I use FC default-wide, which has a dark background. I can read everyone's posts. If you prefer a light background, highlight the text area with your cursor and the missing text will show.I only caught a word here and there @silvercloud358 the rest of the message is blank. I hope if there is something important in between the widely spaced visible words someone with better eyesight will let me know.
I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
Yeah I really like this idea. I was suggesting turning out pick into similar tweezers. This would help with the oil jar lids, the oil jars, the spacers and still have the function of a stirring tool. We never really got that far with it though because we think the design of the spacer shouldn't require any extra accessories, but I really do like that idea.@Davinci_vaporizer
For removing the spacer, I am going to try and using an IC removal/extractor tool.
Very cheap to come by, the local electronic surplus store has them for around a $1.
I'm going to grind and straighten out (slight bend) the ends to accommodate the spacer holes size.
Being able to grasp the spacer using 2 holes might make it easier to extract.
Below is a picture of the tool, and I will report back with the end results:
We never claimed that these radiate heat. They retain heat and keep your load packed allowing for more surface area contact with the bowl throughout your session giving you more vapor production on a smaller load. We actually made it quite clear from early on that these are not heat radiators like the glass flowers, they are as the name suggests, spacers. The glass's heat retention is a bonus, but we really only wanted to keep your load packed with a smaller amount so you guys can stop using so much material. When I initially tested the spacer months ago, and I passed it on to another colleague to test I didn't pick up an Ascent again until I had another spacer to use. It was a night and day difference.MO since the spacers will not radiate using bottom as DV described
We want a way to help radiate heat in the bowl without using glass flowers.I like that you can also use glass flowers with it that way too if you chose to do so as the spacer is just a spacer. It will help retain heat but does not radiate heat through the bowl the same way the flowers do. Any suggestions for an addition that would help radiate heat to these?
We want a way to help radiate heat in the bowl without using glass flowers.
Right so the heat fills in the space where the colder material is, that makes sense. As you said though, the hotter you get the harder and slower that is to do, and this principle applies everywhere, not just the load. The resistance goes up on heating elements the hotter they get so the watts your heater pushes at the beginning of your heat up are significantly higher than the watts your heater pushes when you are moving from say 350-400, right?Pack a lunch. Radiation is not going to be a significant factor as I understand it. Radiation works on temperature difference like current works on voltage difference or fluid flow on pressure difference. Since the wall is basically the temperature we're driving too, the closer we get (smaller difference in temperatures between load and walls) the slower the heat transfers. Slower and slower as time goes on.
Consider, the only undisputed Radiation vape example we have (I think?), Bender from D9, only makes useful vapor when the hot side is HUGELY hotter (like over 1000 degrees hotter) than the load. "Glowing Red hot'. A few hundred, let alone the odd dozen degrees isn't going to feed the bull dog......it sure doesn't there.
It's a conduction game I think. And a fun one in that all the heat is put in before the hit. There should be alternatives to glass flowers, but their natural advantage in surface area and lack of packing voids are going to be hard to beat I think. I'd like to find a better conductor of heat that would be as accepted as glass.
Fun project.
The resistance goes up on heating elements the hotter they get so the watts your heater pushes at the beginning of your heat up are significantly higher than the watts your heater pushes when you are moving from say 350-400, right?
How do we then transfer this heat through the center of the load. We have a nice thermal mass going with this spacer the question now becomes, what is the most efficient way of dispersing that heat? Maybe radiation was a poor choice of words.
Intuitively this is how I would see it - even better than mixing flowers in the load. The devil would be in the implementation - how to easily pack around a spacer that was in the center. Sounds intractable. But the point about keeping the load against the chamber walls is why it seems placing the spacer bottom (holes) down would be better for very small loads. Wouldn't the glass then press the thin, tiny load against the hot ceramic bottom insuring the best conduction?When it comes down to 'what's the best shape for a single spacer?' I think we should think about where the reheat heat comes from (since it's the root source of the vaping), the walls. A spacer that blocks the walls can only slow the recovery I'm thinking? If we must, by design, confine the mass to one area I'm thinking having it up the center, preserving as much wall surface as possible to aid reheat might be the best configuration? Make the load sort of a 'squished square doughnut' but full height?
