascent and it was in stock, go to deposit a check to my bank account and now they are all out of stock. Lame!
I wish I could find a recipe to make a THC essential oil like in vapor pens, cause they always produce nice thick vapor.
I bet if you could make some it would work great. I wonder if it is possibles
If it was possible it would work real well in those glass oil jars in the Ascent.
I think ill start searching the web.
Medical mark
that was my screen after two weeks heavy use and then after a two hour iso soak...still cant figure out how to get the bowl COMPLETELY clean thouh
Hey you should try boiling it in milk and make some thc induced hot coco
Lol...okay 'knocking' a stanger on the internet is so original...(not knocking the vape, but the user.......yuch......)
I wish I could find a recipe to make a THC essential oil like in vapor pens, cause they always produce nice thick vapor.