Well-Known Member
I don't like using um makes a dam mess net resin on um carry a container with um and that's gets coated with crumbs and resin my buddy's unit has a few nicks on the lowers seal says flowers get wedged in their their pointy small and feels special when you drop um on the floor step on um I put oils n shatter in my the can drop in and crank it just with no lid they always come poppin off on me lids are useless Imo if I do continue to use it will be for reclaim n oils N maybe off shelf cheep herbs maybe if they where stiffer or stiffer with just tool hold so and the tool could be shaped so it can push the jar lid on and pull it out oh ya clean oil too no fine particle or find get a burn taste And don't work too good the pollen I get out of my grinder I heat n press it and it's usaly has plant mater so I drop it right in the bowl and don't seem to melt or make mess but got to know what yer doing I've dabed a tinny bit of shat or oil on the walls just enought to stick and not drip and keep it slight tilt but again tricky but get good results the next unit will have shortfalls erased I'd realy like to try a solo never have befor might be the next thing
Under the concept that larger surface area requires less energy to dissapate and
thus force ignition ,me has found forming @ 8 tiny pellets ( @ 0.05 g/ ea ) ,taking
out "2"levels ~ IOW ,1st load ground layer w/ bud ( @ 0.2 g ) ~ following w/ 4
pellets evenly distributed ,then followed w/ another 0.2 g ( being sure to tamp
down w/ a jar ) ~ Lastly ,another 4 pellets under last flower layer ~ soo ,all in all
@ 0.6 bud ,layered w/ @ 0.4 g wax/ shatter ~
Have found this type of load lasts @ as long as 5 hr charge can last ( verry
economical for sure )