But the point about keeping the load against the chamber walls is why it seems placing the spacer bottom (holes) down would be better for very small loads. Wouldn't the glass then press the thin, tiny load against the hot ceramic bottom insuring the best conduction?
Darn. I assumed the bottom is heated but thinking it thru I guess with the holes that doesn't make sense. Still seems to work well with oil jars pressing the load down but the heat must be coming in from the sides. I can only imagine how well it would work with the load pressed to the sides. New, pricy accessory: a brass or ceramic cartridge that can be packed on the sides and inserted.I get it, except there's no heater in the bottom of the bowl.....only the walls are heated. What you suggest would I think make it real wispy and dog slow to recover since the only vape action you'd get comes after getting the insert back up to 400F.
For tiny loads I think a spacer (or maybe a couple sizes in a series?) that was thin as possible (avoiding being a heat sink and was basically cone shaped to force maximum contact with the walls would work best for most? Unlike the flowers it wouldn't contribute much I'd think, but it would hinder the show the least?
More testing and better answers coming soon I bet.
The list was submitted and there will be no more spacers shipping out for testing. We have a total of 16 people after we filtered the accounts with 0 activity and the people who submitted the info by the 5:00pm PST Friday April, 3rd deadline. The objective of this is to get some good discussion and information for a new edition of the spacers so we eliminated zero activity accounts. This is a gift to you guys for being so innovative and supportive
I think the bottom of the bowl becomes hot enough to conduct heat to vaporize when it's going, even if there's no wire passing there. @OF could you please let your Ascent run empty for one minute and measure the temperature difference between the bare walls and the bare bottom?
One thing is sure, you can burn yourself by touching any part of the bowl after use!
I get the theory but I also get (at least for me) ample enough vapor with a flat disc as I described, this is what I experience daily. I
So to me the difference must be that I'm taking very small hits perhaps in comparison with what you guys take. Or that I sip much more slowly and gently, I don't know.
Was I expecting too much thinking I would charge it load it it and get ripped?
Maybe vaping just isn't for me .
PM sent to you on March 27th with email address. no reply, called and was put on a list.
Any idea on wait time ???
Thank you
The objective of this is to get some good discussion and information for a new edition of the spacers so we eliminated zero activity accounts. This is a gift to you guys for being so innovative and supportive throughout it all!
Definitely not giving up but am going through a lot of product trying to get my technique down. Had a birthday joint with a friend the other day. Other than that it's been just my Ascent. Herb is coming out very nicely and evenly toasted which again leads me to believe it's something I am or am not doing.
Last session I sped up my draw a and it worked quite a bit better for me. Might be on to something. Will definitely be trying a spacer when they do go to market.
Definitely not giving up but am going through a lot of product trying to get my technique down. Had a birthday joint with a friend the other day. Other than that it's been just my Ascent.
I definitely felt my last session lol went straight to my head!
Thanks for all the help and support. It really makes a difference!
I have been putting the metal screen to cover the holes then two flowers stem up. Pack herb on that then two more flowers stem down in the herb.
I definitely felt my last session lol went straight to my head!
Thanks for all the help and support. It really makes a difference!
I also had been regularly placing a screen in the bottom. I now use a convection screen from the Haze vaporizer trimmed down to the size of the bottom bowl (it wedges into the bottom nice and secure, never falls out). I also will sometimes top with a cotton wick pad (others use hemp fiber) on top.
If you want some good rips with the Ascent pair it with a water tool. There are some great pieces in the cheap glass thread. I have a F-bomb and a D020, and I feel like they really help unlock the potential of the Ascent.
Welcome to the club and I wish you the best in fucking combustion.